7 secrets for optimal use

Comdirect Visa card

Hardly anyone needs an user manual in order to use a credit card, of course. However, the Comdirect Visa card is full of useful and customer friendly details, so I’ve come up with seven points that I’d like to share with you based on my knowledge and experience.

I call them the 7 secrets for optimal use.

Comdirect Visa card in Hollywood

The Comdirect Visa card is a true star on the credit card market due to its extraordinary customer terms!

Directly to the bank ⇒ https://kunde.comdirect.de/cms/visa.

1. Cashless payment with small interest advantage

With Comdirect’s Visa card, you’re dealing with a “real” credit card with its own credit card account (viewed separately from the checking account in online banking) and credit limit.

Together with the Comdirect bank the credit limit is determined based on creditworthiness and the customer’s request. A request for a credit limit can be specified in the application. When I opened my Comdirect account, the initial credit limit started at 1,000 euros. Even without use of a salary account!

The balance of the visa card starts at 0.00 euros or dollars. If you use the credit card for payment, the account balance slips into the red. That’s the way it’s supposed to be, because there is no interest on credit until the next settlement with the checking account.

Comdirect automatically settles the negative credit card balance with the checking account every begin of month. For example, if you have 1,800 dollars on your checking account and -300 dollars on the credit card, it looks like this after the settlement: 1,500 dollars on the checking account, 0 dollars on the Visa card.

Since the settlement only takes place once a month, you can only be interest free for a maximum of 30 days. This advantage creates an interest rate better than with debit cards like the Comdirect debit card, which immediately withdraws from the checking account.

Account Comdirect Visa Card

This is how the account summary appears after logging into the online banking account.

3. Withdraw money at no cost while abroad

With your Comdirect Visa Card, you can withdraw cash free of charge at every ATM with the Visa-sign outside the Euro-area. Within the Euro-area, but outside Germany, the cash withdrawal with the Girocard is free of charge for you. Comdirect Bank automatically covers any fees for you, so don’t be bothered if notifications about international fees pop up.

If you withdraw money outside of the Eurozone, your withdrawal is exchanged via the extremely low Commerzbank rates.

In order to not pay exorbitant exchange fees at ATMs, make sure to withdraw in local currency without currency calculating actions. Sometimes foreign ATMs are intentionally confusing.

If you would like to read more about withdrawing money in foreign countries, make sure to check out my article: Tricks for ATMs in Poland (German). It’s full of examples.

ATMs in an Australian shopping center

It doesn’t matter which ATM you use, withdrawals in other countries are always free! Here, you can see several ATMs in an Australian shopping center.

4. Refunds from international fees
(omitted since 2/2016)

In some countries, there are additional withdrawal fees (ATM fees). This is common in the USA and in Thailand. Unfortunately, Comdirect is unable to automatically cover these charges, because they show up directly on the customer’s receipt.

However, Comdirect refunds 100% of these fees at your request. Comdirect is one of the two banks in Germany that offer this generous service.

Cash with Comdirect Visa Card from ATM in USA

An ATM fee of 3 dollars is common in the USA. Comdirect Bank refunds this to the customer at their request. Most other banks do not provide this service.

I’ve written even more on this topic, which you can find on this page: Comdirect refunds fees (German).

5. Convenient safety

You can have a text message be sent to you at no cost with credit card transactions starting at 200 euros in Germany or at any sum abroad. This is an excellent service to monitor your own credit card.

If you notice an unauthorized debit via text message, simply call the Comdirect customer service and request that the amount be returned.

Note: If you are currently abroad, your mobile service provider may charge fees for incoming text messages. Check and decide for yourself whether or not to use this service.

Online-Banking Comdirect credit card, personal settings

Changes to points five and six can be made at any time in our online banking account.
Just go to your personal settings ⇒ administration ⇒ my data ⇒ card data.

6. Configurable PIN which can be changed at any time

With so many PINs, codes, and passwords that you have to remember these days, it’s not always easy for me to remember a new PIN. Especially if it’s for a new account or a second account for travel purposes.

