Open DKB bank account with instructions
Do you want to open the DKB account, but you are still not aware of all the details? Let us guide you through the process of account opening (Kontoeröffnung). Picture by picture, you will find the steps to open an account.
The DKB account is permanently free of charge!
Since the application on account opening is only provided in German language by the bank, we have translated the input fields and the main points that you have to tick. At the end of the article, you have the opportunity to ask questions on the DKB account opening. We would be glad to help you.
Step 1: Opening the Online Application
This link takes you directly to the online application ⇒
Step 2: Filling in the Online Application Form
Here, we have completely shown the application on account opening of the DKB bank account:
![Details of the person at DKB account opening](
Note: Input data about the person as stated on the ID card or passport.
![Marital status and nationality are to be selected](
Note: If you have a dual citizenship (doppelte Staatsangehörigkeit), you have to decide on one.
![Enter the address in the Account Opening](
Note: The address must be the one that is stated on your ID card or official proof (registration certificate (Meldebescheinigung)). The bank cards will be sent to this address. Later, you can change the banking address online by yourself.
![Specify occupation and income.](
Note: To apply for the VISA credit card and the amount of the credit line (Kreditrahmen), the information on occupation and income are important. Salary slips are usually not required.
The net income is the transfer amount of the income plus additional income that may incur, like a side job, annuities, capital gains, renting, etc.
Not in all, but in some professions, a new field with details on the industry will open:
![Specify your job](
Note: The bank wants to know in which industry you are currently employed and since when.
![Open DKB account - Question: as joint account?](
Note: If you want to create an account together with someone (joint account (Gemeinschaftskonto)), then set the pre-selection to JA (yes) and enter a second account holder (Kontoinhaber).
Click on weiter (continue), to go to the next page:
![small print in DKB account opening](
![account opening next site](
Note: In order for the DKB to process your account opening request, the setting of some check marks is necessary.
Click on weiter (continue), to go to the last page:
![Last page of the application: Open DKB account in English](
Note: In the upper part, you check whether your data has been adopted correctly.
• Then click on Antrag speichern (Save request)
• Then the account application will open with all contract details (you do not need to print it, as it is only an information for you)
• Now you can tick the box at Kontoeröffnung bestätigen (confirm account opening)
and then click on the button eröffnen (open)
• That´s it!
The PDF account application will open as soon as you click on Antrag speichern (Save request)
![Request for DKB account opening](
Note: The application does not have to be printed.
What`s next?
You have finished the application on opening the DKB account!
All data was transmitted electronically to the bank. In the next few hours/days, the staff – supported by computer systems – will check the application and inform you via e-mail.
Submitting documents, such as payslips, is not necessary in most cases. Similarly, the account application does not have to be printed and sent with your signature to the bank. The account opening request is valid without a signature. You have confirmed your intentions by clicking on the button. The opening of the DKB account is possible paperless.
The e-mail of the DKB includes the prompt for legitimating (ID check) and proposes one or more options depending on your place of residence. The common methods are the PostIdent or via WebCam. If you live outside Germany, the identification form (via bank, notary, lawyer) is still partially accepted.
“Open the DKB account now”
Questions about the DKB account opening?
Please ask your question on the opening of the DKB account via the comment box. Very many DKB accounts have been opened through this special portal and we are pleased to help you with our experience!
I’m an Australian (citizen), currently in Berlin (tourist visa). Once I had an account with PostBank, but they (the bank) closed that account in 2006, but I still have the SparCard that came with the account. I only had a few hundred euro in it that I withdrew in 2010. I’m mentioning this as it might help my case?
I would like to open an account is that possible? Given my bank history..? Or does it matter?
Warmest regards,
In case Postbank, you have to ask this bank. Our editorial office can’t help, because we don’t work at this bank.
How long do you stay in Germany with your tourist visa? Current you need as Australian citizen an address in Germany where you can get the post from DKB (PINs, Cards). The Bank will make a credit inquiry on this address and get in your case little or no information. That is not so good for a successful account opening. Because the DKB account is with a line of credit.
Maybe an account without credit line is also okay for you? A saving account is usually for free. But you can do a lot with that. We can recommend another current account with easy opening procedure for foreign people, who visit German … but you have to pay a fee monthly. Interesting?
You can try open DKB account first, you know DKB is one of the best German banks!
Of course – very interested! Please provide the details..
I’m trying to open a new account as my PostBank account was closed some years ago..
Thank you.
Thank you soooo much! Saved me on this one!
Hi, I’ve tried a few times to open a DKB account as instructed here, but every time I get a message saying I am not eligible. Seems to suggest that you have to be resident in Germany, Austria or Switzerland. I am from UK. Any suggestions?
It is correct that account openings from the UK were pretty easy until the 30th of June 2014. However, no account openings from Great Britain are currently possible. We really hope that this will change soon again and we will report about this on our web-portal.
What are the requirements for the account? Maybe we can recommend an alternative …
PS: If one has a German or Austrian passport, he/she can apply for the DKB-account from any place of the world, as these passports can be used for legitimating through video chat.
Hello again
I have been in touch with ComDirect who are very helpful and appear to offer a suitable account. Opening an account is not simple however – the identity form needs to be stamped by the Notary Public and them certified by an Apostille service. Total cost probably more than €150. Hmmm.
Any alternative suggestions?
That is an interesting option? You can make the identification for free with PostIdent in German post office, when you have a travel to Germany …
I also just tried to open a DKB account and had exactly the same problem as Jonathan.
Help please
Thanks for response, and sorry that DKB have changed their policy.
I am looking for a Euro account as I am working in quite a few European countries these days, with a debit or cashcard for use at ATMs. Also a linked deposit account for savings of around €60,000 which ideally pays a little interest (but probably less than 1%).
Okay, we will find an appropriate solution.
Earlier this year, a new provider started with a bank account optimized for smartphones (number26). The current account is free, the Mastercard too and even withdrawing cash from the ATMs.
2 Challenges
The other alternative would be opening a savings account and depositing Euros 60,000. Maybe in 3 monthly installments to show the bank that you are a “good” customer.
After depositing the third installment, you tell the bank that you are satisfied with the bank and that you would like to open a current account … the best bank for this is Comdirect (DKB is very similar) and how this plan works in detail, we have described here:
I am a Doctoral student/employee at TU Dresden and I failed to open a DKB bank account. It says I am not eligible but doesn’t say why. I earn more than 1000 euros per month and currently live in Germany. Any advices would be appreciated
Please confirm that is not possilbe to make account in DKB outside Germany, Austria and Schweiz !
“Leider konnten wir Ihrem Wunsch nach einem DKB-Cash im Rahmen unserer automatischen Entscheidung nicht entsprechen. Die notwendigen Voraussetzungen für ein DKB-Cash liegen gemäß Ihren Angaben nicht vor.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir nur für Kunden in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz Konten eröffnen. “
Thank you that you post this information again. We informed several times about this current situation and about opportunities.
so , what is opportunities ?
