Open another free DKB-account
For most readers, it will be the 2nd DKB-account … however, the shown below also applies to the 3rd or 4th free account at the DKB.
If you not yet have an account, then open your first DKB current account ► here. If you potentially need further accounts, you already know that you start at the right bank.
At the DKB, you can manage several single accounts and several joint accounts (also with different persons at different residences) under one login.
You can additionally create authorized persons and also equip them with an online banking access and cards, depending on your needs.
How much does it cost?
Nothing. Except for your loyality towards the DKB 😉
That means: There is no requirement of a minimum use at the DKB. You can use the accounts or not; they will always be free of charge.
However, further accounts are only opened, if the already opened accounts are actually used. In the end, every account costs the bank money, even if it is not charging the customer. Agreed?
Instruction for opening another DKB-account
You can find the instructions for opening the first account here.
1. Log into your personal DKB-account
Link for you ►
2. Click through the menu
3. Again, take a look at all the advantages and then click on the button “Eröffnen” (open)
4. Decision: Open single or joint account?
In my case, I have decided for another single account.
Others perhaps decide for a joint account.
Advantage at the DKB: You can open several joint accounts with different persons. These persons do not have to live in your house. They can even live abroad. But no too weird cases. 😉
5. Tick the box
You do not have to enter your personal data again, because you are already a customer. You only have to agree to all conditions by ticking the box.
Neither an anew legitimating is necessary, provided you open a joint account with a person, who is a DKB customer too.
In the next step, you can confirm your selection (no photo).
6. Done
What’s next?
The DKB starts immediately and automatically with the evaluation, whether another account can be opened or not. For this purpose, a Schufa-query is made:
If you use the Schufa Updateservice just like me, then do not worry because of the note “Anfrage Kreditkonditionen” (query loan conditions).
This is a neutral query possibility in order to calculate creditworthiness-dependent conditions. You can gather hundreds of this type of query a year without affecting your score in any way. Well done, DKB!
After 48 hours:
Only 2 days after the online applications, I received an e-mail saying that the new account is completely set up and that the documents as well as the cards are in production and will arrive in the following days.
In the financial status of the DKB, the account was immediately visible:

The new account appears in the overview of the accounts. You will find out how to give it a more beautiful name in one of the next issues. 🙂
Interesting for some people: This new DKB-account has not been additionally entered in the Schufa!
Can another DKB-account be meaningful?
The reasons can vary and I would be glad, if you could write me your ideas through the comments feature at the end of this page.
Frequent reasons for a second account
- Division of personal expenditures from joint expenditures (joint account)
- Division of travel account and household account
- Division of hobby costs and normal living costs.
Please note that the DKB is a private customer bank for us and therefore, no division of private and business expenditures can take place. Some see a tolerated gray area for small sideline jobs, such as ebay-sellers and the like.
You can read about my personal occasion for the opening of a second account in the next Sunday mail.
Important to know:
If you have the “Aktiv-Status” (active status) on one account, then it is automatically on the other one too. The active status is bound to persons.
Trick: If you only have one incoming salary (or incoming transfer of 700 Euros per month) and arrange to transfer it to the joint account, then both persons have the “Aktiv-Status” – also on the respective single accounts!
For your safety:
No matter how much you use your DKB-accounts, they will always be free of charge – including all cards!
Thanks so much for this post. I was wondering if the information on the visa debit interest rate (0,2%) is still valid because I cannot see that among the benefits, so I think there is no interest any more. In that case, what would be the difference between having a second Girokonto or a Tagesgeld? Because neither of them seem to give any interest.
Yes Tina. The time of interest for us bank clients is in EU over. Sadly.