This is why I love being able to change the PIN for my Visa card. You can change the PIN for your credit card using the online banking system whenever you want, wherever you want.

7. Application

Comdirect Visa Card on vacations

The Comdirect Visa card can be used as a spare card for traveling, however, the quality terms and service give the card the potential to be an online home bank.

The Visa card can only be applied for together with an unconditionally free checking account. This is necessary as a reference account for the credit card. Understandably, the bank only gives credit card with credit limit to people who have a good credit rating.

If there is an issue with getting a “real” credit card due to a lack of information about personal credit in the General Credit Protection Agency (German: SCHUFA) or because of currently low monthly income, you can issue a Comdirect Visa prepaid card.

Alternative: Comdirect Visa Prepaid card!

The prepaid card has the same exceptional conditions as described apart from point 1. There is no credit limit. In order to pay with the prepaid credit card, you have to put money on it first.

There is no yearly fee for a Comdirect prepaid card. This sets the card apart from almost all other prepaid cards on the German market.

“Yes, I would like a Comdirect Visa card”

I am happy to be of further assistance with my knowledge and experience in regards to the Comdirect Visa card. Simply post your question at the bottom of this page.

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68 Responses to “Comdirect Visa card”

  1. Markus says:

    Do you have any idea for a free account in Germany for a friend of mine who is on student visa in Germany. He has an account at the Sparkasse but need to pay for it. DKB and Comdirect both rejected the request we believe due to no income or Iranian citizenship.

    • Tanja says:

      Most banks and Sparkassen offer student checking account for free. Strange that this is not in this Sparkasse is the case.

      Okay, it is not my favorite bank, but the Deutsche Bank have a student checking account. Online banking is in english available. Maybe that is a benefit.

  2. Me says:

    good time of the day! I am originally from Russia but I work and leave in Germany with a working residence permit which is valid for several years and can be extended. I applied two time for DKB account and they rejected. do you think its no way for any foreigners to get it?

    regarding the Com direct account: I found out I need SCHUFA for that. I was never involved in any credits or stuff like that. will the bank approve my application if I still provide this SCHUFA (I think I can order it online, right)? how difficult is it to get an account in comparison with DKB?

    thank you very much in advance!

    • Martin says:

      With the exception of very young customers, Comdirect attaches great importance to getting data by Schufa about potential customers. Schufa is a company that collects data about the credit history of people. Comdirect uses their data to assess a potential customer’s creditworthiness. The bank has difficulties with accepting customers they cannot assess.

      We’ll demonstrate how to request information about yourself from Schufa in one of the next articles. In general, it’s good to know how one’s own creditworthiness is rated. Sometimes Schufa uses obsolete or wrong data and you can have this corrected.

      But if Schufa can’t provide sufficient information about you to a bank such as Comdirect, they won’t be able to provide you with information that the bank would accept either.

      However, there’s another possibility to get the Comdirect account:

      • Apply for the savings account “Tagesgeld Plus” first. Here’s the direct link: http://www.comdirect.de/cms/tagesgeld.html. The savings account is free and you get interest. This account is opened without assessing your creditworthiness, as you’re the one giving money to the bank here.
      • Regularly transfer money to this savings account, for example by setting up a standing order from your current checking account.
      • Ask the customer service after about sixth months whether you can use the Comdirect “Girokonto” (checking account) as well as your experience with Comdirect has been so good so far … At that point, Comdirect will be more inclined to open the account for you as you’re already a customer and they’ve had time to get to know you. Maybe you’ll get only a prepaid Visa card at the beginning, but you can use that one to draw money free-of-charge from ATMs worldwide as often as you like as well.
      • Me says:

        Dear Tanja and Martin,

        thank you for a quick reply! then i have a following question: do you think openingt the Postbank Girokonto plus account which is also with a credit card (https://www.postbank.de/privatkunden/giroplus.html) would be possible – or they will also refuse in credit card issuing? the ultimate goal would be to apply for Comdirect / DKB with a positive credit history from Postbank. thank you very much!

