Practical, controlable and free of charge

Account and credit card for domestic help

About four million households get help for cleaning, cooking, shopping and childcare creating sideline jobs. Does your help also go grocery shopping for you or would that be an idea for supplementing this service?

This article may inspire you and you receive a specific instruction on how to make your financial accounting much easier, hence you obtain more control with less effort.

At the end you will learn why I have got myself a domestic help.

Domestic help gets own credit card

Yes, it was important to me that she was able to order cleaning products, but also food for me by herself. She additionally received a Girocard, because not all local markets accept credit cards yet and I wanted to save myself from accounting and refunding expenditures.

Additional costs for it?


Account and card setup (instructions)

Being a frequent reader, you know that I am a very satisfied DKB-customer. For the following, I have opened another DKB-account, in order to get a better overview and also a clear division. This does not cost any cent at the DKB (= free)!

You can also do the following with your first DKB-account. If you do not have a DKB-account yet, you can change this here.

1. Set up the domestic help as an authorized person

How to do that, you can see step-by-step in this short instruction video about online banking:

For those who do not want to watch the video, here is the entrance:

DKB Vollmacht anlegen

You can authorize several people for your account – that means you can equip them with access to online banking, credit card and/or Girokarte.

Everything is optional: You can omit the online banking, as I did for my domestic help, because she does not need it. More on that in the video ⇪.

2. Authorized person must legitimate him/herself

I have summarized that for you in this video:

Who prefers reading, can find the according article here.

3. Confirmation by the bank

Some days can pass by between the single steps, because the DKB has a great flow due to the increasing fees at other banks. The DKB made the statement that it won’t introduce any account management fees. The fee-free account management is a fundamental component of its product concept.

Being the account holder, you will receive such an e-mail:

E-Mail der DKB zur Vollmacht

Then the authorized person – depending on what you have ordered – gets the access data, PINs and cards by mail. In the case of my domestic help, it is the Gircocard and the Visa Card.


Do you want to start?

Perhaps for later: change/delete the authorization

What we set up today, can be valid forever – but it does not have to be like that. Being the account holder, you can change or delete an authorization for your account by yourself within the online banking.

For this purpose, you log into the online banking system and go to Service in the main menu and then to Vollmachten (authorized persons). Everything else is self-explainatory:

DKB Vollmacht ändern


Are welcome as always through the comments feature at the end of this page.

Further tips for you (if you have opened another account, as I did)

Setup of standing orders

I set up the standing order with the estimated amount of the monthly consumption through my domestic help. If she uses less, then there will remain some balance in the account – If she uses more, the overdraft facility will be used. A standing order can be changed at any time.

Here an older, however still valid video for you:

If you have set up the authorization to your only or main current account, then you can skip this point. The next as well.

Rename the account

Depending on how many accounts and cards you already have at the DKB, it is meaningful to give it an easily identifiable (suitable) name. Such as in this example:

DKB Konten umbenannt

How can I change the name of accounts?

You receive the anwer – as I did – from Sebastian of our community:

DKB Konto umbenennen

I am very thankful for the smart community that has developed on DeutschesKonto.ORG in the past 6 years. I highly estimate the exchange with each other. It is absolutely an added value.

Moreover, I am glad to see Sebastian and some others on the day of publication of this article on our Spezial-Event zu Hochdividendenaktien (special event for high dividend shares) again.

At the same time, I want to heartly thank everyone from our community, who commit themselves through the comments feature at questions, answers and experience reports. Simply great!

Interesting questions and answers

What requirements are there for an authorized person?

Only that the person must be older than 18 years. It is your responsibility to choose who you grant access to your account.

Why do I not just transfer to the private account of my domestic help?

This is unpractical and requires a cumbersome accounting. I want to spare me and her from this effort.

Moreover, she would use her private account for business use, which is not allowed with every bank. Additionally, not every domestic help has an own private credit card.

Further questions?

You know this already: comments feature at the end of this page! Thanks. 🙂

Why did I get a domestic help?

I have promised to give you the answer in the beginning of the article and here it is: beginning of this month, I was on a Mastermind with Rolf Kipp and one sentence has caught my attention:

Do nothing that someone else can do for you (and better).

I have done this in the past too, however, since this moment I think more often during my daily actions, whether someone would be willing to bear them for me?

This is very very good for our society!

If even more people implement this thought, then a whole bunch of small and big jobs are created. I suppose also many new companies. And the people, who search and find discharge, have then timely ressources to take care of other important things. For example, their personal ascent, which is the reason to gather in our achiever training.

A first step can be getting help at continuous tasks, which you do not really want to do yourself. Someone else could even like to do this task, just like the domestic help in my case.

So that all this works financially efficient, you now have this instruction and little by little a nice information and experience pool through the comments feature.

This article can be shared and recommended in social media. Heartly thanks!

Further articles about the DKB

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Who writes here?

Someone who gained experience with more than 100 banks in more than 20 countries during the past 15 years. My name is Gregor and if you click to continue you can find out why I am here and what this site is for ⇒ continue.

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