12 important facts about the N26 account
Perhaps you got to this site, because you are still not sure whether the account of Number26 is for you …

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I promise: at the end of this page, you will know, if you will open the account or not!
#1 Minimum age and place of residence
Anyone, who has already celebrated the 18th birthday, can become a regular customer at number26.
Currently, the shipping of the MasterCard is only possible to German and Austrian addresses. This means that you have to either live in Germany or Austria or provide credibly an address in these countries, where you can receive the card.
#2 Nationality
The nationality of the account holder does not matter.
However, the challenge is the compliant legitimating using foreign ID-cards or passports.
#3 Legitimating
Each bank has to identify its clients without doubt at the account opening. At number26, two methods are available:
- Video call (the app ID-Now is downloaded and the video call consumes an average of around 50 megabytes)
- PostIdent (possible at any branch office of the German post)
The video call can be done right after the online account opening, so that the account can actually be completely opened within minutes. Moreover, this method is ideal, if you are currently staying abroad.
The PostIdent procedure is the alternative for a bad Internet connection, since the connection has to be very good and stable during the video transmission.
#4 Schufa or No Schufa?
Number26 is a credit account. You can only dispose of money, which was paid in advance. You can never go into the red and thus never pay expensive lending rates.
That is why neither the Schufa (credit investigation company) will be queried when opening an account, nor the current account be registered at the Schufa.
The account of number26 can be opened with any creditworthiness rating (even at a “negative Schufa“). It is “schufa-free”!
Addition 3/2016: At the account opening as a credit account, there is still no creditworthiness check, but Number26 prompts the permission at the account opening to Exchange data with the Schufa.
#5 Charges and Fees
There are neither charges nor fees.
The account opening, the account use (including unlimited transfers), the app, the MasterCard and cash withdrawals are free of charge. Actually, everything is free of charge, as there is no price list.
#6 Cash withdrawals
Withdrawing cash is free of charge at any ATM that accepts MasterCard.
In some countries, like the USA or Thailand, ATMs charge fees. This has nothing to do with number26.
#7 MasterCard
The account automatically includes a MasterCard. It is a prepaid credit card. This means: if money is on the current account, one can go shopping with the MasterCard or withdraw cash from ATMs. If the account has no funds, the card does not work. As simple as that.
The MasterCard will be sent to you immediately after the account opening. On average, new customers of number26 receive their MasterCard already on the second day after opening an account.
#8 Interest
There is no interest: neither interest on credit, nor on overdraft (as this is not possible with a credit account).
Number26 openly admits that they earn money as a supplier through the difference in interest. In the current low interest phase, this cannot be a lot.
#9 Deposit Guarantee
Your account balance at number26 is safe.
It is secured by the legal deposit insurance in the amount of Euros 100,000 per person and account.
Additionally, there is a voluntary deposit guarantee in millions – again, per customer and per account – through the Federal Association of German Banks.
#10 International transfer
It is possible to transfer money free of charge, but currently only within SEPA countries and in the currency Euro. You can see the countries that belong to SEPA here: List of countries.
#11 Smartphone
Yes, Number26 was developed especially for Smartphone users. You can open and use the account completely without a computer. However, online banking is more convenient, if you have to enter payment data, such as the long IBAN.
Compared to other banking apps, the app of number26 is super comfortable and well thought out.
#12 Finished?
No. Number26 is a FinTech. This means, it is an innovative company of the financial service sector. At the same time, innovative means not completely developed. However, it is already working well.
Number26 can be used as a current account since January 2015. An international team works in Berlin on the further development of the app and online banking. For example, in spring 2015, the strongly demanded option of standing orders by the first-time users has been programmed.
Soon, the MasterCard will be supplemented by a Girocard – known to most people as a debit card. Additionally, one is currently working on an English version of the app.
You see: Number26 further develops and will be even better than today. If you want to participate in this development and perhaps even submit proposals for improvement, then start the account opening today.
It is completely free! However, it will enrich you by modern banking experiences and possibly even simplify your banking life bit by bit.
Editors became fans of number26
With this article, we include number26 as a German app provider with a German bank in the background (Wirecard Bank AG in Bavarian Aschheim near Munich) officially in our exclusive list of “observed banks”.
That means for you: You can look forward to further detailed reports and above all, to practical instructions for the optimal use of account and card.
Before you open your own account, please read these main facts:
- modern free current account specifically for Smartphone users
- free MasterCard; credit limit = account balance
- free cash withdrawals from any ATM worldwide that accepts MasterCard and does not charge own fees
- Schufa-free account, no query – no entry
- account opening within a few minutes online through online application and legitimating through video call (alternatively PostIdent).
“Start the account opening now”
Do you have questions?
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Thanks for the info! This bank has not even one physical branch, as I understand? How somehow withdraw a large amount (say €10.000) without transferring it to another bank (and take out cash there)? I guess taking it out on an ATM is not very easy (without spending several days on the process and possibly drawing attention to possible misuse of the card)…
If you are planning on withdrawing large amounts like 10.000 EUR more often, Number26 might not be the right banking partner for that – that we have to concede. I guess the main target group for this bank is more with people who often pay with their card and occasionally want to withdraw cash in the amount of up to 999 EUR. This cash you can withdraw worldwide at international ATMs and at more than 6.000 super market cashiers in Germany.
