Deutsche Bank for Personal, Private and Business Clients

Opening an account with Deutsche Bank?

Language change at Deutsche Bank

With one click, you can switch between German and English while banking online with Deutsche Bank.

On this portal we recommend the Deutsche Bank, especially in the area of immigration, because it is the only bank represented nationwide offering bilingual online banking.

English Online Banking

With one click, you can switch between German and English while banking online with Deutsche Bank.

In addition, the conditions are very acceptable, if you know how to properly use the bank and the account. You will find out how to do this on this page.

Advantages of a checking account at the Deutsche Bank

  • Online Banking (German/English)
  • Free Deutsche Bank card
  • Free cash withdrawal in several countries
  • Optional securities account
  • Open a bank account in the branch or online,
    Proof of identity in the branch or via Postident

For anyone 30 years and younger, the account is free of charge: (otherwise 4,99 euros per month).

Summary of the Advantages of the SparCard

  • Free cash withdrawal in 30 countries
  • Free cash deposit in Deutsche Bank branches
  • Interest on deposits
  • Further information on SparCard (link coming soon)

The Sparcard can be applied for without a checking account and thus no credit check will be completed by the Deutsche Bank. However, payments transactions (bank transfers etc.) are not possible.

Why Deutsche Bank?

For many people, the brand “Deutsche Bank” is sexy. Is it not a great feeling, to be a customer of Germany’s largest bank and to show it when paying with the Deutsche Bank card?

Granted: Good – sometimes even better – banking services are offered by other banks. But the brand is unique.

Deutsche Bank = a Strong Brand

In some areas, such as the option to switch between German and English at any time on the internet page and online banking, the Deutsche bank is unique. This feature makes it especially easy for foreigners and immigrants to learn and use the German banking system.

Likewise, the personal contact in the many branches in Germany is often used by people who are not so comfortable using online banking.

Free Cash Withdrawals

With the Deutsche Bank card, as well as the SparCard, it is possible to withdraw cash from thousands of ATMs in Germany (via the CashGroup) and in other countries through partner institutions in Italy, Poland, Spain, Hong Kong, USA, Great Britain, Kenya, Mauritius, Tanzania, Zimbabwe , France, Canada, Chile, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand.

Lift Toll Free cash at Deutsche Bank worldwide.

It is possible to make free cash withdrawals from Deutsche Bank ATMs or partner banks free of charge in the countries marked in blue.

Free Cash Deposits

Of course you can make deposits at any branch of Deutsche Bank to your own checking account free of charge.

Outside of business hours, the deposit machines can be used. This function is also available for holders of the SparCard. We are working on articles to let you know what meaningful possibilities this will open up,

Deutsche Bank AG · Main Contact

  • Taunusanlage 12
    60325 Frankfurt am Main
  • Telephone: +49 69 910-00

Open an account with the Deutsche Bank

Accounts can be opened at every branch of the Deutsche Bank. In most cases, an appointment is not necessary. The following are required in order to open an account:

  • An identification document (ID card or passport)
  • If necessary, a document which shows the current address
  • If an application for a credit card or a checking account with overdraft will be made, then salary slips are needed.

“Account with the Deutsche Bank”

Alternatives to a Deutsche Bank Account

  • DKB

    Based on the conditions DKB (Deutsche Kreditbank AG) is clearly better. DKB is a bank without branches, so sometimes it is not so easy to open an account with them. German language skills are required.

  • Postbank

    With many branches in Germany, the Deutsche Postbank AG is an alternative to Deutsche Bank. Opening an account can be done online or in the branch.

  • Onlinekonto of PayCenter

    Perhaps this is somehow an unusual offer: PayCenter is a provider, where you have to pay fees for the account management and account usage. This circumstance has an important background: the provider earns good money since years. It does not matter whether you use the account or not. That gives you two important securities:

    • your account won’t be cancelled, if you use it “too much” or “too little”.
    • account and provider remain permanently in this form (= virtually a guarantee of existence for the account).

    The account opening is possible with a place of residence in Germany or abroad. There is no creditworthiness check. No Schufa query. No Schufa entry. The account can be used as a business account (corporate account). Soon, the online banking will be available in English too. The account opening is possible within 2 minutes: See all information.

