Comparison with many important details

DKB or Gebührenfrei MasterCard Gold?

The DKB Visa Card is not ideal for 100 % of people. The biggest point of critique is the parallel opening of a current account, even though it is completely free of charge.

But is a solely credit card really better?

It depends on your personal usage behaviour and on what is important for you. Please use the following – detailed – comparison to make your personal decision!

Comparison of the most important details:
DKB Visa Card versus Gebührenfrei MasterCard Gold

DKB Visa Card
DKB Visa Card
Gebührenfrei MasterCard Gold
Gebührenfrei MasterCard Gold
Annual fee Free of charge!
Opening of a connected current account? yes
(free of charge)
Application online online
Credit line
initial credit line
(immediately after the card application)
Euros 100 up to 1,000 Euros 50 up to 5,000
maximum credit line Euros 15,000
(up to 3-times the salary transfer)
Euros 10,000
(according to the individual use)
Can the credit line be increased by deposits/transfers? yes
(up to millions is possible)
Credit card payment
free for payments in Euros free of charge
fee for payments in foreign currencies free of charge
This is a big difference to almost all other credit cards. Usually, a foreign transaction fee in the amount of 1–3 per cent applies!
Cash supply
Every ATM around the globe that accepts the Visa or MasterCard free of charge
Every bank counter around the globe that accepts the Visa or MasterCard 3 % fee of the withdrawal amount free of charge
Foreign currency exchange fee free of charge
interest-free period
for card payments until the 22nd of the following month
(up to 4 weeks)
until the 20th of the following month or the second following month
(up to 7 weeks)
for cash withdrawals
Loan interest
… if one cleverly complies with all conditions … 0 per cent
for card payments 6.90 % from the day of the settlement with the current account (overdraft facility interest rate) 19.94 % from the day of the card transaction
(only at the use of the partial payment function)
for cash withdrawals 22.90 % from the day of the withdrawal
How to avoid the loan interest? having enough balance in the current account from the day of the settlement (22nd of the month) transferring 100 % of the card transaction until the due date (20th of the month) or transferring the money of cash withdrawals at the day of withdrawal
Service and extras for smart bank customers
telephone customer service yes
Mon–Sun around the clock
emergency card within 48 hours worldwide yes
(free of charge)
Emergency cash (immediate pick-up possible at Western Union) yes
(3 % counter fees)
Online vault (for important documents) yes
(free of charge)
Insurance package yes:
Travel cancellation cost insurance
travel health insurance including return transport
travel accident insurance
travel liability insurance
travel luggage insurance
transport accident insurance
Card application
Place of residence Germany, Austria, Switzerland + German expats Germany, Austria (►
Apply for the credit card: Link to Bank
Link to Bank
Please give me feedback through the comments feature about which credit card you decided for. Also the reason. This way, we can tackle the smart use (tips + tricks) in following articles better.
Many thanks for choosing DeutschesKonto.ORG for your research!

Voices from our community

Gebührenfrei MasterCard Gold:

“At the MasterCard Gold, I have received a credit line of Euros 3,000 within a few months and this at an apprenticeship pay of only Euros 300.”
Johannes Sattler from Vienna


“After the credit card settlement, I have 2 ½ weeks time to transfer the money and everything remains nicely interest and fee-free.”
Susanne von Dobschütz from Augsburg

DKB Visa Card:

“From the application for the DKB credit card until the shipping of the card/PIN etc., it only took 12 days.”
Steffi Staffbull


“I am absolutely satisfied and the card is a real show-off with its new design.”
Oliver Rosenow from Dortmund


Read further and more detailed ► feedbacks about the DKB.

Do you also want to provide feedback or tips?

You can leave your feedback about the DKB Visa Card or the Gebührenfrei MasterCard Gold through the comments feature at the end of the article or exchange tips and tricks with other smart bank customers.

I am truly looking forward to your supplements, many thanks!

Editorial: tips on the usage of the credit cards

Let’s take a look at the core issues of the respective credit card first:

  • Gebührenfrei MasterCard Gold of the Advanzia Bank

    Withdrawing cash is indeed free of charge, but the charge of the interest starts already at the day of withdrawal and the loan interest rate of the Advanzia Bank is among the most expensives of Germany.

    Tip: Avoid cash withdrawals with the card or immediately transfer the withdrawn amount from the current account to the credit card account, so that you only pay the interest for up to one day. According to the information of the provider, it is not possible to park balance on the credit card (if amounts are considerably beyond the loan balance, then they are transferred back).

  • DKB Visa Card

    To get a higher credit line, it is necessary that the salary transfer is arranged to be transferred the automatically opened current account. Alternatively, one can transfer money to the current account and internally transfer it to the credit card, so virtually recharge the Visa Card.

How the settlement at the Mastercard Gold works

At the 3rd of every month, you receive a bill of all credit card transactions, as well as the overview of your maximum possible credit line, the free credit line, the already taken amount, as well as the payment terms.

So that people, who are not yet customers, know how that looks like, I embed a screenshot with explanations:

Rückzahlung bei der Mastercard Gold

Easily comprehensive and implementable, isn’t it?

At the DKB, the full amount is automatically settled with the DKB current account.

The truly smart thing about the respective credit cards:

  • Advanzia MasterCard

    Building the credit line through the card use – MasterCard Gold

    How is it possible that an apprentice with a monthly salary of only Euros 300 is granted a credit line of Euros 3,000? Well, he has “trained” the credit line.

    How this works: Pay the bill (credit card settlement) of the first 2 to 3 months always on time. You will automatically receive a higher limit. The limit can be increased in several rounds. You receive the information monthly with every settlement.

    The more intensive you use the card and still remain reliable, the more your credit line will increase. Partial payments are also completely okay – as the bank earns through them –, but please always 3 per cent on time, but at least transfer Euros 30 until the 20th of the month as a compensation to the credit card account.

    A maximum of Euros 10,000 credit line is possible completely without a salary transfer and depending on the creditworthiness query even completely without a proof of salary or other documents. The actual use of the card is what matters most!

  • DKB Visa Card

    Withdrawing cash interest and fee-free around the globe – DKB Visa Card

    Being a DKB-customer, you will never experience that the bank charges you costs for the withdrawing at the ATM. No matter which ATM you use, nor whether it is in Germany or abroad.

    This is meaningful especially on journeys, because amounts that you withdraw in a foreign currency are automatically calculated using the favourable DKB exchange rate. With this, you save every kind of exchange charges, because the foreign exchange rate does not apply at the DKB.

    Moreover, all cash withdrawals are interest-free until the automatic settlement with the DKB current account! Virtually a short interest-free cash loan.

What is elegible for you?

I am really looking forward to read in the comments feature how you use or want to use the two here compared credit cards. A heartly thanks!

Can you combine the DKB and Advanzia Bank?

Yes! This is even an outstandingly great idea:

  • This way, you will have a Visa as well as a MasterCard.
  • Both do not cause you any costs completely indepent of the transactions.
  • You should tendentially withdraw cash with the DKB Visa Card – if an ATM should not accept this card, then you switch to the MasterCard (this happens at a few ATMs of the Sparkasse in Germany).
  • You book journeys through the MasterCard Gold in order to benefit from the many travel and health insurances.
  • With two cards that supplement each other very well, you perhaps do not need to take advantage of the emergency service (which is provided by both) – but you can do it!

Are you ready to start and meaningfully supplement your card portfolio?

Detailed video for you

Links to the credit cards ► or
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Someone who gained experience with more than 100 banks in more than 20 countries during the past 15 years. My name is Gregor and if you click to continue you can find out why I am here and what this site is for ⇒ continue.

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