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The Smart Bank Customer Guide 2016/17

the smart bank customer guide

This guide has been written for our loyal subscribers (Sunday e-mail), to provide you with added value, apart from the weekly blog articles, videos and background pages.

The Smart Bank Customer Guide 2016/17 interconnects the summary of several current developments with the question on which providers we will use for our future payment transactions (banking).


  • Banks / Current Accounts (Page 2)
  • E-Money Institutions (Page 6)
  • Account Abroad (Page 9)
  • Securities Account (Page 10)
  • Cash (Page 11)
  • Loans (Page 12)
  • Important Note (Page 13)
  • Imprint (Page 14)

With its 14 pages, it is deliberately written in a concise manner.

Download here(approx. 1.1 MB)

Due to the conciseness and the constant new developments of offerings, technology, usage habits, legal and political framework, the Guide can only be incomplete. It is up to us to expand and supplement it via the comments feature, until the updated issue of next year will be published, which will be made available in a summary form for all readers here.

We thank you for your time that you spend on DeutschesKonto.ORG and for the great commitment of many, many readers (e.g. tips, comments, guest posts, research, recommendations, etc.)!

Gregor and Family Janecke

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Someone who gained experience with more than 100 banks in more than 20 countries during the past 15 years. My name is Gregor and if you click to continue you can find out why I am here and what this site is for ⇒ continue.

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