        • Tanja says:

          You can give it a try …

          We’ve known Postbank for many years and have had several experiences with the bank. However, we have a reason for concentrating on Comdirect and DKB here!

  3. Fritz says:

    Dear Sirs,
    I am German, living in France, at the moment working as a consultant in Croatia, got some problems opening a account by DKB, funny want that I get some papers signed by my French bank; Sorry don’t want to travel to France to open an internet account, any idea how it could work out.


    • Tanja says:

      This page is about Comdirect’s Visa card. Comdirect expects a confirmation of the identity of German citizens by a local notary in Croatia in order to open an account.

      But it should be sufficient to get a confirmation of identity by a Croatian bank to open an account at DKB. As far as we know, DKB accepts identification by banks in every member state of the European Union.

      The challenge is to find a bank in Croatia that will kindly confirm one’s identity. But being a consultant you’ll probably be able to find a bank that will do you this favor. The procedure hardly takes three minutes and you avoid the journey to your bank in France.

      • Fritz says:

        Dear Tanja,

        DKB told me they don’t have any posibillity for Croatia, to confirm the id;
        Looks like they don’t want a new customer!

        • Tanja says:

          DKB has definitely customers in Croatia who use the bank account which we describe and recommend. Also, DKB accepts new customers from foreign countries again who have their identity confirmed by a bank, as another reader posted here: https://www.deutscheskonto.org/en/open-bank-account-germany/#comment-48

          Unfortunately I can’t tell why it isn’t possible in your case, as I don’t work for the bank. Maybe it will work in a few weeks.

          Alternatively, you could have a look at Comdirect’s offer. It is similar to DKB’s account and our second top recommendation.

          • Vladimir says:

            Hi Tanja,

            Is it likely that Comdirect open a savings account for a non-resident of EU if I come to the office, say, in Berlin? I work in Russia, have passport of Belarus.


            • Tanja says:

              I don’t know. You could try it when you are close to their office. Then there is the question why Comdirect should open an account in your case.

              Banks who charge fees are always profitable – whether their customers actually use their account or not. Comdirect does not charge account maintenance fees. So the bank can only earn money when you use the account or other offers from Comdirect.

  4. niko says:

    hi i am french , in berlin costumer by “obligation ” of comdirect 😉 by my girlfriend, i am now struggling to use the maximum of my online banking with comdirect because i don t speak german, any way to change the comdirect online banking in a english version ?
    thank you in advance\niko

    • Redaktion says:

      I am sorry, there is no english version. Most of German banks have only german online banking. Is this differently in France?

  5. keicee says:

    hi.. i have a comdirect girokarte ans want to check my balance in ATM and how could also withdraw a money… but the problem is i dont understand any word from the ATM machine..

  6. Arjun says:

    Hello ,

    First of all thanks a lot for such a wonderful article and information ,It is really helpful.
    I had opend comdirect account for my wife, and she got Visa prepaid card insted of cridit card.

    she recived the mail inbox that as per German laws the earnings will be taxed at 25%.

    She is not working any where and do not have any earnings, and wanted to use the account/card for shopping etc, and usually I transfer money from my Girkonto to her account.

    My question is will bank deduct the 25% of the deposited amount automatically ? like If i deposit 200 EUR in her account for shopping etc will bank deduct 50 EUR ?? ..

    This seems weired and funney question but soory I wanted to confirm.
    Bank support team usually do not intertain enqueries in English.
    Thanks in advance.

    • Gregor says:

      No, of course not. The account and credit card are indeed free of charge.

      In order to use the prepaid Visa credit card, the money must be transferred internally from the current account to the credit card account (this only applies to prepaid credit cards!).

      This is done easily. One can make it using the online banking or by calling the bank. After a few moments, the money is available on the credit card (even if the update of the display in the online banking is not that fast).

      Perhaps the 25% are the German tax on investment income (settlement tax)? When you receive Euros 10 interest on the savings account, then Euros 2.50 plus 5.5% solidarity surcharge will be deducted and transferred to the tax authorities.

      This does not apply to deposits, but only to interest and dividends.