What experiences have you had with Germany’s largest private bank? Can you give a few tips? This page can be completed via the comments.
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150 Responses to “Opening an account with Deutsche Bank?”

  1. John Söder says:

    I would like to open an account to your bank. I live in Finland. Please inform me how I do that. Thank you.

    • Redaktion says:

      You can open a bank account at the Deutsche Bank in every branch in Germany. It is a good idea to make an appointment that a person has time for you. Take your passport and a document with your address to account opening.

      A bank card can be shipping at a German c/o address or to your home address in Finland.

      • Patcharin says:


        I am a new here in Germany and I would like to open a bank account at your bank. Could you please suggest me which type of account suits me best?
        I will need only for shopping, by foods or tickets.

        Thank you very much.

    • Messias Mandua says:

      I’m Messias Mandua, I had an account with your bank when I was a student in Germany. However its has been more then 10 years, without using, Could you please advise if is there a chance to reopen this account?

      Thanks in advance


    • Lusine says:


      Dear Collegues,

      I want to open current account in Deatch Bank. I am non-resident of Germany.
      And can I open it online?

      Thanks in advance,


      • Ashani says:

        I have to go to Germany for a job training in Germany. And I want to know it’s necessary to open account in German Bank for applying my Visa. If it is, what kind of account should I open?

  2. sharvesh kumar says:

    I would like to open an account in your bank from the branch in Malaysia. What are the requirements needed? thank you.

    • Redaktion says:

      Ask the branch in Malaysia, please. Our web portal is specialized for account opening in Germany. Not for local accounts in other countries.

      Over the branch of Deutsche Bank in Malaysia it is not possible to open a checking or saving account (personal banking) in Germany. Maybe there is a way for private banking. Ask the local branch, please.

  3. Pieter de Kock says:

    I urgently need to set up a blocked account in order to get a visa for Germany.

    I was an account holder at Deutsche Bank from September 2012 to September 2014, when I studied at the University of Leipzig.

    Can you please tell me how to set up a blocked account. I only find the details for Indian students to open blocked accounts online.

    • donna van der hoven says:

      My daughter will be going to study in Mannheim in Sept and we need to open a bank account for the payment of rent etc . Thinking of using Deutche Bank. She is 17. Are there any issues with open an account in her name ?

      Thank you

      • Gregor says:

        The Deutsche Bank is a good choice for a student account, as it

        • is managed free of charge
        • and the online banking is available in English language.

        In Germany, it is law that anybody from 18 years on can open a bank account. If one is younger, the parents have to agree (they have to sign at the account application).

        It is not unusual that 17 year old students come to Germany and need an account. So I called the Deutsche Bank to find out how you can do this best.
        However, it was impossible to get a definite answer from the bank this weekend.

        Therefore, I have submitted a written request at the bank and am waiting for the answer. As soon as I have a solution, I will publish it here.

      • Gregor says:

        Your question is for a current account, not for a blocked account, right?

  4. Pieter de Kock says:

    I refer to my previous e-mail.
    I am a South African, currently in South Africa.

    Thank you for your kind assistance.

    • Redaktion says:

      Ask the Deutsche Bank directly, please. Our online editorial has experience with personal and business banking. But sadly not with “Sperrkonten”.

  5. Tyrone says:

    I would like to open an account with your bank. The tricky part is I live in South Africa and will like an account in Singapore. I’m not sure if this is an easy task for your bank or not. If you guys are in a position to assist me promtly with my request please get hold of me ASAP.

    • Redaktion says:

      Sorry, that is not a specialized web portal for opening a bank account in Singapore. Sadly we don’t able to help. We are experts for banks in Germany!

  6. Monder says:

    Can I deposit money in my account in Germany at your branch in Qatar?

    • Redaktion says:

      Do you a client with personal banking or private banking? With a usually current account is that not possible. In private banking could it be a good idea to ask your consult. He or she could be organize something …

  7. Shay says:

    I would like to open an account/saving account at your bank. I will be in Munich in the first week of July. I live in Israel and I have a German passport. Please inform me how can I do that. Thank you.

    • Redaktion says:

      Do you sure that you want open an account at Deutsche Bank? If you are able to speak German and have an German passport, you can open over internet bank accounts at:

      • DKB (current account with saving and Visa card for free, legitimating works with WebID)
      • comdirect (current account with savings and Visa card for free), legitimating works with VideoIdent (this site is not translate, yet))

      If you prefer Deutsche Bank, than make an appointment in a branch in Munich. The account opening works there face to face. A saving card (SparCard) is for free. A current account costs minimum EUR 4.95 per month, except for students.

