Get a loan in Germany > without < bank!
Read about the exciting opportunity in Germany to get a loan of Euros 1,000 up to Euros 25,000.
Instead of banks, private investors or even funds (!) invest nowadays in this form of “investment”. You can find out how to invest yourself in the second part of the article.
Requirements in order to be able to apply for a loan:
- Main place of residence in Germany
Whether you have another residence abroad, how long you have been living in Germany and what nationality you have, does not matter! - Regular income
This is a matter of course, because it must be obvious that you are able to repay the loan in instalments. Unlike most banks, also income of the trial period (job change) or of mini-jobs are accepted.
Do you fulfil these requirements?
… then you can go to the website ► and apply for your loan or go ahead reading our page here.
Sequence from the application until the payment of the loan
State loan amount and purpose
Then you come to a page where you can see a loan sample. Loan sample, because your personal information and your creditworthiness rating (comparable with the credit history) is not yet known. The personally-tailored loan offer will be issued after the input of personal information.
Create a user account
Now create a user account; the first steps are the e-mail address and password. Then your personal information follows, so that a loan offer can be created especially for you.
Whether a loan can be granted and at what interest rate is ultimately decided by your own creditworthiness. In addition to your personal information and the Schufa, data is requested from other agencies, such as Credit Reform, Arvato and/or the “Bürgel” (company for economic information).
The loan offer
At the best of cases, you get one or more loan proposals. You have the option to accept or reject them.
If your creditworthiness is not good enough for the automated “Portfolio Builder”, which is the system where private investors automatically participate to give loans – but if is not so bad that you do not have any chance of getting a loan – then you get the invitation to describe your need for loan in the form of a “credit project”. The best way is telling for what you want to use the money and how you can ensure your repayment.
This credit project appears on the “marketplace”. There, investors can individually participate in the financing. The interest rates are generally higher than in the automated loan. However, there are realistic chances for a loan for self-employed persons or business start-ups. Of course, it depends on how convincing you describe your financial plan.
Identifications and possible upload of further documents
If a loan will be granted, the borrower must be identified beyond doubt. For this purpose, you can use the free PostIdent-procedure and, soon to come, the VideoIdent-procedure.
If necessary, you will be asked to upload further documents, such as pay slips or your tax bill.
Sign loan agreement and payment of the loan
The final steps are signing the loan agreement and specifying a bank account for the payment of the loan.
3–4 days from the loan application until the loan payment
If you hurry and implement all necessary steps immediately, then the period from the online loan application until the payment can be only 3 to 4 days.
This is how Auxmoney presents itself to interested parties for loans:
Details and frequently asked questions
1. Can I get a loan even if my bank has refused to grant me a loan?
There are many reasons why banks refuse loans. Sometimes, the loan amount is too low for them. Whether one is granted a loan of Euros 5,000 or 50,000: The processing costs are the same for a bank. However, in the second case, the bank earns 10 times as much.
For this reason, many German banks do not grant loans below Euros 2,500. At Auxmoney, one can get loans already from Euros 1,000. The repayment is about Euros 23 to 30 per month.
Loans from Euros 23 per month
Another reason could be a “bad Schufa”-rating (credit investigation company). Banks trust in most cases in the data source “Schufa”. However, the Schufa does not know enough about people, who live in Germany since only a short time or are relatively young. Few data at the Schufa result in a bad ranking.
Auxmoney uses the Schufa mainly as an exclusion criterion. Therefore, if the Schufa states that someone is in bankruptcy, then no loan will be granted. For the creation of the Auxmoney-Score, other bureaus, such as the Credit Reform, Arvato and Bürgel, have a higher weighting in the creditworthiness rating.
That means: even with a less good Schufa score, you still have chances to get a loan through Auxmoney.
Currently, the positive creditworthiness rate is at 50 per cent!
Every second loan request will be shown at Auxmoney and enters the loan granting process.
This is an above average value – especially when you consider that many people apply for a loan at their banks first and only browse the internet for alternatives, when it comes to a loan rejection!
2. Can I get a loan, if I am unemployed?
In 99 % of cases: No.
Investors want two things: interest and get their invested money back. Therefore, no loans are granted to people, who are either unemployed or have no income.
However – and this is the advantage compared to banks – loans for people, who are
in a trial period (for example, one needs a loan for the move and the refurbishment of the apartment, because of a job change)
low earners (for example, a student, who needs a car to go to the university and at the same time has a Euro 450 job)
are possible.
3. Can I get a loan being self-employed?
Basically yes.
Self-employed and freelancers often find it difficult to get financing at German banks. Even at Auxmoney it can happen that you do not get an immediate loan offer, but the invitation to describe your loan project and place it on the marketplace for investors.
This is a great opportunity!
Describe specifically for what you want to use the money and why this investment is meaningful. Write about how you are able to repay the loan.
Incidentally, this is also an ideal possibility for business start-ups to get an external financing.
A glance at the statistics: Each 11th loan that is granted through Auxmoney is granted to a business start-up!