      If your wife does not live in Germany and is not taxable here, then she does not need to pay this tax. This information has to be consigned with a form at the Comdirect bank.

  7. Rui says:

    I’m a euro zone citizen non German and I’ve a few questions that I would like to clarify.
    – is the current account and credit card free of any commissions since year 0 and non dependent of any condition?
    – can I have only the credit card (and not the giro card)?
    – in the credit card there will be no transaction fees. There are any others?
    – can I get the a full list of conditions in English?
    – is there any form to apply in English?


    • Gregor says:

      Yes, the current account is free of charge, regardless of its usage. Even if the account is not used at all and if there is no money on it.

      • The Girocard (debit card) is included automatically, because the bank assumes that one opened an account in order to use it. In Germany, Girocards are more accepted than credit cards. However, you do not have to use the card; you can store or even destroy it.
      • The credit card has only charges, if you pay in a currency other than Euro (1.75%).
      • It is a German bank. The account contract as well as the conditions are only available in German language.
      • There is no English-language account application, as the Comdirect only wants to have customers, who speak German at least in its basics.
  8. Mary says:

    Please what is the current interest rate paid on a credit balance in a ComDirekt Tagesgeld PLUS account?

    It is unclear how I could use a Tagesgeld account until I also had a Girokonto account and a Credit Card. Could you explain please?

    • Gregor says:

      Regarding the detour for becoming a customer of the Comdirect via the savings account “Tagesgeld PLUS” (call money PLUS), this is a trick for people whose creditworthiness is (still) not sufficient for a current account. This can be e.g. because one just recently moved to Germany and the “credit history” (SCHUFA – credit investigation company) is too short.

      At a savings account, there is of course no credit check.

      The savings account is not of interest for investors, as there are low interest rates due to the central bank policy. The current interest rate is 0.2% up to Euros 10,000. Higher amounts only receive an interest of 0.1%.

      Nevertheless, the money will be secured by the German deposit guarantee system. That is what matters to people from some countries.

      With the savings account, one cannot do anything but deposits and withdrawals to a reference account (foreign current account is possible). Cash deposits and withdrawal would be possible through the Commerzbank. Otherwise, it is just a pure savings account.

      The intention is, of course, to ask for a current account after a certain time, so one can use the Comdirect more.

      With around 60% of applications for current account opening with Visa card, it is immediately granted and one does not need this detour. Therefore my advice: first apply for the current account taking the usual path.

      Good luck!

  9. Sreenath says:

    Very informative article. Thanks!
    Do you know if one need to have a minimum balance in their Girokonto to avoid any fines?

  10. Denis says:

    Thank you for publishing this information, very helpful.

    I live in Ireland. Is it possible to open an account with Comdirect? The online form says “Wenn Sie länger als 180 Tage pro Jahr im Ausland leben, nutzen Sie bitte die Eröffnungsunterlagen im Formularcenter.” Does it mean I should complete a paper form application and submit it to the bank by post?

  11. Claudia says:


    does anyone know how to transfer money from the Visa card to the Girokonto, online?

    thank you!

    • Gregor says:

      On the first page after the login, you can see “Meine Finanzen” (my finances). Then find the line “Visa Card”. At the end of the line, you can find an arrow. Simpy click on it and select “Überweisung” (transfer) in the appearing menu.

      comdirect visa card transfer to checking

      Now just follow the menu.

  12. Claudia says:

    many many thanks, Gregor!

  13. Random says:

    I have to transfer more than 1K euros using the VISA of COMDIRECT in a single day.

    Is there any possibility ?

  14. Gregor (editorial staff) says:

    Yes, of course … you can make card payments within the whole range of your individual credit limit in one single payment.

  15. HappyCustomer says:

    The bank has changed the conditions. Now you can withdraw money for free from Visa Card only outside the EU. Otherwise, commission is 5,90. No reason to use this card anymore:(

  16. Artsiom says:

    “That’s the way it’s supposed to be, because there is no interest on credit until the next settlement with the checking account.”