Why is it so difficult to open a German bank account, at a time when the European Union says that all EU citizens should not be discriminated against simply because of nationality or residence within the EU?
Paragraph 34 and 35
To open a current account over internet is not comparably with buy some shoes in online shop. We have experience with over 100 banks in 15 countries and so we can say: Germany is a good country for open a bank account and it is here easier as in many other countries.
The bank is allowing Austrian and Swiss citizens to open accounts, but not us Brits. That’s discrimination.
‘This refusal is only acceptable if there is sound commercial justification. Banks must not discriminate against any EU citizens on the basis of nationality.’
Not every British bank opened for a foreigner an account. What about it? That is normal. I don’t know any bank in UK where is that possible to open a current account like DKB.
Why do you don’t take a company where is this possible?
This online account is possible to open for UK people:
Hello, I’m Ivan from Serbia. Can I open DKB account online and can you send me later DKB Visa card by post office?
An account opening from Serbia without German ID documents is since 2014-6-30 not possible at DKB. Sorry.
OK. Can I open personally that account in Germany?
That is sadly not possible, because the DKB is a direct bank without branches for retail customer.
If your German is good, you can try to open an account at Comdirect: (it is similar to DKB) or an online account with MasterCard (it is a prepaid account, so it is easy to open)
Yes, but what about fees for a money transfers in that case?
Look at the terms … the topic of this page is DKB.
Thanks a lot! I have two questions though, do I need a Meldebescheinigung to open a bank account? Is there an alternative to a non-resident like me?
I’m an Argentinian, and even though I’ll be going to Berlin in June, I don’t have a residence. I’ll be renting a house through AirBnB, but that’s all. Would that work?
How long do you will live in Germany? You can only get a Meldebescheinigung, if you live here … some banks open accounts also for non-residents.
I won’t be leaving for too long, at least at first. Which banks open accounts for non-residents? How would the process be?
This question is not easy to answer, because it depends on the individual case (the personal circumstances and the country). It would be easier to make a list of banks that have the requirement of a residence in Germany.
The easiest way as a non-resident is to visit a branch office of the Deutsche Bank and to open an account there. The Deutsche Bank earns Money through the account management fees, so it is more willing to open an account. Additionally, the online banking is also available in English. This is usually not common in German banks.
Hi I am Dario,
I am Croatian (EU) living in Germany from September 2014 and passed my Probeziet having net salary around 2k. However, I have been denied to open the DKB account even though I have Meldebescheinigung. May ypi please let me know is there any chance to open DKB account or not? Thank you in advance
This showed on the screen:
DKB-Cash Prüfung
Leider konnten wir Ihrem Wunsch nach einem DKB-Cash im Rahmen unserer automatischen Entscheidung nicht entsprechen. Die notwendigen Voraussetzungen für ein DKB-Cash liegen gemäß Ihren Angaben nicht vor.
Ein zweiter Antragsteller kann sich positiv auf die Entscheidung Ihres Antrages auswirken. .
weiter mit 1. Antragsmaske.
That is sad. Sometimes we don’t understand the DKB. Do you want try the comdirect bank? The account is similar like DKB … but maybe it could easier to get the account + visa card.
I received the same problem and I just moved to Leipzig. Applied in Germany as it asked for.
However, there is a branch now in Leipzig. So, I can try at the Branch, hope that it will work out.
I’m in Leipzig too, and I can not complete the online form because I’ll start to work for the new company only next week (and you can not set a future data in the “employed since” part).
Do you had luck with their branch in Leipzig?
Best regards,
Thank you very much for your reply. Maybe it is becouse I do not live 3 years in Germany (since there is a question to provide address). I will wait and try maybe with ING Diba.
I have dual Swiss nationality, so this means I can open the bank account online with DKB even if i’m not in EU at the moment?
Please answer me
You can try it, but i guess the chance is very low. For swiss people in Switzerland, it is possible. For German citizens abroad also no problem. But what is good reason to open a free account for a foreigner in another country … from the perspective of the DKB! The bank don’t will do this.
Hi can you help,
I have set the account up, finaly got the skype call to go through (it rang out 10 times over the last few days with no answer) and now…. what ? Am I waiting for the bank to send me a pin ?
I cant log in because I dont have a pin no.
I need the bank account up and running I have bills to pay.
what do I need to do ?
Thanks Martin
Call the customers service with phone 03012030000, please. This hotline is 24/7 accessible. They will help you.
We are the makers of this website for smart bank customers, but not the bank self.
My name is Rob, and am interested in moving some money over to a good German Bank because it is more reliable than in the U.S. I used to live in Neuss, and in Dusseldorf for a while with my Oma and Opa. However they passed away and are laid to rest in Germany. I do have one distant cousin in Koln, But I’m not sure he would help me with this matter…. and I would like to keep my financial info private.
I am a U.S. Citizen, and never bothered to Apply for Dual citizenship. Is it possible to open an account from within the US? Do I need to go back over there? What loopholes are there being a U.S. Citizen?
Thanks for any assistance.
At the moment the DKB bank will open an account for US people if there have an address in Germany. The Comdirect bank is current more open-minded.
I am a US citizen living in Germany with a German address & Anmeldung. However, I can’t get an account either. It will only let me register if I check the box that says my visa is unlimited (mine is currently 2 years). Does that mean I can’t get an account either? Thanks!
Best is to carify the details of the account opening with the bank. As a special portal, we know that several hundred US citizens are customers of that bank. However, we know of cases, in which the account opening was not possible.
The address is important to perform the creditworthiness check. You chose a bank, the DKB, that sets up a credit line by default and thus checks the customer more in detail than banks that only offer a credit account.
Thanks for your response! I don’t think it was the address that they were concerned with–it seems to be the length of my residence visa. When I tell the system that my visa is limited, I get this message “Ein zweiter Antragsteller kann sich positiv auf die Entscheidung Ihres Antrages auswirken.”
So if I understand correctly, I can get a second person to verify my account. How do I do this and what type of second person can I get to verify me? Unfortunately I am not married to a German citizen and I am a Freiberuflerin.
Maybe ideas form this article are helpful for you:
Which documents exactly do I have to bring to Post Office for identification, besides Postldent-Coupon and personal document?
I have seen online that I have to bring PDF file that was created during my online application, but that file has 88 pages. Do I have to bring all of those papers printed?
Only PostIdent-Coupon and ID-Card / Passport.
Hi there.
This is a great article and the account looks great, I do wish I saw it earlier.
I have a question regarding the application.
I am British, working and living in Germany for the last 3 years. However I also own a flat which I rent out in the UK. Before changing the nationality to English it mentions the following:
Ich bin ausschliesslich in Deutschland steuerlich ansässig und besitze nur die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit (keine doppelte Staatsangehörigkeit).
