My 11 reasons for gold and silver at BullionVault

BullionVault > Why this provider?

In the course of this article, you will see how and for what I myself use BullionVault. But first the reasons why I have decided on BullionVault:

  • Buying and selling
  • of the precious metals gold, silver and platinum
  • can be set up and implemented around the clock (including weekends and at night)
  • online,
  • at which the precious metals are physically stored (Good Delivery Bars)
  • in high-security vaults
  • abroad (according to one’s choice in Zurich, London, New York, Toronto or Singapore).
  • The transactions take place immediately or when reaching a certain rate (Limit-Order)
  • at absolutely favourable conditions (maximum of 0.5% of the volume).
  • The online menu and the customer service are available in 10 languages.
  • The account opening is easy and possible for private persons as well as Ltds.

Here you can already take a first look at BullionVault, before you continue to read ►

My personal history

Since the financial crisis year 2008, I have been operating in different roles within the precious metal branch.

As a journalist, I attended different conferences. As private investor, I participated in seminars. I was able to enter a high security vault in the Swiss mountain range as a good networker. I won several hundred per cent as a speculator – and also lost what I had gained. I built a very good financial cushion made of physical precious metals.

Built a well-filled treasure chest with precious metals

An important component of my investor’s strategy is BullionVault.

There is a wise saying regarding asset investment: Do not invest in things that you do not understand.

Regarding that, I have done the main part of my homework in the years since 2008. However, I am still learning more, almost every day.

My motto – also for the purpose of taking good care of my readers – is: Do not only understand in what you invest. Also take a look at the partners that you use for your investments. Therefore, I have flown to London and spent two days in the headquarter of BullionVault.

BullionVault London

First and foremost, I “grilled” BullionVault for me personally and my own investments. You can profit from that, especially if you are a participant of our program for asset generation, because we deal with BullionVault even more intensively there than on this introductive page.

How I use BullionVault

Upfront: There are several good ways to use BullionVault – from the securing of own assets up to the trading with precious metals. From me, you will only hear, how I use BullionVault myself, with my (own) money.

But: I am also interested in your experiences, strategies and stories. Please use the comments box at the end of the page to share them with us. Many thanks!

BullionVault as a reserve account

You know the story: There is an infinite number of advisors, who recommend depositing a certain percentage of the regular income or a fixed (goal) sum on a separate account.

This can be the reserve for unexpected emergencies, for house owners also the reserve for repair jobs (e.g. a new roof every 30 years). The entrepreneurs among us build reserves in anyway, in the best case, for different purposes!

If the reserve is not bound to a purpose and has to be at your disposal at a certain date, then it would be a darn pity, if it would remain in a savings account with lousy interest.

This especially applies, if you share my concern regarding the monetary stability over the coming years!

Gold and silver instead of a savings account

Build an asset from reserves

The trigger for opening the account at BullionVault developed indirectly from the idea of Alex “Düsseldorf“ Fischer. In his super-recommendable book “Reicher als die Geissens XXXXXXX” (Richer than the Geissens), he recommends the setup of a money magnet. I have linked the book on my ressource list.

On page 309, it says:

The setup of the money magnet: The setup takes up to a maximum of half an hour, and the money magnet will then be ready to operate. From then on, it will work parallel to all your activities.

Reicher als die Geissens

  1. Set up an account at a bank, at which you do not have an account or loan yet.
  2. Set up the online banking and then destroy the PIN and TAN. This way, you will never be tempted to touch the money magnet.
  3. If you have a permanent income (e.g. your salary), then set up a monthly standing order.
  4. Additionally, make a note in your monthly calendar (even better weekly) that reminds you to transfer 10% of all additional income to the money magnet as well.

[…] ► More information about the book (in German language)

Further in the book, he describes the type of power irradiating from such a money magnet and how this is connected mentally and generally – including the financial development, if one interrupts this money flow on purpose or accidentally.

Alex “Düsseldorf“ Fischer plans to never touch this money magnet (it is thought to train the “salary muscle” – a term that I have borrowed from Bodo Schäfer). Nevertheless, it had bothered me from the beginning to gather money on an account, when I know beforehand that the inflation will lessen its purchasing power.