    What if I have -30 EUR on credit card and there is no money on the checking account at the begin of month? What will be the interest that bank will take during the next month?

    Thank you!

    • Editorial Team says:

      The interest on credits on the giro account are currently 8.95% – but please make sure that an overdraft in the respective amount has been agreed on with Comdirect. If there is an overdraft of more than the agreed upon limit, the interest is 13.45%. German banks do not appreciate it, though, if you don’t stay within our credit line.

      But if you have a credit line of 1000 EUR and the credit card related transfer has now caused an 30 EUR overdraft beyond your credit line, the bank will be “happy” to earn the additional interest while only dealing with a risk that due do the relatively small amount is still manageable.

  17. Gianni says:

    I’ve now opened my account, including the VISA credit card. So the balance of the credit card is automatically settled every month by the bank? I don’t have to manually make the payment myself?

  18. Claudia says:

    I am in Italy now. at which bank can I withdraw money for free with my Comdirect card?


    • money Expert says:


      from your EC card you can withdraw Euro for free from any ATM. However, bank will not cover any commission taken by ATM itself.

  19. Melanie says:

    I live in Germany and have an account with comdirect.
    I always pay 5,90 euros when I make a withdrawal with my visa card. How do I prevent this?

    • Gregor says:

      Use the Girocard (the other Comdirect card) on “Cash-Group”-ATMs => that is free of charge. Do you want try this? 🙂

  20. Sebastian Criado says:

    Dear Team from Deutscheskonto,
    At the moment I have a pre paid VISA card from comdirect. Is it possible to get an upgrade for de same card to a real credit card?

    • Editorial Team says:

      Dear Sebastian,

      Yes, in general that is possible. Often, Comdirect issues a free Prepaid-Visa Card, if they cannot really make adequate assessment re. the credit check. We daresay, that is at least better than a decline of the application.

      Once you have been using the account for a couple of months (2-3) and the bank has had the opportunity to assess the customer better (financially), one can apply of a Visa Card with credit line.

      For that you can either call them or log into the secured customers-only area and send a message via the contact form.

      We wish you success!

  21. Alex says:


    Just moved to Germany and i got a comdirect card connected also with my salary account. Excuse my question but I am confused in a certain point. If i make a buy of 1000€ for example in the end of the month the credit card will draw 1000€ from my salary account to balance the account? What if i dont want this and i want to get charged the monthly rate like other credit cards to pay something in installments?

    Thanks a lot in advance

    • Editorial Team says:

      Hi Alex,

      sorry, but this (installments) is an option that comdirect does not offer for their credit card. The respective amount is always drawn from your account as a whole.

  22. Ohad says:


    I have recently moved to Germany and, thanks to your excellent articles, opened an account in Comdireck. In this article you wrote that in order to use the “Change-saving” account you just need to activate the option. Can you explain more? How is it called in German and how can I activate this option? (I have a prepaid visa card)

    Thanks a lot!

    • Gregor says:

      In German, this option is called “Comdirect Wechselgeld-Sparen”.

      You activate the saving of your change in the “Persönlichen Bereich” under “Konto & Karte > Kartendaten”. Alternatively you can do the activation via phone (hotline), fax or regular mail with original signature.

      Enjoy the automated saving.

  23. Cat says:


    I have opened a bank account with comdirect and was wondering how i can begin to use my credit card? Do I have to activate it at an ATM before i start using it?

    Many thanks for your help.

    • Editorial Team says:


      Comdirect only sends you cards that work 😉 Just use it by paying for something. The PIN for the card usually comes the following day in a separate letter. If you don’t like the PIN, you can change it once free of charge within the online banking system. An activation of the card via telephone or ATM is not necessary. But you can reach the bank‘s customer service any time (24/7) by telephone. 🙂

  24. Tarek says:


    I opened an account with them and got approved, but in the approval letter there’s no mention which Visa card I will have, a credit or a prepaid one. It only says I will have a Girokonto and a Tagesgeld Plus.
    How can I find out?