When I change the nationality to British, it is asking for a tax ID. Which tax ID do I enter. Should I enter both the uk and German tax ID?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Mark, please state the tax ID that goes along with your nationality – in your case the UK tax ID.
Good morning
I have a question regarding opening an account. I am german, residence in Germany and UK and I consider to open an account.
I mainly live in the UK, can you send all my mail from DKB (PINs, Cards) to UK after opening account or would it be all send to the german address.
I would appreciate you help. Wish best wishes Siggi
Hallo Siggi, the DKB sends all documents worldwide. The new customer decides, by filling in the address initially, where the mail is sent to.
After the process of becoming a customer is completed, one can state an address of residence and if necessarry a separad the mailing address in the online banking area.
Good luck with the account opening!
Hi, thanks for the helpful article. I’m British and just moved to Berlin. Yesterday I completed the form online and the ID process via Webcam. Any idea how long it usually takes for a decision to be made? I need to start flat hunting asap. Thanks!
Hi! Sometimes it takes a few hours, sometimes a few days, depending on how much there is to do. Since the welcome papers are sent by regular mail, you might have to add 1-2 days to that time. There will be several letters arriving at different times, with each the cards and the PINs.
Hi, this website and thread make very interesting reading but I can’t quite work out the action needed to open a simple German current account.
I’m helping my English student daughter to open a German bank account as she is working/ doing her placement year in Leipzig from October 2016. She needs a simple basic current account to pay say 600 euros per month into and then draw rent money etc. DKB looks a good option but I am worried she will not be able to complete the application process completely from her English domicile.
Can anyone give any advice on this issue please?
Thank you and kind regards
Hi Philip.
Yes, that is right. The opening of an account with an english domicile is not possible: The DKB is a bank with its targeted market in the German language area (Germany, Austria, Switzerland).
The application of a new account only makes sense, once the move to Germany is done, respectively a local address is available.
Ok that’s clear thank you. Are you aware of any other options with other banks please? There may be no alternative but to book a cheap flight and visit Leipzig to conclude all clerical actions but this will add to cost that, as a student, she would struggle to afford.
We appreciate your help and timely response.
I moved to Germany 2 months ago with blue Card and I opened an account with VR Bank. When I asked for a credit Card, the answer was negative because i don´t have “a permanent residence Permit” despite its availibilty until 2019.
I´m wondering if DKB will accept to open an account for me and give me the Visa Card since I didn´t reach 6 months yet for the SCHUFA Evaluation.
In any case, is there any other recommendation for a bank account in my case with a fixed monthly income?
Thank you very much.
Hi Maximus,
neither we as a web portal nor the bank can say that in advance. The decision regarding your credit Card is done by the bank, once she has all information regarding the applicant. The application for a bank account as such is without risk – you cannot not lose anything, only win. Good luck! 🙂
Thank you for your answer. I will probably apply for DKB as I have nothing to lose like you said 🙂
Just a Little update about VR Bank, I really don´t appreciate their lack of transparency… Because I´ve asked for a prepaid credit Card, the Consultant denied having such offer, when I sent the link of the Card published on their own Website, the answer changed to: “Yes, we have that Card published, but it is not possible for now, please contact us after 2-3 months”.
Update for General feedback, my application for DKB got rejected. Of course no justification, but in my opinion, it´s one of two reasons (or both):
– Limited residence Permit (despite 2019 availibility)
– No SCHUFA Information yet (only 2 months in Germany)
Thank you for this article.
I went to the post for the post identification. At the end the clerck refused to include the coupon that DKB sent me via e-mail. Despite my remark she insisted that it is not needed and did not include it.
Is this normal specially that it contains the reference number of the application?
Thank you.
no worries, the post office clerk did it correctly. The coupon the bank has sent you is basically only the “admission ticket” for you, and it tells the post office that the DKB is paying for the cost of the identification process.
The actual identification form comes directly from the post office. We hope you’ll enjoy your DKB account!
Thank you very much for the clarification.
I didn’t receive any feedback yet from DKB and I’m afraid I did a huge mistake… In fact I applied twice: The first time I made a mistake when writing the place of birth. So I didn’t know what to do and I applied a second time.
Basically I ended up with two emails with two coupons but different references. And I don’t know if DKB will know the reference of the correct application and proceed it or they will just reject both when they receive the identification documents.
A quick feedback, at my surprise, the application was rejected. Yet, I’ve sent them all the needed documents that they might ask for:
– Copy of working contract (Unlimited)
– Residence permit (Valid 3 years and half)
– A payroll
– Abmeldung
I can’t really understand and I don’t know what I am missing for a successful application at the DKB…
Sometimes, it is strange. Sorry, for that! Do you know the Comdirect? The account is very similar to DKB.
Thank you for the answer, yes I know about Comdirect but ready your articles convinced me that DBK is the best bank around Germany.
I have a question if you don´t mind: With the PostId I used my foreign passport, do you think it would Change anything if I use my residence Permit as an identification document? (after all, it is an official German document)
Thank you.
A residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) is no identification document. One always has to submit an identity card (ID card) or passport. The type of document does not affect the examination of the bank, whether an account can be opened or not. It is a pity that it did not work. I wish you good luck with another bank or at a later point of time.
Thank you for the article. Does opening the account through miles and more give any higher chances specially for bzw comers to Germany that did not accumulate enough Schufa entry?
Thank you.
I will study in Germany and need to open a German bank account from Thailand to deposit money into in order to obtain my German visa. Is this possible?
Saldy not with this bank.
Could you please let me know if the online backing page is available in English?
If yes, how can I access?
Sorry, there is no english version of online banking at DKB.
okay, then I´ll survive with Google tractor while improving my Germany. Thank you for the prompt feedback.
PS – Great supporting website, congratulations.
Hello, I am an Israeli citizen with Romanian citizenship (=european) and I need a european account in order to receive money I earn from online trading I do.
Is it possible to open an account in DKB, without having to leave my country? Can it be opened and managed completely from abroad?
Are there any minimum requirements in terms of amount of money necessary?
Does such an account carry any commissions (specifically on money transfers to Israeli banks?)
If not, can someone recommend on other banks (european, UK, or others)?
Thanks a lot!!
Hello! Such an account opening is not possible with DKB. Maybe you would like to have a look at Viabuy. This might be a possible solution for you. Good luck!
I’m in Australian that is living and working in Berlin, with a working visa and a residence permit (Anmeldung). I applied for a DKB account online and went through the webID verification process and had my identity verified. This was almost two weeks ago.
Should I have expected to receive any email confirmation from DKB regarding when my cards and account details will arrive by mail etc.? Also, when would this stuff get posted?