      Is our reply helpful for you?

  8. Hassan says:

    hy I am from Pakistan and i want to open an account in your bank kindly tell me the procedure and document requirements.

  9. abdelrak says:


    I would like to open an account but I am an American citizen. is it possible to do so in oerson in Germany, or is it only allowed for German Citizens?

  10. Shama Rao Kiran Kumar says:


    I am an Indian living in India. I have an offshore company registered in Hong Kong. Can I open an offshore account in Hong Kong being in India.


  11. Nette says:

    I have a business in Italy and I want to open a business account. What are the requirements for me to be able to an account as I am not a resident in Italy.

    Many thanks

  12. Ahmed Ali says:

    I would like to open an account
    I am live in Cairo -Egypt
    How can open the account on line ?
    can i send my money in Egyptian pound to Deutsche bank

  13. P King says:

    US Citizen wanting to open up a joint checking account. can you tell me how to do so, what forms are needed, documents to complete and can this be done on-line or do we have to go into a branch to complete the request? The US offices offer no assistance or direction.
    Thanks and look forward to your response

  14. Redaktion says:

    Okay, in the interest of our readers, we had to make a decision!

    The Deutsche Bank is a good, but not exactly the best bank in Germany. As editors, we are focusing on posting useful content of German suppliers that we think are better, such as:

    Therefore, questions about the Deutsche Bank are no longer answered by the editors. Dedicated readers are welcome to take care of this. Many Thanks!

  15. Hilary says:


    I am holding chinese passport, on a tourist schengen visa travel in Germany.

    what documents do i need to open a DB bank account in Berlin?

    wish you could help me out.

    Best regards


  16. Nabil says:

    We own a restaurant in Dubai, Lebanon and for our international franchise we would like to open an account in Germany . Would it be possible ? What are the requirement ? Do we need to translate documents to German language or English is ok? One of the shareholders will be German nationality

  17. Michael James Peterson II says:

    I would like to open a account for my daughter who lives with her mother in Lich, Germany. I live in the U.S. and want to be able put money onto her account for her to go out and do things.

  18. STARLITE L. ERFE says:

    1. We are carrying Philippine Passport, but our company is registered in
    Delaware, can we use the registration documents to open a corporate
    account Deutsche, Hongkong? Or we will be required to register it in
    Hongkong as branch?
    2. What are the requirements in opening a corporate trust bank account?
    3. How much is required to open a corporate trust bank account.

  19. Anusha says:


    I am currently in germany on workpermit. This expires on June 2015. But I want to open a blocked account for my student visa which I am going to apply in july. So I will be going back to India in July and returning to germany with student visa. I now want to open a blocked account when I am in germany. is it possible?

  20. DIM PANAGIOTOU says:

    I am a resident in Greece and wiuld like to open an account with Deutsche Bank in Germany. What should i do?

  21. Srijana Maharjan says:

    Hallo I am srijana Maharjan from Nepal. Now I live at münchen and soon I am transferring to Berlin. And I would like to open an account in your bank. Can you help me what documents are needed and its create difficult if I have chance my city.

  22. Fernanda says:

    I’m a brasilian and I’m gonna travel by the end of setember to study german in germany and I need to open a blocked account online for getting the visa here. How could I do it? Step by step, please

  23. Talal says:

    I reside and work in Saudi Arabia and I would like to open a bank account to deposit my savings. I’m heading to Switzerland on June 26. What documents I have to provide?

  24. kah haur says:

    Hi, im going to further study in german in coming october and i need to create an account in deutsche bank. Is it possible for me to create the account in malaysia and use this account in germany? or is a must for me to create my account over there? thank you

  25. Adeel Ahmed says:


    I am student living in Germany and I am 28 year old .
    I have junges konto .can u please tell me after age of 30 how much I have to pay per month.
    best regards

  26. Dimoka Polyxeni says:

    Iam a resident in Greece snd I would like to open an account with Deutche Bank in Germany. Please inform me if it is necessary to have my home address in Germany?I am currently Phd Student at University of Patras,Greece.If I Open an account I must pay the minimum costs 4.95 Euro per month?