4. Do I need a bank account in Germany to get the payment of the loan?
Yes, because the loan is only awarded, if you have your main place of residence in Germany and this usually includes a bank account.
Additionally, the monthly instalments will be deducted by direct debit from your German bank account.
If you do not have a bank account yet, you will find our overview of the 3 best online current accounts of Germany and a tip, if you prefer a Schufa-free online current account.
5. Who grants the loan?
Not a bank, as mentioned above. Lenders are private investors.
This starts with small investors, who are looking for an interest-strong alternative in the environment of low interest rates and participates, for example, with Euros 500 to a credit project, and goes up to larger firms and funds that professionally invest in the segment “private loans”.
The average yield in the creditworthiness rating categories AA to E is 5 to 6 percent per year, which is considerably more than a savings account interest rate. However, the risk is higher!
Auxmoney cannot do entirely without a bank – due to legal requirements. This is why the loan payment, as well as the debiting of monthly payments is done through the German SWK Bank. For this, there are currently fees of Euros 2.50 per month.
However, this only applies, if you are in the repayment phase of the loan!
6. Are there any other fees?
If you take a look at the website of Auxmoney and compare the information you get, if you sign up as borrower or as a lender, you will notice that there are different interest rates.
Borrowers pay higher interest rates than the investors get. The difference goes to Auxmoney. This includes all costs for processing and technology, employees, advertising and – yes – even the profit of Auxmoney!
Auxmoney indicates that it adds a fee of 2.95 per cent to each loan. This cost will be deducted from each monthly instalment.
Until the successful loan payment, there are no costs for you. Applying for a loan at Auxmoney is free of cost and risk.
No loan = no costs
Auxmoney has already paid more than 45,000 loans. Perhaps yours will be added soon?
7. Can I repay my loan ahead of schedule?
In this case, please contact the customer service of Auxmoney and they will work out individual options.
Basically, there will be a prepayment penalty, since private investors have invested in you and they have assumed that the agreements will be fulfilled as agreed.
Auxmoney for investors
A commitment in the area “private loans” is not comparable to an investment in call money. The yields are much higher. However, there is also a risk of loss. Specifically: If a borrower fails to meet his/her repayment obligations.
As a borrower of the creditworthiness rating “AA” is extremely rare compared to a borrower with the rating “E”, this is also reflected in the interest rates. You can also see this at the current statistics of Auxmoney:
In order to reduce the risk of loss, Auxmoney recommends to invest in many loan projects. For example, one can invest in 100 different loan projects with an investment of Euros 2,500, so Euros 25 each.
Auxmoney indicates that the loss rate on loans is below 3 %. The losses, as well as the 1 % margin of Auxmoney are included in the average yields mentioned above.
Who is interested in an investment at Auxmoney can learn more about it here ►
For example, you can invest in car-secured loans … or as Gerald Hörhan has told me in a personal conversation, “I have no consumer debt, but I invest in it.”
Who wants to apply for a loan at Auxmoney should use this link:
“Start a free loan application now”
Bitte nutzen Sie das Kommentarfeld am Ende der Seite für Fragen zur Kreditbeantragung oder auch für die Investoren-Anmeldung.
You are welcome to tell us about your experiences with Auxmoney through this way too. At best, this commitment will flow into further articles and instructions. Thank you so much that you are here on DeutschesKonto.ORG and we wish you good luck with Auxmoney!
Further articles about the subject loans on this special portal:
- Comparison through loan calculator
- DKB: How the loan is paid
- Successfully apply for a loan in Germany (being an immigrant)
Is it possible to get a loan in the amount of Euros 100,000 for the expansion of a business in the USA?
In this case, one should use “Sonstiges” (other) when choosing the purpose of the loan. The maximum loan amount at Auxmoney is currently Euros 25,000.
Moreover, it is important that the borrower has has/her place of residence in Germany and receives his/her salary in Germany. If it is no self-employed person, then most of the income should be from an employment relationship.
Is it possible for students (international) to get a loan in Germany, while studying and working part time only? ranging from 10000-12000 Euro?
It mainly depends on the credit check and the monthly income. In addition, the running time of the credit must not be longer than the duration of your residence permit
Is possible to get car loan for international expert non EU who works in Germany?
Of course, you just need to find the right bank. The simplest way is to use the comparison above, because then in the next step you will be prompted to enter your personal information. According to that, suggestion/ selection for financing banks will turn out.
How is it possible to get a loan for a start up business through aux money in the net worth of 65000 euros.
The first step would be registering at auxmoney. If financing by a bank is not offered immediately, one can choose “Marktplatz” (Marketplace). There, one can describe one’s project, and one or mostly several investors can participate. Not all projects find enough investors (lenders), which is why it is recommended to really pay close attention to the description.
Please is it possible for me to borrow € 30,000 in Auxmoney website instantly into my bank account easier?
I have a loan at Auxmoney and now I want to take another Euros 5,000. I have already received a positive answer, but a document that I should sign includes a power of attorney. When I took the first loan, I did not sign such a document. Now I am afraid of that, because I do not know how the bank can exploit it. Is it risky?
