Business Address in a German city with mail forwarding to the abroad

Rent an (Post)Address in Germany

by Laura Keddi

Who wants to open a German bank account from abroad, often needs a German address to receive mail from the bank or other business partners. But what can you do, if you do not permanently reside in Germany?

Should you really pay the high rent for an office, just to use the mailbox? On the other side, an anonymous post office box has a bad impression on the bank/business partner, right? And how often should you pick up the mail on site?

with mail forwarding to the abroad

The options are admittedly unsatisfactory and complicated, but there is a solution that makes life easier. The renting of a business address in a business centre offers many advantages, which would not be possible with own offices or post office boxes. And this for a favourable price.

Here you will find out how you can quickly and easily rent and use optimally such a business address at the ebuero AG – one of the main suppliers with locations throughout Germany.

Addresses and offices of ebuero in Germany

There are offices and meeting rooms at addresses of the in-class neighbourhoods that can be used as needed.

Prestigious addresses at 11 German locations

If you rent a business address of the ebuero AG, you obtain a prestigious address, e.g. in the famous Friedrichstrasse in Berlin, and not just the number of a somewhat trustworthy post office box.

The address …

Your Business Name
Einstein Palais, Friedrichstraße 171, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

… does not only make a positive impression on the bank, but can be used on all your business documents, business cards or your website too, e.g. in order to support the customer acquisition.

When choosing the right location for your business address, the ebuero AG offers eleven options in new and top locations of the major German cities:

Standorte von ebuero

  • Berlin
  • Dresden
  • Dusseldorf
  • Frankfurt/Main
  • Hamburg
  • Hannover
  • Cologne
  • Munich
  • Nuremberg

Tip: Commercial registration possible on the ebuero-address

The ebuero AG also offers the possibility to rent an address as an official company domicile and thus even for the use of registration of a German company.

How does the mail forwarding work

One of the biggest advantages of a business address is the possibility of mail forwarding. If you do not permanently reside in Germany, you can ask to simply forward the incoming mail from the rented business address to an address of your choice. Herein, you have the following options:

  • forward all mail
  • forward all mail except advertising
  • additional scanning of mail.

Moreover, you can also choose whether the mail should be forwarded daily or weekly. This is a valuable service that allows you to have a business presence in Germany, regardless of your actual location.

How does the booking work?

booking site at ebuero

Preview on the booking page

Hiring a business address at the ebuero AG truly is easy. At best, you choose your desired location as well as the desired additional services at and submit the form.

Subsequently, an ebuero staff member will contact you on short notice and take care of the few formalities.

Tip: Call to order

Of course, you can also call to order your new business address in Germany anytime:

0800.5040-4443-48 (toll-free, national)

… or from abroad: + 49-30-780-999-99.

What documents are required?

After you have informed the ebuero AG on your wishes, you almost do not have to do anything else. You will be sent via e-mail a mail authorization, which you only have to sign and send back via e-mail or fax. If you complete this step fast, then your address will be ready for use within the next 1-2 business days.

Your address is ready for use in 1-2 days

If you want to use the rented address as your official company domicile, you will receive a short 6-page service contract also via e-mail, which you only have to fill, sign and send back. A company domicile can be ready within a few days too.

Special note for foreign entrepreneurs

If you rent a business address or a company domicile from the abroad, then you will receive yet another form that you fill out and send back. This is a legal requirement to pay the VAT correctly.

There are only six questions to be answered by ticking the pre-selection. Everything else will be already filled by a service employee of ebuero. Please verify this information on its accuracy.

If you are in a non-EU country, you will have to submit proof that you are the owner of the company for which you rent the German address. A simple proof (e.g. a current certificate of commercial registration) is enough.

Other services related to the business address

Having a business address in one of the major German cities will help you to build up an important pillar for your business presence in Germany. However, you have also paved the way to claim other interesting services of the ebuero AG.

phone service von eburo

If you, for example, also need a phone number at the location of your business address, then this can be realized using the phone secretariat of ebuero. You receive a landline number with an area code, which will be attended by the ebuero secretaries.

All incoming calls are answered by your ebuero secretariat with your company name and processes them according to your specifications, such as forwarding them to you, refers representatives on the written or provide information.

local phone number with secretary service

Of course, you will be informed immediately after the call by e-mail or SMS. And if you want to meet a customer or partner in person at the location of your business address, the conference rooms and offices are available for you hourly, daily or even monthly. Flexible and comfortable as it gets.

“Book your company address now?”

About the author

Laura Keddi

My name is Laura Keddi and I have been working for the ebuero AG since many years.

I know the needs and problems of our customers exactly and I am pleased to have contributed in helping entrepreneurs and freelancers to establish their business in Germany.

