Video, country list and instructions “Step-by-step through the account opening“

Open N26 bank account online ► all you need to know!

This site will help you to open the free bank account successfully at N26 (former: Number26)! If you do not have an address in Germany or Austria, you will find an overview in the fourth part of the article, to which countries the MasterCard can currently be sent.

If you want to check all the important facts again before opening the account, it is recommendable to read our basic article about Number26 and then return to this instruction.

1. Video instructions: Steps of the account opening

Here I can open my new free bank account in only some minutes ►

6 things that you absolutely need for the account opening

  • an e-mail address
  • a valid ID-card or passport
  • a modern Smartphone
  • a good Internet connection
  • a webcam or camera on the Smartphone for legitimating
    (in Germany, also the PostIdent-procedure is possible as an alternative)
  • altogether about 15 minutes of time, until everything is done!

As it was frequently requested, we provide you here with a list of things you do not need for the account opening:

  • no minimum deposit or minimum cash flow
  • no salary payments or other proof of income
  • no address registration certificate
  • no visit of the bank branch, as everything is completed online!

May we start?

2. Open the bank account step-by-step

You can start the account opening with the device on which you are now reading this article. Go through this link to and then click on “Open Account Now” to initiate the application process of the bank!

Number26: Open Account Now

The account opening can be done using a PC, a tablet or Smartphone.

To legitimize yourself, you will later need a webcam or camera of your tablet / Smartphone, but that is in part 2 of the account opening. You can switch the devices during the process.

For me personally, it is easiest to make the account opening on the PC, as one can fill the online application fastest on the computer keyboard and can easily switch to the e-mail program to verify the e-mail address.

Part A: Fill the online application and confirm the e-mail address

The application for account opening at Number26 is remarkably short and above all, self-explanatory. That is why we will not explain each individual point in detail.

In summary, you enter your personal data:

  • name,
  • date of birth,
  • place of birth,
  • cell phone number,
  • e-mail address,
  • residential address and
  • the country in which you are subject to tax.

In the application process, you define your access data for online banking yourself (e-mail address and password), as well as a number code for the confirmation of transactions.

Additionally, you determine a secret number for the MasterCard yourself (PIN of your choice).

That is also the reason, why you only get one letter with the MasterCard from Number26. Most other banks send several letters in which the access data is distributed for security reasons.

Time advantage: At Number26, you can use the account immediately after the opening!

Part B: Legitimating via video chat

After you have sent the online application on account opening and have verified your e-mail address by clicking on the verification link, you can start with the legitimating.

At the legitimating, your personal data is checked. So whether you are actually you, as you have indicated. This is required by law.

Fortunately, you can do that at Number26 via video chat. After the application on account opening, you will be automatically forwarded to the legitimating. You can do it on the computer with a webcam or via the app on the Smartphone / iPhone.

The staff of “ID Now”, who makes these video chats on behalf of Number26, is available every day (Monday to Sunday and also on holidays) from 8-24 (CET).

Due to the persistently huge rush to the great and especially free bank account, there are sometimes waiting times of up to 10 minutes until an identification staff member is available.

The video chat takes an average of 3 to 4 minutes. You will be asked to read a few data from the ID-card or passport. Usually, the number of the identification document. Moreover, you confirm the address again, so that the bank card can be actually delivered.

Photos are taken from your identification document and your face.

After completion of the video chat, your new bank account is immediately opened!

Account opened, everything done!

Now you can log in the first time online to your new bank account. There you will see your new account number (IBAN).

The MasterCard is automatically sent to you by mail.

On request, you can get a second bank card (Maestro Card) for free. This can be ordered autonomously via banking app or online banking.

After you receive the MasterCard, this needs to be activated via the banking app before using it for the first time. You can find the instruction on the card that accompanies the letter. Very easy!

Congratulations: You are now N26-customer and can use the account and card in full!

“My best financial decision ever!”

… Start the account opening!

3. This is your new bank account:

Number26 Package

Left/Centre: you can use the Number26 account perfectly on a computer or on a Smartphone.
Right: you receive the MasterCard automatically and on request, also an additional Maestro-Card to the bank account free of charge.