Thanks for the info. I can I just ask for clarification on a couple of things:
1. the 999 Euro limit you mention – is that a daily or monthly limit?
2. Is there a limit to card transactions (either number of uses or euro per month)
3. If I live, say, in France, or Spain, or Italy, do I run the risk of being seen as a tax evader by having a “foreign” account?
The limit for a deposit is EUR 999, and the limit for cash withdrawals is EUR 999 per day and a limit of EUR 300 cash withdrawal per transaction at a cash register.
Currently, there is a monthly limit of EUR 20,000 for cash withdrawal additional EUR 20,000 for payments with the card. You can adjust these limits to a lower level in the settings of your app.
Opinions (regarding your tax-related question) are often shaped by politics, and as a portal for clever banking, we cannot say anything about that.
But the facts are: The account is interest-free and not connected with assets/investments like a savings account or an investment portfolio. Therefore this account cannot generate capital income. (It is usually the non-reporting of foreign capital income to the tax authorities that becomes a critical aspect). Through the account alone you cannot evade taxes (except su-per-rich in countries like France that have a wealth tax).
In addition, many governments of the world have agreed to automatically exchange bank customer data.
We believe, that in the European Union it will soon be completely normal to have a bank ac-count in another member state. Especially SEPA and the transnational offers of inexpensive or free direct banks encourage this trend.
But if you do not feel good about having such a bank account in Germany, don’t open one yet. You can wait instead for them to get more established 🙂
Hi Gregor
Many thanks. – very useful info. As you said, I might just wait a while & ask around where I live about the tax question.
Thanks again & have a good one!
Thank you for all of the information. I am an EU student currently studying in Germany, and will be starting a job here soon. I have yet to open a ‘regular’ bank account (Hapspa, PostBank, etc) and was wondering if the NUMBER26 account can be used by employers to pay / transfer my wages?
Thanks in advance!
Yes, that is right! It works wonderful 🙂
Thanks (:
i understood that it’s not possible to send money out of sepa for free, but is it possible with an extra charge? and if it possible so how much do you charge?
and the 2nd question is, the fact that the bank dont give a negative credit makes the bank more “safe” in the long run ? or what.
thank you, max.
and if transferwise dont support my currency so i cannot transfer money abroad?
is there another option?
Account in Spain
Can I only transfer money to my N26 from my own bank account or can it also be send by friends, family or companies?
Any experience if I can send money from my Spanish PayPal account to my Spanish N26 account?
Incoming transfers can be made by anyone. The name does not matter.
Maybe somebody else can say something about Paypal, as this is not my specialty 😉
I have a question concerning checks. Is it possible to create a system where checks can be deposited on the bank account via scan and digital signature? I was thinking of how when the post office delivers a package you sign digitally. Can this same concept be used for checks or is this too much of a risk?
P.S. I just opened an account in France and I love this app for its simplicity and how there is no risk of getting into credit debt! Great for those of us who like to have discipline I our spending.
Hi Gregor,
You mention the deposit limit is 999 euro but what if I get paid a salary of €3000 per month, how is this affected? Can this deposit be paid?
Hi Kieran,
That limit only refers to cash deposits, which you e.g. do at a super market cash register. Transfers from an account to your account (as in salary) are not a problem – I think the current limit for those are ja, richtig. Überweisungen sind wohl täglich in Höhe von 25000 Euro.
Vielen Dank
I am working in many different countries for short term contracts and so far I always had to open up new bank accounts were my salary could be transferred too.
How is this with N26. If I am in Canada or the UK, this would still be an international money transfer, with additional costs, my employer would have to do to transfer money on that account
Number26 is not the best option in your case. It is not possible to get money in CAD or GBP on this account.
Yup . I just completed my 3 months with number26 account and I got €1500 overdraft credit line 🙂 i love it
Hi guys,
I’m a British citizen about to move to Germany permanently. I’m employed by a UK based company and will be paid monthly, in GBP, into my UK bank account, which will need to be transferred monthly to a German account.
My questions are, will Number26 suit this purpose? What are the fees involved? Is it possible for my employer, who can only pay in GBP, to pay directly into a Number26 account each month without charges?
Many thanks.
Hi Dave Dean,
N26 is a EURO account only – so money transfers in GBP can not be credited to a N26 account … and would be automatically sent back to the sender. N26 is not the right account for you!
Hi Dave,
I currently work in the UK and get paid into a UK account but transfer my salary via ‘Transferwise’ to my euro account, It is very reasonable, they only charge 1 or 2 pounds per transaction and give you the rate as of that day for the exchange. Could be an option for you? I find it very useful for my situation.
Hi Kieran, thanks for the reply. How long does Transferwise typically take to transfer funds from one account to another?