If you have not heard from DKB for a while, that is actually a good sign. The welcome mail as well as the cards are sent by regular “snail mail”, and to Australia, that’s a long way. DKB hardly opens any free accounts for foreign citizens living abroad anymore. That is hardly a business model for a bank – other than maybe for the purpose of investments of assets ;-).
Did you hear back ever? I am in the same boat and wondering how long it will take.
Is it possible to open a DKB account without SCHUFA check? I thought it was possible when about a debit account (no credit) but I see in the application you have to authorize them to check it.
At DKB – as with most German banks – a SCHUFA check is mandatory.
For our readers with have listed here two providers that forego the SCHUFA check.
Hello! I successfully opened a DKB account yesterday, and verified everything, but I haven’t heard anything from the bank. Do you know how long do the cards and the rest of the information take to be sent? And when will I have my credit card?
I also wanted to thank you, since without this website I wouldn’t have been able to open it!
Many thanks for this great recognition – this gives us a boost for the further development of instructional guides and support! 🙂
In most cases one will get an email from DKB within a few hours, saying this:
Translated this means:
Within Germany, the first letter arrives within 2-3 days. For security reasons, further letters with access information, cards and PINs will be sent separately and at different times.
Does this help? I wish you much enjoyment while exploring the new possibilities!
I have the same problem as I applied for a DKB account (with a German address) and completed the WebID check successfully, but since then haven’t heard a single thing from DKB – not even an email. I sent them 2 emails asking about the next steps to open the account, but got no responses. Is that normal?
And thanks so much for having such a helpful and informative website and support!!
This is of course not how it is supposed to be. Generally, the welcome letters should come within a few days, and the e-mail even much sooner.
We as the editors here do of course not have any insight in procedural data, so we’d like to ask you to phone DKB directly. That way, the customer service can check the current status of the account opening. The telephone number is +49-30-12030000. The service hours are around the clock, 7 days a week. 🙂
Can I open an account if I made Anmeldung already but haven’t received confirmation from them yet? They said they would send it to me in 4-8 weeks, but I need an account now for my salary.
Another thing – I currently live in another address from my Anmeldung. Which address should I enter in application?
Hello! You can apply for an account anytime – if it will be opened/accepted is a different question. As explained above, free of charge Giro accounts at German direct banks are only granted after a successful credit check. If one is still rather new to Germany, this sometimes can be a challenge – especially if one changes one’s address often. Frequent changes of address is not a favorable mark in the credit check.
State the address, under which you are registered and where you can receive mail. This has to be the same when you apply for the account. Later, once you are a customer, you can update your address yourself within the online banking and even state a separate address for your mail to be sent to. After all letters pertaining to the account opening have been sent, DKB does not send any more “regular” mail – until the card approaches its expiration date.
Good luck for the account opening!
PS: In case it does not work out, you can find account possibilities that do not require a credit check here: – but these are not free of charge … “There is no free lunch” 🙂
Hallo guys,
The site is great and hopefully you can help me too. I am a Greek citizen currently having an joint account with Commerzbank. Nevertheless the bank charges me maintenance fees of 35 euros per month which I find to be a lot. I am in Berlin for business and I will stay here till Wednesday. What would you recommend me to do and in which bank should I head to? Commdirect sounds easier but do you rate these banks lower than Commerzbank and db?
My first choice is DKB, and I know that many readers of our portal are quite happy with them as well.
But it is also clear that not everyone can get the account, because German direct banks perform a credit check before the account opening.
As a foreign citizen on a short business trip in Germany and without a German address or German credit history, an account without credit check is often a better choice – but for that one has to pay account fees (but 35 EUR monthly really is too much). With this online account it’s 9.90 EUR per month + a one-time setup fee. The card can be sent to Greece, and the legitimization is done via Deutsche Post. You could manage that until Wednesday.
An alternative is the opening of an account at a local branch. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t – that always depends a bit on the business direction of the bank. Good luck!
Good day
I am currently living in South Africa and attempting to open an account through the online questionnaire, however at the end of the questionnaire I am faced with the following response:
“Leider konnten wir Ihrem Wunsch nach einem DKB-Cash im Rahmen unserer automatischen Entscheidung nicht entsprechen. Die notwendigen Voraussetzungen für ein DKB-Cash liegen gemäß Ihren Angaben nicht vor.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir nur für Kunden in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz Konten eröffnen.”
I will be moving to Germany on 28 December and would like to have an account arranged by then.
Please advise how this is possible?
Please advise w
Hello Paul,
Just as it is not customary for South African banks to open an account with a credit line via internet, when die applicant’s residence is abroad, it’s not customary for German banks, either.
Like the bank has written to you, they see their target market in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. You can apply for an account, if you live in one of those three countries. Please keep in mind that it is customary for German direct banks to perform a credit check, which for you is free of charge. About 65% of the interested people pass these checks and get the account. All others have to look for a different provider.
Alternatively, there are accounts/cards with account fees like PayCenter or Viabuay. The Viabuy MasterCard can be applied for and issued completely, in case you have an address in Germany. In that case, the card can already be there, when you arrive.
I work in Switzerland and will soon make a sabbatical (language course in Germany). Term: January until end of July 2017.
During this time, I won’t get salary payments from my employer.
Do you think that it will work with the account opening anyway?
Many thanks for your valuable information and recommendations.
First of all, the good news: with a place of residence in Switzerland, one can apply for the account opening no matter the nationality. German citizens can open the DKB account from anywhere in the world. Besides Germany, one can also get the account with a place of residence in Switzerland and Austria, because the bank regards the German-speaking area as extended business area. However, it does not advertise the free account outside Germany.
To get the account – it is a free current account with credit card and credit line after all – it requires proof of income and creditworthiness. Completely clear: withour income, the account cannot be opened. This does not make sense from the perspective of the bank.
Please apply for the account at a time in which you dispose of an income. Proof of it must only be provided in the rarest cases. If you live from your savings during the sabbatical, then this is your income.
I wish you good luck with the account opening and discovering the possibilities of bank and account!
I am an American citizen and I will be a visiting professor in Germany and I need to open an account at one of the local banks. I have contacted ING-DiBA and I was told that they do not offer a Girokonto to the foreigners. I will be in Germany for 5 month and I will be getting a regular salary from the university. Any suggestions about what I can do before arriving in Germany. Or should I wait until I will be there and start the process when I am already in the country?
Thank you,
I live in Germany, I have resident here. I am currently unemployed and get money from Jobcenter until I finish my language course. I tried opening the bank but it cancels my request when I am done with everything. Saying I don’t meet the requirements. What can I do? I want to open a DKB Bank cause I don’t have many ATM in my village. Is it still possible?
For some readers, this article about how to successfully open a DKB account and avoid three frequent mistakes, might be helpful:
But one also needs to know that not every customer is compatible with every bank!
DKB is a bank that issues a real credit card, and for that a sufficient credit score and income is necessary. Who really wants to become a customer of this bank might have to first improve their credit score/income. Best of luck!