4. Country list: N26

One can open the bank account with a delivery address – for the bank cards – in the following countries:

Country list Number26

4.1 Availability / possibilities of delivery of N26

Account opening possible Account opening soon to be possible Still no information on expansion available
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Iceland
  • Italy
  • Ireland
  • Liechtenstein
  • Luxembourg
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom
  • USA
  • already changed to the left column 🙂
  • Czech Republic
  • Ukraine
We will report on the development of N26 on this special portal! Would you like to subscribe to our service subscribe to our service (in German language) …?

4.2 Available languages

Available language Language soon to be available Language still not planned
  • German
  • English
  • French
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Czech
  • Greek
  • Polish
  • Russian
  • Slovak

4.4 With which IDs can one legitimate via video chat?

The easiest way – especially, if the account opening takes place from abroad – is the legitimating via video chat. The following overview explains, which identification documents are acceptable for the legitimating through video camera:

Country National ID-card Passport
Algeria Algeria
  • no
  • yes
Angola Angola
  • no
  • yes
Argentina Argentina
  • no
  • ja
Australia Australia
  • no
  • yes
AT Austria
  • yes
  • yes
BE Belgium
  • yes
  • yes
BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • no
  • yes
Brazil Brazil
  • no
  • yes
BG Bulgaria
  • yes
  • yes
Canada Canada
  • no
  • yes
CN China
  • no
  • yes
Colombia Colombia
  • no
  • yes
HR Croatia
  • yes
  • yes
CZ Czech Republic
  • yes
  • yes
CY Cyprus
  • no
  • yes
DK Denmark
  • no
  • yes
Egypt Egypt
  • no
  • yes
EE Estonia

  • no
  • yes
FI Finland
  • yes
  • yes
FR France
  • yes
  • yes
Georgia Georgia
  • yes
  • no
DE Germany
  • yes
  • yes
Ghana Ghana
  • no
  • yes
GR Greece
  • yes
  • yes
HU Hungary
  • yes
  • yes
India India
  • no
  • yes
IE Ireland
  • yes
  • yes
IS Iceland
  • no
  • yes
IT Italy
  • yes
  • yes
Ivory Coast Ivory Coast
  • no
  • ja
Japan Japan
  • no
  • yes
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan
  • no
  • yes
Kenya Kenya
  • no
  • yes
Kuwait Kuwait
  • no
  • yes
LI Liechtenstein
  • yes
  • yes
LU Luxembourg
  • yes
  • yes
Malawi Malawi
  • no
  • yes
Malaysia Malaysia
  • no
  • yes
MT Malta
  • yes
  • yes
MA Morocco
  • no
  • yes
Mexico Mexico
  • no
  • yes
New Zealand New Zealand
  • no
  • yes
NL Netherlands
  • yes
  • yes
Nigeria Nigeria
  • no
  • yes
NO Norway
  • no
  • yes
Peru Peru
  • no
  • yes
Philippines Philippines
  • no
  • yes
PL Poland
  • yes
  • yes
PT Portugal
  • yes
  • yes
RO Romania
  • no
  • yes
RU Russia
  • no
  • yes
SE Sweden
  • yes
  • yes
CH Switzerland
  • yes
  • yes
Serbia Serbia
  • no
  • yes
Singapore Singapore
  • no
  • yes
SK Slovakia
  • yes
  • yes
SL Slovenia
  • yes
  • yes
ES Spain
  • yes
  • yes
South Africa South Africa
  • no
  • yes
South Korea South Korea
  • no
  • yes
Thailand Thailand
  • no
  • yes
TR Turkey
  • no
  • yes
  • no
  • yes
UK United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • no
  • ja

The staff members of the legitimating department cannot know all identification documents of the worldwide 193 countries. Moreover, some countries supply their citizens with IDs that have too few or too difficult to recognize security features for the video legitimating.

If your ID-card should not be listed here, then you always have the possibility to legitimate yourself through the branch offices of the post in Germany (PostIdent-procedure). Also this procedure is free of charge for you. However, this is not doable comfortably from your living room. 😉

5. FAQs: Questions and Answers

a) When I have opened the account abroad, where can I withdraw money for free?

One can withdraw cash at any ATM that accepts MasterCard. N26 does not charge any fee for cash withdrawals. Thus, the withdrawals are free at most ATMs.

Only in some specific countries, such as the USA or Thailand, a direct customer fee has been established. This is charged to the customer by the ATM and is added directly to the withdrawal amount. N26 has no influence on this fee.