From my own experience it has always transferred on the same working day if done before noon or else the next working day if done after. I spend my time equally between Germany and the UK but get my salary in GBP so that is why I quite often need the funds in a euro account also.
Awesome, thanks. Who do you bank with in Germany and the UK, out of interest? If Transferwise handle the exchange, I assume there’s no charge from either bank?
RBS in UK and Sparkasse Bremen in Germany but looking to get an N26 soon as they do not charge a monthly fee, no charge from bank, Transfer wise simply take 1 or 2 pound depending on the amount you transfer and handle the rest.
Sorry, it wouldn’t let me reply to your last message – I guess there’s a limit to nested replies.
So Sparkasse Bremen charge a monthly fee simply for having the account? Is that common with German banks?
Susanne here says that N26 isn’t suitable for this sort of thing – surely you can use Transferwise to exchange the currency from sterling to euro and move from, in your case RBS to N26?
Sorry for all the questions – I move in a week and want to have a clear idea of my options.
Thanks again.
Hi Susanne, thanks for the reply. So there’s no way to transfer funds from one currency to another? I thought N26 had a partnership with Transferwise, who specialise in this Surrey of thing?
Sort, not Surrey, sorry.
Can it be used like a normal account in that you get your work to pay your salary there?
Yes, that’s possible, but currently it’s not recommended.
Thanks for the reply. Why isn’t that recommended?
Would also be interested to know the reasons. Can you please elaborate on why it is not currently recommended?
Within how many days can I expect to receive the card? In the article, 2 days are indicated. I have received a letter by post, where a 3 weeks waiting period is stated. I am already waiting since 12 days. My colleagues say that if the card does not arrive within 2 weeks, I will have to order another card. Please tell me what to do.
Yes, correct. When I opened my account back then, the card really arrived in only 2 days.
At that time, there was no rush on N26 yet.
Today, this bank is very well known and every day, thousands of people apply for a new account. Delivery periods of 2-3 weeks can happen. If the card is not there after 3 weeks, please contact the customer service directly through the app. Good luck.
Hello. How do I check my account balance on the card or any ATM machine without the mobile app ?
N26 does not operate any ATMs of their own, and the German banking system is not designed to show account balances at third-party ATMs. In contrast to most startup banks, N26 has a browser interface. You can log into the account on a regular computer without using the app.
Hello 👋🏾 is it possible to create a bank account on N26 and still give your card to a loaner? What about the person saying he or she wants to configure some settings on your account and card?
Literally posting the card to the loaner to configure and claim of posting it back to the owner of the card or loan receiver.
A friend is currently waiting for the loaner to return the card. What’s the risk involved?
Could this loaner have another awkward mindset?
What could possibly happen?
The account was zero money when the loaner asked the main user he wants to configure
i’m trying to open a N26 account but having difficulty
I live in Spain mainly but pay Tax in the UK, I was told this was ok by one of their advisors but when it comes to the section asking where i’m tax liable I change it to UK (as i’ve put a Spanish address in in defaults to Spain)and then there is a box that says ‘National Insurance number (optional) ‘ so I have tried it by putting it in and not and it takes me to the final page but way but when I click finalise it keeps taking me backto the “where are you tax liable’ page
any clues ?
I want to transfer Euros from my N26 account to my Swiss account in Euros. Can this be done directly or do I need to use transferwise?
I do not know the conditions of the Swiss bank for exchanging incoming Euros. Personally, I would always – and actually do – transfer money directly via TransferWise abroad. N26 has now integrated TransferWise into the app. Maybe it’s easier, but I’ve never used it myself.
Hi I like to know the limits I’m getting payment from my client based in uk via BACS what is the maximum limit I can receive the payments in gbp from my uk clients, What’s the limit to pay my staff wages etc.
Please advise
I just need to know about the limit on recieving & sending payment all in uk
Thank you
Hello, im from the Netherlands… somebody from US want to send money from his savings account to my N26 card and want me to send it back to US again… (he claims he doesn’t have access to his money, (military at base) but when he send it to my N26 card and I send it back again, he has access?) what can go wrong here?? Does it sound like fishing or scamming or maybe money laundry?
He also give me the option to send that money to a bitcoin account or something? Am I in trouble when I work with him and send that money?
Well, did you receive the request from an unknown person by e-mail? You know what I mean :). Enjoy the beautiful things by N26. But yes, technically you can transfer cheaply, directly from the account to a US bank account (routing number + account number required).
Hi, I still don’t know if this bank is for me ^^ I need to know if I can send money to this bank from a bank abroad, out of Europe. I see lots of info about how to transfer from the N26 to another bank, but not to receive money to the N26 from a bank abroad (out of Europe).
Yes, N26 is actually not that clear about it. They like to refer to the integrated interface to Wise when it comes to international payments. Obviously, N26 is still a pure euro bank without its own connection to international payments. For us smart banking customers, this is not a challenge, as we prefer transfer service providers anyway because they are cheaper, faster and more secure than the old SWIFT system. Here, a Wise-Konto is my personal first choice.