  27. Abdullah says:

    Im a Pakistani and wanted to open an account in Frankfurt.

    What are the requirements for opening a current account

  28. Elena says:

    Hi!! I need to open an account for business purposes how is this possible??

  29. Dimitris says:

    Hi i am from greece

    You know the problem with economy of greece!
    we have a company here,
    can we open a company account in deutsche bank or any other bank in germany?
    and what we need?

    Thank you!!!

  30. Rony Chirayath says:

    hello Deutsche Bank,

    What is the minimum amount need to deposited to open an account in Deutsche Bank.

    Many Thanks

  31. ali alan says:


    i live in turkey and i am a turkish citizen but my country’s future is unpredictable so i will visit frankfurt next month for 3 days and want to open a deutsche bank account for 100000 usd. what documents do i need to bring with me? should i make an appointment in advance and what is your interest rate for usd for 1 year.

  32. Yang says:

    I have a Junge Konto of your bank, and since I’m turning 30 years old this Oct.
    I’m writing to ask whether it’s still free of monthly charge for me, because I’m still a Ph.D studentin Germany.
    Thank you!:)

  33. AMO says:

    I hold a UK passport and currently live in Dubai. I plan to relocate to Berlin in August 2016. I will visit Berlin in December and wanted to open a local bank account. I shall only have the use of my company’s address at that time.

    I want an account that I can use to transfer funds in readiness for when I arrive in August. This account will be used for salary deposits, to issue cheques for accommodation rental. deposit etc, ATM withdrawals, credit card use. Can you recommend a suitable bank and account type. Importantly one that can be opened prior to my arrival. Thank you. PS I do not speak German

  34. FromTheUK says:

    Hi, i’m from the UK and will be living in Germany for the next year, and need to open a bank account, can I open one online from the UK, with your bank ?

  35. Zoi says:

    I live in Denmark and I would like to open a bank account in your bank in Euros. Can I do that?

  36. Ruec says:

    Good afternoon. I need URGENTLY a confirmation of my Bank Accound in Germany for the Embassy of Kolumbien. I have sent the money and the Formular, and afterwards I have deposited more money (In total 5 months).

    I have asked for the Kontobestatigung numerous times by email and through the formular in your website (

    I have called, but no body helps me by phone. By now, almost one month has passed, and the Embassy is waiting and I dont have the Kontobestatigung in my email.

    My email is the Mail of this message, please contact me ASAP I need a solution.

  37. Bomching Maio says:

    Hi, I need help explaining the documents required for opening a student account at DB in Munich. I read that you require your passport and a residence confirmation. But it’s a little confusing since you can only do a residence registration after finding longterm accommodation, and concluding a rent agreement requires a bank account. Looks like a ‘chicken and egg’ case to me. Is it possible to open an account with only passport and short term accomodation address like hotels and hostels or maybe the address of my University? Please help.. Thanks in advance.

  38. Emilio says:

    I have a deutche bank in Italy and live in the UK. I have a mortgage in Italy for my family and need to pay money into the deutche bank to cover this? Can I transfer money from my nationwide UK bank account to deutche bank without charge or can I pay money into this switched bank to cover these payments? If so where can I do this?

  39. eminik says:

    How long it will take for DB to transfer my money from Germany to Macedonia ?

  40. mary ann says:

    Hello can I open non resident account here in malaysia? And how much need to pay for it?

  41. mary ann says:

    I had a friend he is from London he got cheque from maybank here in malaysia how much he need to pay for open non resident account?

  42. Raul B2. says:

    Best regard,

    Recently I have opened an Sperrkonto in the Deutsche Bank (Chemnitz) sending the forms filled by post, and now I need to deposit in there EUR 8.040.

    In my country there is not DB’s subsidiary, but in a few months I am going to travel to Hong Kong. Do you know if it is possible to deposit in cash, in EUR, the amount in the Deutsche Bank of Honk Kong, being I foreign Citizen?

    Thank you in advance for your response!

  43. Sunny says:


    Wish to open a saving account at Deutsche Bank in Malaysia in order for my son to study in Germany. Can I open with Euro currency Instead of Malaysian currency?


  44. Sunny says:


    Wish to open a saving account at Deutsche Bank in Malaysia in order for my son to study in Germany. Can I open with Euro currency Instead of Malaysian currency?