In Germany, there are also some savings banks that have established their own additional fees in the course of the competition fight with the online banks. Additional charges are always displayed before the withdrawal, so that you can still cancel the transaction.

b) How safe is my money at N26?

This question is often asked by people, who open a bank account in Germany from abroad in order to “park” money here.

The account balance is protected by law in Germany to 100 % in the amount of Euros 100,000. This also applies to the account at N26. If N26 should go bankrupt, the account balance will be refunded within a few days. In practice, you will be contacted, to ask you to which account it should be credited (transferred).

c) Is there a minimum age for account opening?

Yes. One must be at least 18 years old in order to open the account.

d) Can I open a joint account?

No. N26 currently only offers individual accounts. Similarly, one can currently only open one account per person.

e) Does N26 also offer business accounts?

Currently, 26 does not offer business accounts. However, there are freelancers and self-employed persons, who use the account for business purposes. Officially, it is not intended for this purpose, but in practice we know cases in which it works.

Further questions on the account opening?

We would be happy to answer further questions about the account opening or the clever use via the comments box.

Frequently read articles about N26 (former Number26):

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Who writes here?

Someone who gained experience with more than 100 banks in more than 20 countries during the past 15 years. My name is Gregor and if you click to continue you can find out why I am here and what this site is for ⇒ continue.

16 Responses to “Open N26 bank account online ► all you need to know!”

  1. Forrest says:

    very nicely explained. thanks! But is it possible to send Mastercard to a friend’s address as I don’t have address right now and I am looking for a room. I mean C/O Mr xyz?? Or will my work address work? Is it possible. Please answer both questions. Thank you.

  2. Ioanna says:


    My name is Ioanna and I am from Greece.

    I would like to know if there is a possibility to open a bank account Number26. Because I am not sure that still I am able to do that.

    Best Regards,
    Ioanna Kalampoki

    • Editorial Team says:

      You can try it, though our German community considers this account rather a “playing account”. Please don’t use it for any serious transactions.

  3. Marlena says:

    I am from Poland but i live in Malta.
    I would like to know if there is a possibility to open a bank account Number26.

  4. Frank says:

    I’m a German close to 60 years old but live in London/UK with my partner . Can I open an Account with you for my pension?
    Can I register with one of my family members address in Germany or do I have to be registered in Germany to open my account?


    • Editorial Team says:

      We’ve checked with N26, and they’ve confirmed that “you can receive your pension into your N26 account without any problems.”

      And: You will have to be residing in Germany or any of our supported countries to be able to open an account with them.

  5. Sara says:

    Good day. I live in Spain. I do not speak the language very well. How can I register? Can a friend help me during the video connection with the staff member or do I have to communicate personally with the staff member?

    • Gregor says:

      The good news: N26 can be ordered with an address in Spain.

      You can communicate with N26 in Spanish, English or German. The language can be changed easily within the app.

      However, you have to be personally visible during the video legitimating. But you can get help from someone.

      If you do not understand any of these languages at least a bit, then opening an account at N26 is probably not meaningful.

  6. Jack says:

    Hello. I would like to open an account at N26, unfortunately I have no registration yet and no tax number. Can I still open the account and specify this number later? How much time do I have for that?

    • Gregor says:

      Yes, that is possible. I do not know how much time you have, but it should be more than enough. The bank will send you a reminder.

  7. Henry says:

    Good day, I live in Ireland and have been trying to open account with N26 but the passport verification keep declining and I don’t know what to do. Pls can I be directed on how best to make the verification? Thanks

    • Richard Banks says:

      Yes, the legitimization via VideoIdent and passport is optimal and quick in 99 percent or more of the cases.

      But if it does not work, please contact the bank directly. As an external web portal we can not do anything there. Best of luck!

  8. tsur darabi says:

    I intend to live in Europe but I’m in Israel for the moment – can I open an account from here… ?

    • Richard Banks says:

      As far as I know, N26 is not (yet) active in this region of the world. In effect, this means that the bank does not offer an account opening process for this country. The account opening must begin in a country that the bank has declared as a “business area”. If you move at some later point (outside the business area) you can keep the account.

  9. gary says:

    Hi, I recently applied for a N26 account but made a mistake on the application, the process went ahead my iPhone was paired then at the verify your identity stage the process was refused, I can not reapply as I am half in and can’t log in, I have tried support but get a load of robots giving me stupid answer, has anyone any ideas thanks

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