How long it takes DKB to send a card? I am planning to travel to another country in Asia (in 2 weeks), and a credit card will be helpful. I am not a German citizen but living here from past 3 years on student Visa. I also work as part-time researcher and never had a credit card before.
Currently there is an increased amount of applications at DKB, so that you actually should calculate a duration of about 14 days, until all letters, cards and PINs have arrived. It’s possible that you will not be able to use it for the upcoming trip, but only afterwards or for the next one => Best of luck, and here’s to hoping that it will work out on time!
Hi, I currently bank with Commerzbank but I am looking to change. I want to know the following – is there a method by which all existing direct debits paid through Commerzbank be automatically transferred to DKB? Can transfers be made online to other countries such as Spain, Ireland and England? If so is there a charge for such transfer? Finally, should we require a loan in the future, for example to purchase a car, can this be facilitated by DKB. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Yes, depending on which feature you use from a bank, a change might be a very good idea!
DKB offers an account switching service. You can find a summary about what is included in this service, and what not, here: (This article is only available in German – as is, btw. the DKB online banking.)
Actually, DKB offers pretty good loans. As a giro account customer you should not only be able to get financing more easily – since the bank knows you already – but you’ll also get an interest rate that is better by 0,25%!
Best of luck for your account change!
I have just registered for an account but it did not let me write c/o for the address. I am afraid that without this, any mail sent to me will not be left at my place.
Thank you in advance for your help,
Yes, that is correct. A bank always wants to know when opening an account, where the future customer actually lives. It should always be the officially registered address, since credit checks are also performed with this address. The first mail will be sent to this address as well (in order to check whether if the address really exists and one can receive mail there).
If you live in a sublease, please add your name on the mail box for those two weeks it might take.
As soon as you have access to the online banking, you can enter a different mail address (a c/o address as well) under “Service > Adresse ändern” (service > change address).
I am somewhat confused by all this. What I want to do is open a German Bank account, to deposit and withdraw my own money. This sounds more like it is for opening a credit card account. I merely wish to be able to transfer funds. I will be apartment hunting in Leipzig, and will need to have a German bank account. I am a dual citizen and currently hold both American and German passports.
I say I am confused by all this, because in the US, all that is required to open a bank account is to make a deposit.
It might be so that other countries simply may allow themselves their own rules? 😉 Apart from that, for people outside the US there is no possibility to open a US giro account via the internet. Best of luck, and enjoy discovering life outside the States. 🙂
Hello there,
First of all, I’d like to congratulate you for a very helpful and detailed website on german banking!
I have been living in Germany for over 4 years now, and I am seriously considering applying for a DKB account, but I do have some questions which I’d like to see answered, before sending my application, if I may. So here it goes.
1. If I understand correctly we are now entitled to a virtual VISA card which we can use for getting interest,is that correct? Is that automatically given or do we have to apply for it?
2. Can we easily move money from that virtual card to the current account and vice versa within the homebanking? Same with the real VISA card? How long does each transfer take?
3. Is is true that widthdrawals are limited to a min. of 50eur?
4. I will make the DKB current account my main account (i.e. my wages will be monthly transferred). Does that mean the plafond of the visa card and the overdraft facility of the current account will automatically be increased to twice the amount of the wage after the first payment or do I have to request it?
5. On your personal experience, do you reckon a 97.05% SCHUFA scoring would be sufficient for admission?
6. Last but not the least, even though I have been here for 4 years my german is still very insufficient (English in work… you know :)). Do you reckon this to be a problem during the enrollment process? I read somewhere that they will call you to ensure about you german profficiency? What is the point of this and how could this affect the acceptance? Do they require other documents from my side, apart from their own bank history checking?
I think that’s it. Thank you very much in advance!
1) The virtual VISA card can be requested additionally as soon as the account is opened. It is called “DKB-VISA-Tagesgeld” (i.e. DKB-Visa-overnight/day-to-day-money).
2) The transfer can take a few hours, maximally one day
3) This applies to withdrawals at the ATM
4) The credit line can be a maximum of three times the monthly salary. If there is no automatic adjustment after the second payment, please request the increase manually via the online banking
5) The Schufa score is only a part of the credit assessment. But at this height it is already very good!
6) Basic knowledge in German is useful because the contract language is German, the online banking as well. Since you reside in Germany it is unlikely that you will get a call from the bank regarding the account opening. You will receive an e-mail.
Enjoy exploring the new bank!
Hello, I’m a dual USA/Italian citizen living in the USA (I was born in the USA and only got my Italian citizenship recently). In the future I may decide to live in Italy or elsewhere in the EU. But I would like to open a bank account in Germany now, since German banks are more stable than ones elsewhere in Europe, and because I do not want to keep all of my money in the USA. Is there a German bank that will let me open an account either from the USA or Italy? And which offers English support?
Hello. DKB would be just the right bank for such a plan, if the dual citizenship included German and one had at least a basic understanding of the German language.
In our Sundaymail we are going to inform about alternatives during the course of this year. That much in advance: German Banks are not too eager regarding customers from abroad – so one needs to find smart solutions.
I am a Canadian, working in Austria, Vienna .
As a consultant, all my fees since 1 year have been in local Austrian bank. I also work out of Dusseldorf a few times per month.
I would like to move my earning from the Austrian account to DKB.
Could you advise
a) if canadians working in Austria can open account at DKB.
b) Are there online foreign currency exchange rates provided with DKB ? and/or better rates than conventional banks?
c) I currently have home addresses both in Germany & Austria
as long as your respective permit(s) to live in Austria are still valid for at least another 12 months, your Austrian address as such should be no hindrance regarding a DKB account.
Hi and thanks for the instruction,
I have 2 questions:
– The first regarding the address: recently, I moved to my girlfriend in Germany. I did not make any registration tasks at the authorities yet. Do I have to make my new address “official” at the registration office in order to be able to apply for an account? Or would my name on the mailbox be sufficient?
– Second question regarding income: As I have quit my job in Ireland, I do not have an income. However, I have saved quite a lot of money in my Irish account, so would this be enough for the creditworthiness? I could make one or several bank transfers every month and look for a new job at the same time?
I thank you very much.
The name on the mailbox is important, so that the letters can arrive during the first days after account opening.
The provable place of residence in Germany is also important , because one is asking for the address during the legitimating procedure. This is stated on the backside of German ID-cards. At identification documents without place of residence stated, e.g. the Irish passport, one must be able to prove the address in another way. Often, the “Meldebescheinigung” (registration card) is queried, because this is easiest and safest.
Sometimes it is enough, if one states the address verbally (PostIdent-procedure) or through another document, like e.g. the electricity bill. Whether this is accepted or not, depends on the employee. The “Meldebescheinigung“ is 100 % safe!