If you want, send me the document, so I can take a look at it. Good idea?
Hello, I work in Germany since 9 months. My contract will finish and will be extended again by one year in February. From February, I will get a net salary in the amount of about Euros 1,900, but now I need a car loan of about Euros 5,000. Do I have any chances? I can add that I have not taken any loan in Germany until now.
Yes, of course, you have a chance! However, I cannot promise that. You can find it out yourself by going through the online application and wait for the outcome. Good luck.
Hello, I already have a loan in the amount of Euros 10,000 at Auxmoney and since one year, I have been paying back on time. Is there a possibility to take another Euros 5,000 or maybe Euros 15,000 to make a debt rescheduling of the old loan?
Yes, that is possible and is called a top-up loan (“Aufstockungskredit”).
Auxmoney says about it, interpreted, “Log in here into your account. Then, create a new application, just like with your first loan project. Please note when entering your desired amount that your current loan will be replaced by your top-up loan. After you have entered your desired amount, please update your personal information. Only then, we can provide you with the best offer. Once you have done that, you just need to confirm your terms and we will prepare everything for a quick payout of your top-up loan.”
For a top-up loan, you qualify through your own payment history. Could all installments be duly debited? Then a top-up loan is usually easy to get. In total, the maximum loan amount is Euros 50,000.
Hello. I would like to describe my situation and would be very thankful, if you could give me an answer. Me and my fiancé have come into some financial trouble, because we have taken the unfortunate instant loans in Poland. We took a decision and we moved to Germany. We work together at one place of work and earn Euros 1,200 per person and per month. Of that amount, we spend Euros 150 for the apartment and for a living, so Euros 1,050 per person remain and we have no further costs. Until now, our salaries have been transferred to our account in our home country, now we have German current accounts, but separated, because we have determined that it is easier for us to get two lower loans rather than one larger. Since 3 months we are registered in Germany. We need two loans in the amount of Euros 10,000 each to repay all our debt in the home country. Is there any chance to get such an amount from a German bank or from private investors? Is it really so that it is faster and easier to get Euros 10,000 separately than Euros 20,000 together? I hope you can give us a good advice. Best regards.
This may vary from bank to bank. For example, in a bank branch, the supervisor must be asked for approval at a loan above a certain amount. But I cannot say much about that, because we focus on modern direct banks.
Whether a loan is granted or not is decided by an algorithm.
Every loan has fixed costs. These are the same, no matter if you only ask for Euros 1,000 or 100,000. It is a better business for a bank to lend Euros 20,000 instead of Euros 10,000 twice.
In addition, two persons are liable for a joint loan, instead of just one person at a time.
This is why it is better to apply for a larger loan together, in my opinion. I wish you success.
I am a UK citizen. I live, work and earn income in uk. Can I still get a loan/credit card and open bank account in Germany as non-resident?
No. Conversely, this exactly is not the way it works. It’s pretty much everywhere so, that you apply for a loan where you live and work and not anywhere else in the world. Pro-viders have wonderful tools to evaluate the creditworthiness of people in the country, but not in other countries. That’s the practical background.
Making a loan application with Auxmoney only makes sense if you live in Germany and earn income in Germany. Citizenship, on the other hand, does hardly play any role.
I’m a foreign student, and I have to renew my residency annually.
Since I’m a student I can work in part time jobs, and I currently have one.
How hard (or hopefully easy) would I get a loan of 9000€?
Would I have to finish the instalments within the year before I renew my residency? Or I can extend it knowing that either way my residency would be renewed annually?
And if I can get the loan, how long would the process be?
Credit agreements can not be concluded for a longer period than your right of residence in Germany. Nobody can know prior to the submission and examination of the loan request, whether an application for credit is successful or not. Just go online, try it, and see the result. Best of luck!
My husband and I are retired. Our income is €6000 net. We would like to borrow €4000 for a trip. We both are residents with living permits. Banks will not give my husband a loan as he is over 74.
Please see next/other entry 🙂
My husband and I are both retired. We have permanent residence permits to live in Germany. He is Swiss I am American. Our income is net to €6500. Our outlay is less than €2600. I have an unexpected trip to the States coming up. We would like to borrow €4000. Bank would not lend my husband money because of his age. He will be 80 this year. The Banker apologized said was ridiculous because he can afford it and good Schufa but bank cut off is 72. Bad Businesses Practice. Is it possible?
Bank have different criteria for granting loans. With Auxmoney – see article above – you are at a flexible marketplace for financing. Simply start the application process and be positively surprised!
I need €5000 for accident repairs to our car, insured Teilkasko.
My partner swerved to avoid a hare about 50 meters from where we live,
but Insurance Co. will not pay.
My problem is that I am 79.
My pension is derived from England, and paid to you account at the
Volksbank, monthly, in Euros,..€ 1400,+ depending on exchange rate.
Partner is a German lady, income…..€1200 monthly…Ex husband..
I have lived in Germany for ten years.