  45. Jasmin says:

    Hello, I have issued a closing account certificate to Deutsche bank from the German embassy here in Malaysia. I would like to know how Long does a block account takes to close down and how Long does it takes for the cash to be transferred to my account? Thank you

  46. Danielle Mosley says:

    Hello I was trying to apply for help with starting a account with this bank could you email me the information please. I need help buying a home in Florida and I also needed to start my owner of a douches bank thank you please respond back.

  47. amal says:

    Hello, i’m an israeli citizen, i want to open a bank account in deutsche bank for saving so i can buy a house in berlin in the future, what document do you need me to bring you????

    thank you..

  48. Damodar Humagain says:

    I have new company in Hong Kong. I want to open business account in Deutsche bank Hong Kong. If possible how can I pay bank account opening charges?

    I am wait your answer.

  49. Cupid Chen says:

    Hi, I am in Taiwan
    Am I allowed to open account with my BVI company with DB?

  50. fadi says:


    I need to open saving account in deutsche bank, but I’m outside Germany.
    Can I open an account by sent my documents and my signature online
    I will come to Germany for visiting but I need to transfer my many before I come


  51. Kamal Baharin says:

    I want to open an account with Deutsch Bank in Malaysia Branch. The account is for my own company for business use. My question is how much the minimum deposit required for the new account.

  52. Amine Hamed says:

    Hi,I am Tunisian and I recently got my Computer Networks Ingenieur Diploma, I want to get a Blue Card Visa, which type of account should I open? and what would be the procedure to follow so I can open that account from Tunisia and how do I do the transfer to that account. Thank you

  53. Neil says:

    Hi, I have a DB account in Germany. However, as a researcher, I will soon move to another European country and do not want to change my bank account. How should I change my address with Deutsche Bank, and will I be charged money per month for not withdrawing the Kontoauszug (bank statement) from the DB transaction machines (I will be unable to do it easily in other EU countries, unless DB has a large presence there.) ?

  54. Dimitris says:

    Hello. I would like to open account in your bank. I live in Greece is it possible with capital control
    Thank you

  55. Yvonne says:

    Is it possible to open a USD account with Deutsche Bank in Germany. I am relocating to Germany and would like to open a USD denomination account.

  56. Mohamed Amireddine TEGUICHE says:

    Regarding the “tax residence” option in the “Opening of a bank account/blocked account for foreign students” updated form, shall I choose the statement “I am resident for tax purposes in the following countries outside Germany” and fill in my country of residence and my Identification (I.D.) Card number? Knowing that I am currently living with my parents and I have no house of my own and neither a job; therefore, I am not subjected to paying the tax residence in my country and I have neither a tax ID number nor an equivalent personal identification number .

  57. Connie G Silva says:

    Hello, I live in the USA and would like to open an online account so I can use it while I go to spend 4 months is Lisbon, Portugal. Can I have my monthly stipend deposited directly into such account, and can I withdraw the funds for free at one of your branches in Lisbon? If not possible to open here in the USA, can I open it in Lisbon and then make arrangements for the deposits to this account, what type of documents are required and what is there a minimum amount to open checking account? If so, please advise the requirements etc.

    Thank you.

  58. Krishna Tripathi says:

    Hi, I wanted to open a current account in Hong Kong. I am an Indian and i have newly registered a company in Hong Kong. Kindly suggest how can i go ahead.

  59. Thomas says:


    I have an account already in Deutsche Bank as I was working in Germany couple of years ago. Now I got back to my home country (EU country) but I kept my account. Can I use this account for my savings if I’m not resident of Germany anymore (I’m EU resident though)?

  60. Ahmed taher says:

    I signed a request for a closed account in DB for my studies in berlin, but I received the following:

    ****** You will find the English version following the German. ******

    Sehr geehrte Dame, sehr geehrter Herr,

    am 10.06.2016 haben wir Ihren Antrag zur Eröffnung eines Sperrkontos für ausländische Studenten erhalten.
    Nach eingehender Prüfung müssen wir Ihnen leider mitteilen, daß wir das gewünschte Konto nicht einrichten können.

    Dieses Produkt bieten wir nur ausländischen Studenten mit einem Alter bis zu 30 Jahren an.

    Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis und bedanken uns für Ihr Interesse an den Leistungen der Deutschen Bank.

    What should be done hence?
    I have already paid the school deposit and the admission officer is surprised with the above email from DB.
    Is there any alternative or regular account?

  61. Sonia Astrid says:


    I need to open an account asap so that I can transfer money, in order to get visa for study. My class will start on 26th Sept, I have sent all the document last Friday, 17th June from Indonesia.

    I haven’t received anything from Deutsche Bank since then. How long does it take to open a bank account normally? And how can I follow up on this? Thank you in advance!

    • Adrian F says:

      Hi Sonia,

      I’m in the same situation as you. My classes start in early October, and I sent my docs to the bank on 26/6 from Malaysia… still no reply. From Deutsche Bank’s website, it takes around a week or more to open a blocked account, and you can send them an online form to follow up. I’ve tried that too, but also got no response till now. How are things going on your side now?

      • Gonzalo Betancur says:

        Hello Adrian.

        How long did it finally take to receive your documents? I am in the same situation now.

        Thanks a lot.

        • Adriana says:

          Hi guys, I am in the same situation. I have sent my documents on 22.07 and nothing. Any of have received any answer? I read that before the semester start it could last from 4 to 6 weeks. Thanks guys.

  62. Fahad says:

    I am 30 years old. Can I open account in 31 or 32 years age? Is there any age limit restriction or not?


  63. Renate H Kolb says:

    Can I open a Savings Account in Germany? I am Living in USA.
    I am German citizen with green card. Thank you.

  64. Stefan says:

    Good afternoon I have bank account in DEUTSCHE bank, I receive all letters with spar card and TAN code list and telephone banking code but I don’t have the pin for Internet banking how to request?? Currently I stay in us and my German is not so good!!

    Thanks in advance

  65. Huda says:

    Hello! I am a Canadian citizen and would like to open an account in Germany since I will be traveling. Which bank is the best option and can the account be opened while I am still in Canada or do I have to be in Germany for it? Thank you.

    • Gregor says:


      Regrettably, for foreign citizens it’s often not as easy to open an account in Germany like it is in Canada.

      The best German direct banks (which constitute the main focus of this special portal) have been very hesitant for the recent two years to accept customers from abroad. This is mainly the case for free-of-charge accounts with free Visa Cards. You can even withdraw cash (worldwide) with these accounts. Especially with customers from abroad, this leads to financial losses of the banks.

      On the other hand, there are current developments with providers of new accounts with account administration charges/activation charges, who make it easier for foreign customers to open an account as well. For example the Onlinekonto of PayCenter. They send the MasterCard to Canada as well. An English language customer service already exists. The statutory legitimization is supposed to soon be possible via video chat. Currently, this needs to be done via Deutsche Post.

      Viabuy is another provider, where you can easily apply for a MasterCard with account function. Currently though, they do not mail the cards to Canada.

      The (from our perspective) best account with card is the one of DKB, but this one is regrettably not available for Canadian citizens. The reason for that is that many German banks perform a credit check in case of an account opening. This makes it difficult for people from other countries, since they rarely have a sufficient “credit history” within Germany.

      Would such a Viabuy MasterCard work for you? In that case, only the problem regarding the address would need to be taken care of.

      Sorry that we cannot provide you with an optimal, easy solution!

  66. Marko says:

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I’m Croatian citizen, also EU citizen. Want to open DKB current account. Am I eligible to open current account at DKB. If yes what is procedure.Your answer is very important for me.
    Thank you and keep waiting for your response.
    p.s.I’m not German citizen.

  67. Michal says:


    I opened a Junge Konto in Deutsche Bank. I already received a debit card. Do i need to do something to activate the accound and the card?

    Thank you for your answer.

  68. Theo says:

    Good evening,

    I have moved to Nuremberg a month ago. I have found a job and in a few days i will sign the contact. So i need a bank account to get salary from my employer.

    The problem is that i am a Greek citizen and my ID is not accepted because birth place and issuing authority are written in Greek and not Latin characters. Everything else, name, surname etc are with Latin characters.
    How is that possible? I have used this ID to travel with aeroplane and passed airport security check all times without problems. I don’t have time to travel to Greek embassy in Munich so i can issue a passport.

    How can my problem be resolved?