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10 Responses to “Rent an (Post)Address in Germany”

  1. Abdellatif Ahmed A. Rihan says:

    Hi Ms. Laura Keddi

    Thank you very much for such information in this site. I am really admired with your site extremely.

    I would like to inform about the registration of your activity in German Chamber of Commerce or any alike as a legal entity authorized to handle such activities.

    I think that will grant you more transparency and more trust, especially you are dealing with people worldwide who don’t know you well.

    I hope to receive your comment on my private E. mail at your convenient.

    With my best regards and appreciation.

    Yours Truly

    Abdellatif Ahmed A. Rihan

    Commercial Consultant
    (Feasibility Studies-Export-Import-Multinational Joint Ventures)

    Owner & General Manager
    Al Tawfeeq Global Marketing & Feasibility Studies
    U. A. E.

    • Gregor says:

      Our specialty is the opening of the “true” bank accounts in Germany … that means that in the field of business founding and entries in the commercial register, there are other experts.

      For example, Dr. Andreas Mayer of the law firm Menz&Partner. He sets up firms for foreign entrepreneurs in Germany that are specifically tailored to the needs and requirements of the customer.

      These are no standard contracts in which always the risk exists that subsequently a detail does not fit. And you know that good advice is expensive!

      Likewise, the law firm Menz&Partner assumes all tax matters, as well as the patent protection.

      If more readers are interested in professional business founding in Germany (contentedly-package), I am willing to negotiate a special rate!

      PS: The legal advice is also available in English, German and French language.

    • Mr. Abdellatif Ahmed A. Rihan says:

      Hi Ms. Laura Keddi

      I would like to thank you for following up my request, and to assure my admiration with your site extremely.

      Now I would like to suggest a form of business co-operation between both of us, as follows:

      I think that your long practice within business field, will enable you to act easily in Promoting for multi-national joint ventures between UAE Businessmen & German Businessmen, for setting up joint ventures in both Countries.

      Also I am sure that you are capable to mediate in getting German customers to our office for Preparing financial economic feasibility studies for setting up projects in The Free Zone of The UAE.

      We should pay you a considerable mediation commission in return of any positive agreement with German Investors,which will be transferred to your account, just after cashing our office fees.

      We are able to prepare such studies in any language included German Language. Please furnish us with a normal E. mail address, to enable attaching hint about us, our services, list of some studies executed by our office, & our a copy of ownership license.

      I hope to receive your reply on my private E. mail below.

      With my best regards and appreciation.

      Yours Truly

      Abdellatif Ahmed A. Rihan

      Commercial Consultant
      Feasibility Studies
      Multinational Joint Ventures

      Owner & General Manager
      Al Tawfeeq Global Marketing & Feasibility Studies
      U. A. E.

  2. Doug says:


    Nice site you have. For 39 euros a month, this is much more than a simple mail forwarding option. This is a full fledged virtual office, for what it’s worth.

    Nothing wrong with that, though, but I’d be much more interested in reading your reviews of the more humble mail (and package) forwarders only, as there are quite a few of them. Along the Swiss border, and across the whole country. Hard to choose!

  3. Doug says:

    In my experience, ebuero is a company that does not speak English by principle. If you want to recommend them here to English speakers, first, you may want to talk to them to change their view on language use. 😉

  4. James Robert says:

    Hallo Gregor!

    Would you be able to recommend other mail forwarding service in Germany that are geared towards private use (non business)? I have tried and contacted companies such as MailboxDE.COM, MyGermany.COM, etc but their addressing method is problematic in that most German websites will not take the ID number that these forwarding companies insist on you using. And if your sender does not put these ID number on the envelope, the mail gets returned to sender.

    What I need is a plain street address to receive local mail (since I lack any friends/relatives in Germany).

    Please let me know if you have any recommendations.

    Vielen Dank!

    • Editorial Team says:

      Hi James,

      Sorry, postal services are no area of expertise for us – we really can’t help you there.

    • James says:

      Did you ever find a good solution, as I also need an address in germany for registration of a vehicle and forwarding of post.

      • James Robert says:

        Hallo Jsmes, I ended up sticking with since they’ve become more reliable. You just somehow have to be extra creative to ensure the unique ID number assigned to you is on every piece of mail/package that are being sent to you. I counted myself lucky that a few companies (even when I specified the ID number) neglected to put in the ID number but they were able to find me anyway, but again, that’s no guarantee.

        The customer service is very good, they respond to practically all your email and offer good tips. Forward shipping isn’t the cheapest but not exorbitant either.

        Hope this helps!

  5. Jill says:

    Our company is searching for an international address to receive mail and forward the mail to our address in the United States. What is the cost to set up an address? What is the fee to forward mail? Do you provide mail scanning services? If so, what is the cost?

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