German emigrant shows the way:

Open the DKB-account from Canada!

The opening of a DKB-Cash account has been worth to publish articles on DeutschesKonto.ORG several times already (see references at the end).

The application online via the Internet is normally also a convenient and problem-free matter, as long as the application has been made from Germany. However, the course is a little rougher, when the application form is sent from abroad.

DKB Visa Card in America

DKB Visa Card: great German bank account to Canada or generally for emigrants.

Account opening possible from Canada, but more elaborate

In this article, I describe formal hurdles that may occur at an application for a DKB Cash account from Canada and I show you how to solve them.

In the course, you will see that these industry-specific matter is not a sprint discipline, but is rather part of the category medium-haul. However, the good news up front: it is no marathon, despite the topological distance of several thousand kilometers between the two continents.

Brief glance at us emigrants

My wife and I live in Canada and own both nationalities. We receive monthly payments from Germany that are paid to a German joint account (1 account, 2 account holders). We want to easily dispose of the account from Canada.

The DKB-Cash offering matched our requirements and fitted well into our account portfolio with all its advantages.

The process of account opening from Canada

1. Filling the online-application

The launch of the three-week hurdle race began with a brave click on the button on the DKB website in order to open the account application form (► Open DKB-Cash (German application)).

The form was quickly filled with our personal data. The only particularity was the question about the German tax residency (steuer­lichen Ansässig­keit). In our case, we answered with “no” and immediately shown was a list of countries from which I could choose Canada.

The field of the Tax Identification Number (TIN, German: Steuer­identifikations­nummer) remained empty. On the one hand, I did not know this number, on the other hand, this was not a mandatory entry.

DKB account opening from Canada - Online Application

The online-application of the DKB can be easily filled. It is sent online. Printing is not necessary.

A week later we received an e-mail from the DKB with the forms of the necessary legitimating.

For this, there are two possible ways: within Germany through the PostIdent-coupon procedure, or from outside Germany’s borders through the identification form. Sure, only the latter option was worth considering, and so we have

  • let the identification form completely be filled by an employee of our Canadian bank,
  • created copies of our German and Canadian passports as prove of our dual citizenship, which I let certified in advance by our municipal office (Village Office), and
  • included a current copy of the invoice of our local electricity provider to the documents.

All documents were sent by our Canadian bank by mail to the DKB.

DKB PostIdent or Ident Form

PostIdent-Coupon (left) and identification form (right)

3. Inquiry by the DKB

The previously harmonic hurdle-run for account opening became a little rough by an e-mail of the DKB, because the submitted invoice copy of our electricity supplier lists my name and physical address, but not my wife’s name.

Other available invoice documents with the name of my wife only show our postal address, ie the P.O. Box Number, but not our registered address.

DKB Facta statement

Now, to make credible to the DKB that she does not really live in a P.O. Box, we were able to agree by phone to send a certified copy of her Canadian license (Driver License), which states her actual place of residence.

3.1 FACTA Self-Declaration

The “Selbstauskunft für natürliche Personen gemäß FATCA-USA Umsetzungsverordnung” (self-declaration for individuals according to FATCA USA Implementation Regulation) was the last hurdle to get to the joint account finish-line.

In order to preserve our medal hope, we only had to deny the two questions on the US state and tax affiliation in the according form.

By sending the FACTA self-declaration, we had reached the finish-line. Ten days later, we held our medals in the form of the DKB GiroCard and DKB Visa Card in our hands.

Account opening from Canada was completed within 3 weeks
(including the arrival of the bank cards in Canada)

Exemption from German tax deduction

Later, the first look at the monthly account settlement showed us that both the solidarity tax and a settlement tax was withheld from our balance interest on the VISA account.

DKB tax form

But since we have no residence in Germany anymore, we are not obligated to pay these taxes.

Therefore, we requested the form “Erklärung für Zwecke der Abstandsnahme vom Kapitalertragsteuerabzug” (Steuerausländer), Declaration for the purposes of exemption from capital gains tax) from the DKB. Filled and signed, we returned it to the DKB and we received a credit payment of the previously withheld deductions.

Supplementing articles about the DKB-account opening from abroad

About the guest author

Someone, who permanently lives in Canada since 2003. My name is Armand and I live together with my wife Ursula in Silverton, one of the smallest villages in British Columbia, at the gorgeous Slocan Lake.

Armand Lange

Armand Lange immigrated to Canada

It is one of the most beautiful places in Canada – “In the middle of nowhere, and the center of everything” – we enjoy our retirement here and operate our little guesthouse Nature’s Moments. Take a look at it here:

Our place is located 3 km south of Silverton, 900m high in the mountains and offers breath-taking lake and mountain views.

An ideal starting point for a variety of outdoor activities in the nearby Valhalla Provincial Park, Kokanee Glacier Park, Goat Range Park, or in canoe/kayak on the Slocan Lake. You can also let the timeless beauty of nature relax you in sensual leisure hours.

Tip of the editors

If it is easier for you to complete the legitimating through a video chat, you can ask the bank to send you the personal link for the WebID by e-mail.

As Armand wrote, the whole process of account opening starts with the opening and filling of the (► Online-account application).

Account application and online banking are only available in German language.

An account opening with a place of residence in Canada is only possible for German citizens, because the bank has its business area mainly in Germany. A Canadian citizen can open the DKB-account, if he/she has his/her place of residence in Germany. 😉

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