  69. Anis Boudali says:

    I’m Tunisian student applying for studies visa in germany, I’m searching for the deutsch bank blocked account form and i couldn’t find it in the Embasy site,
    Can you send it to me by e-mail?

    Thank you

  70. Graham says:

    Good evening, we have a business account with Deutsche bank in London. Do you have any facilities for the paying in of cheques at other banking networks?

  71. Elena Dimitrova says:

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    would it be possible to inform us on the possibilities of opening an account at the Deutsche Bank, as we are a privet company located in Bulgaria.

    Our clients are mainly German companies, transferring money to our Bulgarian Bank account. However, this take up to 3/4 days until we receive the payments. This is why, we would like to open an account in Germany.

    Awaiting your reply!
    Elena Dimitrova

  72. Kamran Rad says:

    I own a import and export company in Canada,and i would like to open a electronic business account i Deutsche bank in Germany ,how and where i could get applications form to do so.
    Awaiting for you reply

    • Editorial Team says:

      Business accounts of foreign companies are solely opened at the local branches. There are no online forms for this. Deutsche Bank wants to meet the customer in person and understand their business – otherwise there is no account opening.

  73. Haruna Ozo Ngele says:

    Can I open a Deutsche bank account online without coming to your bank directly?

    • Editorial Team says:

      Yes, the Giro account can be applied for online. Visiting a local branch is not necessary. The statutory legitimization can be done at a post office.

  74. Rik says:

    I want to open an open student account not blocked one in Deutsche bank. What is requirement to do so.


    • Editorial Team says:

      The student account at Deutsche Bank is called “Junges Konto”, and you can reach it via the button/link in the article above. Simply start the account opening process online, that’s free of charge.

  75. Chan-Li Lin says:


    I’m a Taiwanese national travelling in Germany until July 2018, what are the types of accounts I should be looking at, and what are the requirements for each respective option?

  76. Anu says:

    Hi, I have an appointment on Nov 8 to open an account at Deutsche bank. I was wondering how long it takes for the account to open and start functioning after the appointment?

  77. keta says:

    Hey so I am a student and I made an Termin in Deutsche Bank on Monday 18.12.2017 to open a bank account. Could you tell me how much time does it needs to be ready cause I need it urgently 21.12.2017

    • Editorial Team says:

      Please ask Deutsche Bank directly. We are not Deutsche Bank. Usually, account openings take 1 hour at the local branch, on average – online 5-10 minutes.

  78. Anna says:

    I’m an exchange student already in Berlin. I would like to open an account with Deutsche Bank. What documents do I need and what is the procedure?

  79. Alireza says:

    I would like to open an account in your bank from the branch in my home country. What are the requirements needed and how long would be take? Thank you.

    • Editorial Team says:

      Foreign branches of Deutsche Bank only open account in the respective country. If you so wish, open a local account there. If you want to have an account in Germany, you have to apply for that in Germany – or online on the bank’s website.

  80. hojat says:

    What documents are required for the presence of a lawyer at the Deutsche Bank account holder?

    • Editorial Team says:

      Business accounts are an individual business. Please talk to the nearest local branch directly.

  81. Jim Soerensen says:

    Hello, I am a Danish citizen living in Thailand but travel a lot to Bulgaria on business – my Question:

    Can I open an online account with you and withdraw money at Deutsche Bank in Bulgaria ?

    Thanks for your help.

    Jim Soerensen

    • Editorial Team says:

      For an account opening, Deutsche Bank puts special emphasis on a residence in Germany. At this provider that’s different: An address or residence within the EU suffices. The mailing of the card can be done to Thailand as well. One gets a Mastercard, with which one can withdraw cash worldwide. Online-banking and customer services are available bilingually, in German and English. The account opening takes place online. The identity verification can be done online. Best of luck!

  82. Unit. R says:


    I have a Deutsche Bank account that I opened while I studied im Germany.

    Would I be able to use same account in the UK Deutsche Bank or do I have to make new account in UK?

    • Gregor says:

      As long as the account exists, you can use it worldwide. But it is a EUR account. Since you are in the UK, it might make more sense to open a GBP account.

  83. G says:

    I am a German citizen and I am looking for a bank where I can have several saving accounts under the same roof, and where I can do automatic transfers from my Girokonto (SpardaBank) on a monthly basis without additional fees.