What kind of a money magnet is it that is filled with monthly payments, but where the recoverability is threatened? Especially considering the huge monetary expansion of the central banks. Worldwide!

The concept of the money magnet – if you are interested, please get the book – is outstanding. I have only interchanged the savings account with the account at BullionVault.

BullionVault instead of savings bank

Therefore, I do not transfer regularly to a inflation-threatened savings account, but to my account at BullionVault. Instead of the “money value”, my money magnet has “material value” and still has the crucial advantages that matter.

What exactly I do, you can see in the next section.

Buying silver through BullionVault

  • Account opening at BullionVault

    If you need help with that, then I will create a step-by-step instruction.

  • Excel table and transfer template

    As my monthly income varies from month to month, I keep an Excel table, from which I can see at a glance how much I have to transfer to my BullionVault account at the beginning of the month.

    To implement the transfer fast, I have set up a transfer template at my bank with the bank account to BullionVault.

  • Immediate purchase and the setup of several Limit-Orders

    As soon as my monthly transfer has arrived,

    • I implement an order at the current rate (so I have a little more of the precious metal in any case)
    • and set up several limited buying orders for the remaining amount.

    With this system, one buys cheaper – in the best case – as if buying automatically at the day and therefore also at the rate of the incoming money, like it is otherwise the feature of a savings plan.

    Why do I write “in the best case”?

    The risk is that the rates are passing and one still has money on the account instead of precious metal.

    This is not much reason to worry, because if one takes a look at the charts of precious metals, then one sees that they show permanent fluctuations. They sometimes go up and then again down. In the long run, they go up, let alone because the banknotes lose purchasing power.

Screen shot from my account at BullionVault

So kaufe ich Silber via BullionVault

In the upper left, you can see my buying orders that wait for the execution (when reaching the given rate).
In the lower left are the already executed buying orders (limits were reached).
On the right, you can see the super-easy order mask.

Try BullionVault non-bindingly

I have really good news for you: You can try BullionVault completely free of charge and non-bindingly. You do not even have to transfer your own money, because you get 4 grams of silver as well as currency money at account opening as a gift.

At account opening, you get 4 grams of silver + money as a gift!

BullionVault Kontoeröffnung

Go directly to the ► registration.

Why does BullionVault do that?

The answer is simple: to acquire the right customers.

This is a clever risk-reversion that bears profits for BullionVault.

Would you transfer money to a provider of which you have only heard once?

In addition, would you open an account and fulfill all the identity and money-laundry rules? Quite an effort to find out, whether one likes the provider, isn’t it?

Opening of a test account (which is converted in the real one later on) only takes 1 minute!

Therefore, BullionVault offers the non-binding possibility to test the online account.

At the registration, you simply enter your name and your e-mail address. You also decide on a username and specify a password.

That’s it.

With the 4 grams of silver and currently 1 Euro, 1 US-Dollar and 1 British Pound, you can test the platform of BullionVault extensively and as long as you want. Because everything you do with small amounts, you can also do with big amounts.

How will it continue?

If you should not like BullionVault, then you just unregister. That’s it. Your time effort to find it out was manageable, and your investment was zero.

If you do like BullionVault, which applies to most of the new registrations, then start to transfer your own money (You will be given bank details in Frankfurt) and complete your legitimization.

Finally, a self-presentation of BullionVault:

Note on the use of other smart bank customers

I know from some smart bank customers that they use BullionVault as a strategic reserve. They have transferred between Euros 10,000 and 15,000 and bought gold and some also silver.

This precious metal is stored outside Germany (at the very top, you find the locations of the high security vaults) to favourable conditions.

If you should need to touch this strategic reserve, then the precious metal is sold online and the revenue is transferred back to the current account through bank transfer.

Good idea? Simple solution?

Being a smart bank customer, you are invited to tell us about your use and your experiences with BullionVault. We will also deal with BullionVault in our Program for asset generation (in German language).

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Someone who gained experience with more than 100 banks in more than 20 countries during the past 15 years. My name is Gregor and if you click to continue you can find out why I am here and what this site is for ⇒ continue.

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