Thank you for being „on board“!
First of all, I am keeping my promise:
- New: The Smart Bank Customer Guide 2016/17 ⇒ go to the download page
- DKB-video course ⇒ Overview of the lessons (currently in the translation process)
All other internal contents are available in German language. This is due to the fact that this has been a solely German-language web portal during the first years.
You will receive the monthly e-mails of course, in English language!
Internal contents (in German language):
- Online seminar ⇒ Aufzeichnungen ansehen / Overview
- Direct path to the “secret pages” ⇒ Reise-Übersicht / Journey-overview (German)
- Practical emergency card ⇒ Download here
- You will receive the automatic updates, as well as the invitations to theme events via e-mail (as long as you want)
- Download of the reports:
- Sparbuch-Sonderreport / Savings book Special report (0,9 MB)
- Tagesgeld- und Inflation / Call money and inflation (1,1 MB)
- Wie man der Inflationsfalle entkommt! – 2. Auflage / How to escape the inflation trap! – 2nd edition (1,1 MB)
- 4 fatale Irrtümer über die Inflation / 4 fatal mistakes about inflation (0,5 MB)
- Die 3 teuersten Fehler beim Edelmetallkauf / The 3 most expensive mistakes, when buying precious metal (0,7 MB)
- Konten-System zur finanziellen Freiheit / Account system to financial freedom (0,7 MB)
- Langversionen von Videoclips / Long versions of video clips
… and the thing with the golden community card (Fan-Card). We still have to work hard to achieve this goal. Perhaps we can do it with your help?
Ideas, suggestions, criticism? Please post your comment on the bottom of this page. I am looking forward to your opinion, many thanks!
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