    Any advice?

  84. batmunkh says:

    I am Mongolian. I need to open account in your bank in order to get student visa to study in Germany. Can you tell me how I can open it from Mongolia.

    • Editorial Team says:

      We are a private web portal, and not Deutsche Bank. You can only open accounts via the bank itself, and that is why they need to give you that information, and why they charge a fee. If we offered such an information service, of what value could that be, and how much would one be willing to pay for that?

  85. Varsha says:

    Hi there,

    I am australian citizen and resident. Can I open bank account with Deutsche Bank?

    • Editorial Team says:

      Deutsche Bank does not offer any account opening via internet from abroad.

      • Varsha says:

        Ok thanks for your reply. Can they open bank account in person. I am happy to travel as long as I can get account opened as foreign resident

        • Gregor says:

          I don’t understand why you absolutely want to have an account at Deutsche Bank. On our portal we introduce banks that are much more interesting and regarding which we from the Editorial Team can actually give information, because the opening processes are central and online.

          At Deutsche Bank, the account opening depends on whom you’re addressing how at the local branch. In case it does not work out the first time – which is possible – simply try it friendly at another local branch of the group. Best of luck!

  86. Alex says:


    I live in Hong Kong and might relocate to Germany.
    Can I open a saving account at Deutsche Bank in Hong Kong before moving?

    • Gregor says:

      We can’t say much about the Hong Kong branch, apart from them not opening accounts with a German IBAN. If one wants to have an account at Deutsche Bank in Germany, they actually need to come to Germany themselves.

    • Daniel says:

      Deutsche Bank does not have branches in Hong Kong, they only have their investment offices there. You can’t open an account there, not even withdraw money 😉 Just do it online

  87. Alberto Mezo says:

    Hi! I’m traveling to Germany in a couple of weeks, I want to know if it’s possible to open an account in Deutsche Bank. I’m from Mexico. Best regards

    • Gregor says:

      This does not work online. If you find a local branch that opens an account for you, you can consider yourself lucky. Our portal specializes on the online area, therefore we cannot say anything about single local branches.

  88. Hannah says:

    Hi there, I am going to Germany for the year next year. I want to open a Deutsche Bank’s account but I don’t know how to online. Could someone please send a URL to direct me to the website. It is very urgent.

    Thank you in advance

  89. Naneth says:

    Hi. I am from Philippines currently residing in Spain. I would like to open an account in this bank.
    I don’t have NIE id yet, but I have passport and the proof where I live.
    Is it possible for me to get an account on your company?

    • Richard Banks says:

      As far as I know, the NIE is a condition for an account opening in Spain. You best ask about potential alternatives at a web portal with a focus on Spain, or at the bank itself. Our focus is known to lie on Germany. Best of luck.

  90. Filip Grabowski says:

    I need to change the telephone number assigned to my account. Can I do it at any branch or do I have to go to “my branch”?

    • Richard Banks says:

      This is possible in any branch in Germany. You can also make such changes yourself via online or telephone banking.

  91. Aaron says:

    I have a newly registered company in the UK, and would like to open a Deutsche Bank Germany current account for this. Do you provide this as a service to help me open one?
    Please advise

  92. Ruan says:

    Good day,

    I am currently based in South Africa and would like to open a bank account (I’m a German citizen with a passport). Would it be possible to open this without being in Germany?


  93. WAEL Sami says:

    Hello I would like to open a bank account for my corporate which it’s registered in Hong Kong.

  94. Swad says:

    Is it possible to open a bank account without Tax ID and residential permit in Deutches bank? I am a new student in Germany (age 27). Due to Covid 19 it’s taking a longer time than usual to get my tax id. It is not mentioned anywhere of the requirements of tax id but eventually all banks are asking for it.

  95. Jhon says:

    Hello, I’m from Thailand. can I open saving or company account in Thailand ?


    • Richard Banks says:

      Sorry, our portal focuses on banks in Germany. As far as banks in your country are concerned, we cannot give any information.

  96. Iqra says:

    I secured admission in a German university for master’s degree program. I live in Pakistan and will move to Germany in September 202. I want to open a current bank account in Deutsche Bank Germany. Can I open it online from Pakistan before my arrival there? Or can I only open it physically present there? Thanks in advance for your precious response.

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