Stating the address is important, because this affects the creditworthiness check. The address can be changed later in the online banking or one can create a separate shipping address. . The status “Ohne Beschäftigung” (without employment) is not a good point of time to apply for the account. In the end, it is an account with a true credit card. The banks asks for the monthly income at the account application, but not for the wealth.
If you are sufficiently wealthy to live from it, then you could enter “Sonstiges” (other) at the “Tätigkeit” (employment) and at “Aktuelles Nettoeinkommen pro Monat in Euro“ (current net income per month in Euros) the amount that you want to transfer from your foreign account to the DKB. The actual incoming money is not checked by the bank. However, if you have more than Euros 700 per month incoming transfers, then the premium conditions will remain also after one year ?
Good luck with the account opening!
HI, I am very interested in opening an account and ready to do so. I live in Germany but I would not like to receive documents at home … is everything online? if so, I open immediately. If you need to send something, then any chance to use the company address?
thanks for your reply!
Hi! In order to obtain a DKB bank account, you have to state your personal address, and this is where all the paperwork and the cards are sent to. Having those sent to a company address does unfortunately not work.
Ok,thanks! Only the paperworks at the beginning or also other documents later?
You can change your address later, but not to a company or third party address. It needs to be yours.
I am a Polish citizen and I have just moved to Germany, I have all the official papers: Meldebescheinigung, Steuer-ID, Rentenversicherungsnummer also Germany is my tax residence. I also have a job here, but I have no credit history (just started), and the automated evaluation process has rejected my application for a DKB personal account, is there any way to open an account at DKB at this point in time for me?
Many thanks for the answer!
On the rejection notice re. your application you should see a link “Fragen zur automatischen Antragstellung” (questions regarding the automatic application). This leads you to the option of printing out your application, which you can then send to DKB by regular mail, where it will be checked again by an employee, which at the very least will give you the chance to learn the reason in case of another rejection.
One tipp: If the Schufa (the organization that “oversees” your credit history in Germany) does not have you (as a new resident in Germany) in their files yet, it might be a good idea to go to their website and try to obtain your own Schufa record. By doing that, even if it turns out they do not have sufficient information about you yet, your name and basic information will probably get into their data base as a first step for your official credit history in Germany. Best of luck!
Hi I’m a Swiss citizen who will move to Berlin in the next month from the UK. I’m keen to open up an account with DKB, but I don’t seem to be eligible at the moment.
Do you think that I have a chance if I manually submit my request? I have a signed contract of employment that I can provide as proof of moving. My main concern is that opening a bank account vs. finding an apartment seems to be a chicken and egg problem. You cannot do one without having the other. Thank you in advance for your feedback.
Generally, it is not a chicken/egg-problem, because in Germany you can almost always transfer the rent per single transfer or standing order. You can do this from an account abroad. With TransferWise you can even do it accurately to the cent and with great conditions.
For a credit check at account opening, DKB requires the addresses of your residences during the recent two years. The current address needs to be in Germany, Austria or Switzerland – otherwise, an account opening does not make sense from the bank’s point of view, because it provides you with a free-of-charge credit card incl. a line of credit. They do not do this when your residence is abroad, because they do not grant credits abroad.
As a DKB customer, you get a lot of things free of charge – but that is not simply a nice gift 😉 – in order to be able to provide these services, DKB has to make money with their customers banking activities, e.g. the use of their card (the retailer pays payment fees) or the use of the line of credit.
With DKB you have chosen one of Germany’s best direct banks … the account opening is more difficult here due to the credit check. In order to be such a top bank, the bank needs to „pay attention“ – also in the interest of all their existing customers – whom they accept as new customers.
There are of course providers who do not perform a credit check. Here, opening an account is easy. Their business model is earning money via the account fees. Maybe this would be a viable interim option? Alternatively, you can simply wait until you have arrived in Berlin and have your residence certificate (Wohnsitzanmeldung).
Hey there,
I am a French citizen who’s frequently traveling to Germany. Bank cards given in France don’t seem to be working in Germany so often, so I would like to open an account for this purpose at the DKB, which seem to be a great bank from the feedback around on Internet.
Nothing says I can’t open an account from France in the AGB or on their website (there’s even France in the form to state up your address).
However when I contacted them for questions, they twice told me this:
“vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage.
Im Rahmen unserer geschäftspolitischen Ausrichtung haben wir uns entschieden
nur für Kunden aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz Konten zu eröffnen.
Wir danken Ihnen dennoch für Ihr Interesse am DKB-Cash und wünschen Ihnen
für die Zukunft alles Gute.”
Are you aware of this, or is this really recent?
Kind regards,
Hi Xavier,
That’s right: DKB see their target market in Germany and those contries, where German is the/an official language, i.e. Austria and Switzerland. Therefore, you can apply for a DKB account, if you live in one of those three countries, though of course you will still need to pass a credit check.
I am an Australian Citizen with a residence permit in Germany. I am working and living in Germany (meaning I have German address). When tried to open an account received an automatic rejection.
Would you by any chance know what would cause and what is the resolution?
Is your residence permit unlimited? Otherwise, this might be a possible reason. Also, if you have not been in Germany for long yet, you might not have had the opportunity to establish a sufficient credit history. But these are only possibilities, we can of course not give you a more specific answer.
Thank you for your reply,
My guess is since as you mentioned I don’t have any credit history here (no Schufa record if I’m not mistaken), I receive this immediate rejection. I have tested it with permanent residency permit as well with no luck, hence credit history is a big deal here.
Do you know how this credit history can be sorted?
[Update] Our article about SCHUFA might be of some help here:
As a first step, it might be a good idea to check your SCHUFA score or – if you are not even in their files yet – to get in there. If you go to the SCHUFA website, there is the possibility to download a form (in several languages, with which you can ask for your current score: Link
Once a year, you can do that free of charge.
Best of luck!
First of all, thank you for the information!
Secondly, I am an Israeli citizen, stay and soon working in Germany with a Visa. I want to open an account, but at the moment don’t have a German Tax ID number, only my Israeli one.
Can I input my Israeli Tax number now, and later on change it to the German one?
Thank you,
Yes, that is possible!
The statement regarding the country/countries where you are taxable is mandatory. The statement of the tax ID in the account application is optional and helps afterwards with the correct allocation.
When applying for the account, simply state the foreign tax ID and leave the field for the German tax ID empty.
Best of luck!
I am trying to open an account now, but there is something that is not described here and I don’t know what it is:
Bitte geben Sie nachfolgend Ihre steuerliche Ansässigkeit und die dazugehörige Steuer-Identifikationsnummer (TIN) an:
I appreciate your help with this.
The bank ask for a German Tax Identification Number. If you don’t have one, that let this field empty. The application process runs without this number. 🙂
Can I change language to English in app and internet banking?
Understanding the German language is a requirement for an account opening at DKB. Like most German banks, they offer their services (customer support, internet banking, app) only in the German language.
