Bank-experts help in applying for personals loans at the DKB

DKB Loan: How to successfully apply

In this video clip, I will take you through the application process for the DKB loan of the bank called “DKB Privatdarlehen“.

While watching, you will learn how to successfully apply for a loan at the DKB and about the points, where you have to pay attention in order for the loan to remain as favourable as it is advertised for.

Information page:

Why I have chosen the DKB!?

  • Interest rate, fair and independent from the creditworthiness
    This means for you: The interest rate that you see at the beginning will have to be paid at conclusion.
  • Special repayments are possible anytime and free of charge
    This means: You can become debt-free faster, if you want.
  • There are no additional costs
    Pay attention that you do not book any additional insurances.
  • I am a happy DKB customer since more than 10 years
    This means for you that you can rely on my recommendation!

Please watch the video, before starting the application!

Understandably, there is no transcription of the content and tips mentioned in the video. This would make little sense, as it is understood much easier and faster, if you watch the commented process of loan application.

Information that you will need when applying for the loan:

  • Net income
  • if applicable, the amount of other incomes (increases the creditworthiness)
  • privately insured should state the amount of health insurance
  • amount of rent or, if you own a property, state the number of square meters of housing
  • if you already have a real estate financing, the amount of the monthly instalment
  • address and telephone number of the employer
  • … and, of course, the account information for the payout of the loan!

Are you ready for the DKB loan application?

“it is ready in 5–10 minutes!”

… for me, the fairest online loan !

Questions to the DKB loan?

Questions on the DKB loan (DKB Privatdarlehen) will be happily answered by me through the comments box. You are welcome to complement this page – for the benefit of all readers – with your experiences. Thank you for your commitment!

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Who writes here?

Someone who gained experience with more than 100 banks in more than 20 countries during the past 15 years. My name is Gregor and if you click to continue you can find out why I am here and what this site is for ⇒ continue.

18 Responses to “DKB Loan: How to successfully apply”

  1. Gaurav says:

    Hi Gregor,

    Will DKB offer loan to immigrants?

    I have an unlimited work contract with monthly income. I have EU Blue card residence permit till March, 2020. Does the repayment duration should be within March, 2020 while applying loan or Can I choose 60 Months as laufzeit?

    Could you please let me know how will both cases affect my loan application.

    • Gregor says:

      Hi Gaurav,

      The granting of a credit depends on multiple factors, especially the credit rating (referring to credit history, Schufa).

      It is true though, that no credit is granted for a longer duration than the duration of the current residence permit.

      Just give it a try and see what happens. Even DKB can only make a binding statement, once all information has been entered.

      In case it does not work out, one could still try a big credit comparison like here:

      Good luck!

  2. Teo says:

    When one fills the loan application, then the field called “DKB-Darlehensschutz” appears. This is an insurance, isn’t it? Should one conclude it together with the loan?

    • Gregor says:

      Yes, correct. It is a so-called residual debt insurance. This will stand in for you, if you die or are temporarily unable to work or become unemployed through no fault of your own.

      At real estate financing, such an insurance can be meaningful, however, at a manageable instalment loan it is often only an expensive addition. Consumer protectors frequently do not recommend to conclude an additional insurance to the loan. At my own DKB-loan, I have waived on the “DKB-Darlehensschutz” (DKB-loan protection) and have therefore saved money.

      By the way, the loan approval is independent from the conclution of insurances. Of course, it is a nice additional income, because you bear the risk by paying an insurance.

  3. Carlos says:

    Hello i live in malta and im german citizen, can i apply for a loan if i present my payslip and my taxes?

    • Editorial Team says:


      In general, yes, though the granting of a loan of course depends on several individual factors – but your residence abroad as a German citizen would not neccessarily be a hindrance. In order to apply, you would have to send the paperwork via regular mail, and the identification process could be done online via VideoIdent.

  4. Carlos says:

    Hi thanks for replying, i did applied for a DKB cash first online and i sent the requested documents. They havent got me back with the answer or if it got approved. Is this a good sign? haha

    Thanks for soon reply

  5. Mike says:

    Hello I am worker and I reside in Germany and I have a one year contract with a company and I have worked for three months but I need a loan and would that be possible

    • Editorial Team says:

      No bank grants a credit with a longer duration than the permit of residence. I guess that’s more or less self-explanatory. 🙂

  6. Priscilla says:

    Hi there,

    I have a credit in another bank but would like to get a credit from DKB to pay off my first credit, because the interest rates are better with DKB. In this case will be credit history have an influence on the amount of loan I will be granted? Is it possible to mention in the application the reason of my credit so that I can apply for the same amount as my first credit?


    • Gregor says:

      Yes, that is possible. In the loan application once chooses
      “Ablösung anderer Kredite” at “Verwendungszweck”. It might even be easier to obtain a loan in order to pay off already existing loans, because you as an applicant already did have a bank that was willing to finance you, and this would only be taken over. Best of luck!

  7. Priscilla says:

    Are there any credit processing fees when we apply for credit that we should be aware of?

  8. Sherry says:

    My loan is approved already today? How long would it take to be in my account?
    and later on, can I transfer this amount to my another account or take it out as cash?

    • Richard Banks says:

      When the loan is approved, it is immediately shown in the online banking – no later than the next day. There is another account, the credit account, in the online banking. This is running in as “minus”. The loan amount is paid in full to the checking account. From there, the money can be transferred to another bank or withdrawn using cards.

  9. Daniele says:

    Hi Gregor!
    I saw that if I apply for a 2500 Euro private loan, I will pay 210 Euro per 13 months, a total of 2730 Euro.
    There will be more expenses like interest or I will pay only these 2730 Euro in total after 13 months?

    Thanks in advance!

    • Richard Banks says:

      A good question, many thanks! Interest rates are the only costs in connection with the DKB loan. There are no fees beyond that.

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