    • Editorial Team says:


      It depends a bit on which stage of your account opening you currently are. When applying for this account and being approved, you will receive several letters, including the one containing your Visa card, but that will probably not have arrived yet, from what I understand in your comment. If your account has been approved, you should get further information regarding the nature of your Visa card in one of the following letters.

  25. Dmitry says:

    Hello there. I have a question, if I’ll go minus 1000 euro on my giro account (with overdraft for sure) on 01.04.17 when i and how much the bank dedicate the interest? Also how many percentage is % per annual? Thanks.

  26. Mohammed says:

    Hello sir,

    really appreciate your effort. I have 2 questions that I could not find an answer for.

    -what is the best way I can pay for a hotel stay outside Europe? and you know sometimes it is a high amount of money.

    -Is it free to use online payments in Euro or any other currency?

    • Editorial Team says:


      Regarding your first question: That would be the Visa card. The additional costs incurred would be 1,75 % of the payment amount.

      The same goes for online payments with the Visa card: It is free of charge as long as the currency is Euro, but with other currencies it would be – again – 1,75 % of the payment amount.

  27. Fredrik says:


    I live in Sweden and would like to get a Comdirect Visa prepaid card.
    If I make a withdrawal from an ATM in Germany with this card, will I have to pay the €5.90 fee?
    Will I also receive the Girocard, if I get the prepaid card, or is that only for the non-prepaid card?

    Actually, for my needs, just the Girocard would enough, since I mainly need to withdraw money and pay, without paying the fees I get from my Swedish cards, when I use them in Germany.

    Is it possible to just apply for a Giro account and a Girocard for me? I will never need credit, just use the money I transfer from my Swedish bank to the Giro account.

  28. Marchall says:

    Good day. Is there a fee for the cashless payment of goods and services (including payments through an Internet service: booking hotels, buying flight tickets, etc.) with Comdirekt cards?

  29. Rene says:

    Good day! I have opened the VPAY-card of the Comdirekt bank. There is no money in the account yet, ATMs do not accept the card. What is the reason for that?

    • Gregor says:

      Hey, hey, please just think logically: If I do not have any money in the account, I cannot withdraw money.

      Only exception: You have agreed on a credit line (overdraft facility) with the bank. You obviously did not do this when opening the account, am I right?

  30. Matti says:

    Good day,

    Did I understand correctly that the depositing in the account is free of charge only three times a year? Then the fee is charged for each deposit?

    And another question: Can you withdraw money in supermarkets (as at the DKB)?

    Many thanks in advance for your reply!

    • Gregor says:

      Transfers are free. No matter how often and what amount.

      In contrast to most credit cards, you can additionally deposit cash at the Comdirect using the branch offices of the Commerzbank (deposit machine or counter) for free three times a year. Subsequently, a reduced fee is charged. After all, foreign costs apply!

      Yes, these are exactly the same supermarkets as at the DKB.

  31. Venus says:

    I am a Filipino nurse working here in Germany for almost 4 years now and I have a Comdirect account for almost 2 years already. I will be on vacation soon (flying to my home country: the Philippines) the question is, can I withdraw money from my Visa credit card by just using the credit limit (as a credit) or do I need to deposit extra money (like a prepaid Visa) to it in order for me to withdraw money from any atm in the Philippines?

    • Gregor says:

      Just like you have been using the Visa Card so far, you can use it abroad as well. A change is not necessary. Also, a cash withdrawal is completely free of charge. Wishing you a good journey!

  32. Vibhav says:

    Hi! I opened my account and received a Visa Credit Card. It has “Credit Card” written on it. In the internet banking, it shows limit as Euro 1000.

    1) How can I confirm if it a “real” credit card and not a prepaid card?

    2) When are the credit card settlements done? Weekly or monthly?

    • Richard Banks says:

      If one is a Visa credit card with a limit of 1,000 euros, it is neither a credit card nor a prepaid card. The question would be: how can I increase the line of credit? The answer is: apply to the Comdirect.

      On the second point: The Visa Credit Card is offset against the current account on a monthly basis. With the current credit line, the 1,000 euros are automatically available again at the beginning of the month.

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