With this provider, account opening, communication and internet banking completely in English is possible: – snag: The terms are far from as good as with DKB!
I moved to Germany in August last year, sent an application for a DKB account in December and it got rejected. It also shows up in my SCHUFA as “Anfrage Kreditkonditionen”.
Can I try applying again now after half year? Or should I give up on DKB and look into comdirect and ING DiBa for a credit card?
I already have a Deutsche Bank account but for a credit card they want to charge me 10€ per month.
If it has not worked out with DKB, one can try the account opening at ING-DiBa. Here is the link for the instructions: – both banks use different assessment criteria, so there is hope 🙂
Of course one could also try it again at DKB. Now, five to six months later, would be a good time. Best of luck!
Guten Tag,
I’m an Australian (citizen), currently in Bingen on a (tourist visa). I’m looking at relocation at the moment to live with my German partner.
I would like to open an Bank account whilst I’m in the process of doing this is that possible? I am Australian passport holder
Best regards,
You can always try for an account opening, but you should state your address here in Germany, where you are sure you can receive mail during the next 2-3 weeks.
Maybe you are lucky. But if it does not work out, don’t be disappointed. DKB usually does not open accounts for tourists, because in their credit check, some important points are missing. In Germany, there are accounts with and without credit check. The best conditions, of course, you get from those banks with credit check, like DKB. With other providers, the services are not as good, and you have to pay a fee. See here.
Hi Thanks a lot for the advice Brgds Michael
Thanks Guys,
It was amazing found it !!
helps me a lot
I want to open an account and make it as my second one , so should I put in the income field how much is my salary or how much I will transfer to this account ? for example if I put 1500 euro and I only transfer 700, will that be a problem in the future if I want to become an active customer !
In your Other article ” about how to open DKB account ” I saw in your step by step instructions in the job details that there is no Architecture field so should I check in “Baugewerbe” ?
Please state the total amount of your monthly income. This is important! The amount of money that actually will get to DKB after the account opening, is not important. It is not mandatory to have any money deposited on the account at all, but of course it makes sense, in order for you to use it. By the way, the free DKB giro account works very well as a secondary account.
Yes, that’s right: Please state “Baugewerbe”, that’s the most fitting! Enjoy your account, and the exploration of its possibilities!
I want to open a bank account in the EU to hold Euros (as protection against currency movements, and to use for trips to the Euro zone). I am an EU citizen, but I do not live in Germany. I am resident in the UK.
Is DKB an option for me? And is it likely that I would be approved?
One can always try the application. But since the UK is not DKB‘s “targeted“ country, and since DKB also performs a credit check that is based on German circumstances, an account opening is not very likely. We are working on a solution for what you have in mind and will inform about this via our newsletter.
Hello, I am from Bulgaria and I will move to Berlin after two weeks, to work.
Can I open a DKB account while I am still in Bulgaria? (Bulgaria is in the European Union).
Or I will have to do it when I am in Berlin?
Thank you.
Please apply for the account, after you have moved to Germany. DKB does not for customers abroad. 😉
I am a German citizen and live in the USA since 1976. I still work here, but want to return to Germany as a pensioneer (still 3 years missing). I have saved money here and want to open an account inGermany now and transfer the money upfront at the lowest transfer costs. My bank here is Chase and transfers to the abroad are free of charge.
Good idea! I wish you best of luck with the implementation.
The incoming transfer fees for international transfers are 0.1 per cent at the DKB at a basic amount of Euro 12.50. I usually recommend TransferWise for transatlantic payments, because the fees of the foreign bank most of the do not apply, neither at the DKB. But if Chase does not charge you any fees, then the Euro 12.50 fee for a transfer amount of up to Euro 12,500 is comprehensible, isn’t it?
Good morning, I’m Italian and I moved to Germany with my partner and our son. At the moment I have no a job, but I would like to open a DKB account to transfer money here from my other account in Europe and have cash if I need it.
My partner has already opened a DKB account, but he has a salary. Will I get the same conditions my partner has, or as I have not a fixed income, will pay fees for the usual operations (getting cash money, doing/getting transfers)? Thanks a lot in advance, Patrizia
Many thanks, that’s an interesting question!
At DKB, the accounts and cards are generally free, but from our experience on needs a regular income in order to being granted an account.
Maybe you like this strategy, because it will always certainly lead to succes – though with a little detour:
Your partner is already DKB-customer. Very good. He can open a Joint Account with you. Thus, you become DKB-customer via the creditworthiness of your partner. Once the joint account is established, you can establish your individual account via the online-banking and thus save having to legitimize yourself again. Maybe you will even use the joint account for joint expenses?
Enjoy opening your account, and have a good time in Germany!
I am applying for the residence visa. But it order to do so, I need a German bank account, health insurance and a registered address. My question you is, Can I open a DKB account from the USA without physically being in Germany? I do have a german address, I can use but my name isn’t registered under it, yes! I will be living at this perspective address once I arrive in Germany. What do you recommend?
How do I go about sending extra information to Meldebescheinigung from the USA because obviously it will be needs since I do not have actual residency yet.
Thank you so much!
Congratulations! With DKB you have chosen one of Germany’s best Giro accounts. This Giro account includes a real credit card. What comes next, you already know from the US: a credit check, not unlike the credit history in the US.
Of course you can apply online for the account and card and see how far you get. However, you have not yet established a credit history under your new address in Germany, and your US credit history does not count in Germany. Maybe you will get the account anyway. This sometimes happens, when all other framework information is very good. But the probability is not very high.
Just like in the US there are providers that waive a credit check.
One online account that can be opened from abroad with a legitimization via VideoIdent is this one here. The terms are of course different from those at the best bank, and there will be a monthly account management fee as well. But why not change after a year? Best wishes for a good start in Germany!
Thanks a lot for your informative website!
I cannot find an answer to a question I have.
I have a bank account with Deutsche Bank and I would like to move to DKB, closing my actual one.
Is there the possibility that DKB takes over everything from the Deutsche Bank account?
In other words, if I inform DKB of the details of my former account, can they receive the money and inform all the companies (telephone, work, internet,…) that I am automatically paying (or payed by) about the change of account?
How is this “account moving” working?
Thank you very much in advance.
In the German language version of our specialty portal we have an article about this – maybe that helps?
Hi there
I have a German Passport and would like to open a DKB account, I live in South Africa and would like to open an account to send money to as well as use it when I travel to Germany next month is this possible?
Please help me with this process?
What exactly do you consider to be still be missing in these instructions that we have created especially for our English language readers?
Dear Gregor,
thank you so much for your complete guideline.
(I am non-European, Iranian citizen) I moved to Germany just yesterday, but I have been living and studying in Italy since 2014.
I work contract starts at 1st September and my net salary will be around 2400 Euro per month, my Bluecard is not ready yet I just applied for, but I think it will be valid for 1 year as my contract is for 1 year.
I am so confused about Germany banking system and I see some mobile banks like N26 and DKB as well as traditional banks like Postbank.
I need an account to receive my salary and pay bills and debt and use it internationally specially in Europe and do my online shopping with that. Also I am looking for a bank account that give me credit (max possible creadit, I see some give 15k/year and other 25k and …) also credit to be able to buy car and home and …
I have some questions regarding this:
1- Considering my nationality and international sanctions do you think it will be a problem for opening account in banks and if yes which bank is okay for me to open account on that?
2- Should I have an account in traditional bank or mobile bank is enough and acceptable?
3- Can I have 2 accounts such as N26 and dkb to use advantages of both banks? In this case of course my salary will go to one of them and after I have to divide my salary and put a half of that in the second one, do you think it is a problem? Generally is it a wise solution to get max advantages.
What is you suggestion to me, is it better to have a traditional bank and a direct bank or 2 direct banks? what is better for me considering all this situation, also I want to have a very clear and good financial background without any mess and unclear and bad situation for future.
Thanks so much.
If you belong to a group of people that is affected by European sanctions, you will not receive an account. Our banks will not violate sanctions. It’s that simple. Whether you’re affected or not, you know better than I.
As already answered on another article comment (duplicate postings will in the future be deleted immediately), we recommend to combine bank accounts individually, depending on what you need. There is no perfect bank, but banks that are really top in some areas! Like the DKB with the worldwide use of the Visa Card in all kinds of situations!
Last tip: If there is not a new free giro account from a top direct bank for newcomers to Germa-ny, then you can just start with a paid giro account at a local branch bank that has the mentioned Postbank and collect important credit points! Best of luck!
Dear Gregor,
I followed the procedure a couple of weeks ago; I also sent my Meldebestätigung as they asked but then I haven’t heard anything. Do you know how long it takes to have an answer about the account opening?
Thank you!
It takes only a few weeks, so send a mail to DKB and ask for a reply. Sometimes DKB needs a little push 😉 (my experience)
Hello, I would like to know if there is a list of specific IDs depending on the country and type of ID as in N26, and also the option to the identification process, does any type of ID is valid to do by the PostIdent in Germany. Thank you in advance.
I hope for you that you do not have too many ID Cards 😉 If you do not have a German ID card (Personalausweis), it is best to take the passport for identification purposes. This is the higher-quality document and legitimization almost always go through with that!
I submitted the application, went to the post office and everything with went well my legitimating. Should I now just wait for the shipping of the card and the account number? Do I get everything I need for sure? Best regards
You obviously did everything right. Please be patient for a few days. Currently, the rush for the DKB is very big, because a growing number of German banks introduce the account management fees… but not the DKB. Many people are currently switching their current account.
Hello, how long it usually takes until you receive the letters with the cards? Or how soon do you get the feedback if you are eligible or not? I’ve already sent the Germany residence registration as per requested via email from DKB. Could you please detail which are the steps between completing the form, video identify and getting the cards?
Thank you,
Since many people are currently applying for a DKB account (it’s one of the very best on the market), it takes 2-3 weeks until the cards are in the mail. Once the legitimization with proof of address is finalized, you don’t have to do anything, other than waiting for the mail. For security reasons, the mail comes in several different envelopes/on different days: welcome letter, access info for the online-banking, cards, PINs.
It is understandable that takes some time to deliver the cards, PIN, etc to the client. But why, when they are requested, are not providing the IBAN by email. Is no risk. The IBAN can be used only for receiving the money in the respective account.
My case: I apply last Friday, I complete the webchat identity confirmation last Friday. I receive last Monday the email where I was asked to send a proof of registration in Germany. I send it and I request them to send me, as a reply to my email, the IBAN, because my employer is pushing me. No reply up to now. I send them an reminder email, I contact them by sending email via DKB website. No reply.
I am accepted or not, I don’t have a clue. My salary must be paid somewhere. No IBAN. Also, I need internet at home. Need IBAN too.
Very annoying.
Honestly, they don’t care. Or maybe they don’t care because I did not speak German.
There are banks in Germany that offer an English-language service and there are also those that generate an IBAN immediately. If these things are important to you, then you should open an account with such providers. However, they do not the top conditions if DKB. But it does not fit with our smart banking community to first choose a bank and to then wish afterwards that it was different.
I have tried to open an account with DKB today but haven’t yet received any confirmation email. I want to know how long does the confirmation email takes to receive?
Sometimes the e-mail is there after a few minutes, sometimes it takes until the next day. There are probably internal processes responsible for this. The e-mail will not be sent before the review process for the account application completed. Normally, the computer does this on its own with most applications, but there are random samples being sent for manual review. The good thing about it: The e-mail does not simply confirm the receipt, but informs about the account opening right away.
Hi Gregor,
First of all I would like to congratulate you once more for this very useful website. Thanks to it, I have been a happy DKB client for the past 2 years.
I am writing, because soon I will be moving from Germany to Switzerland, and I would like to get some additional information.
I, of course, intend to keep my DKB account, but my doubts reside in whether I can/should have it as my salary account.
If it is not advisable, what do you suggest as the best combination? Have a Swiss salary account and wire the money to my DKB bank whenever I need to make transactions in EUR? Due to the change in currency, I suppose some money will be “lost” on the process. I am therefore thinking what shall be the best solution because from what I have been reading, all Swiss banks charge maintenance/card fees and also might charge fees when withdrawing money on some ATMs.
Also, are you aware of what is the procedure I must follow for changing my country of residence in DKB? I also suppose if I stop making it my salary account I will lose the privileges associated with it…
Thanks a lot in advance!
Fabulous, thank you!
Yes, it is an excellent decision to keep the DKB account. It will still serve you well. Especially if you see what the conditions are with most Swiss banks.
I would advise against receiving salary in CHF on the DKB account. This will automatically be exchanged for EUR and at least 0.1% will be charged, and at least 12.50 Euros.
In order to keep the active status only 700 EUR per month would have to be received on the DKB account. This can be solved with TransferWise. A provider you will surely like.
So far, we have a German language instruction for the address change. Wishing you a successful move!
Thank you Gregor.
In the meantime I was trying to inform myself, and I also came to the conclusion that the best combination would be to have a swiss account + DBK + Transferwise (in order to maintain the AktivKunde).
Thanks a lot for the help!
My wife has recently arrived in Germany and we tried to open a bank account. She is currently unemployed and when we almost finished filling up the application, we were notified with this “Unfortunately, we could not meet your desire for a DKB cash as part of our automatic decision. The necessary conditions for a DKB cash are not available according to your information.” and hence the account could not be opened.
Any reason that can help me identify to open the account?
If you apply for an account with a real credit card and at the same time state that you are unemployed, then that will not work. One cannot be unemployed for the kind of account DKB offers.