Are you a point-collector?

AMEX Payback in Germany: Is it smart to take the points?

On this page, you will find out in detail, why the American Express Payback Card obviously is a good credit card for smart bank customers.

You will learn the advantages and disadvantages of the card and find out at the end of the article, why it is meaningful to collect the Payback-points.

Amex Payback Card

I personally eagerly collect the Payback-points since several years in order to exchange them into shopping vouchers or cash. As I make a lot of my purchases online, I knew that I would get even a lot more points with the Amex Payback without great effort. It has been especially rewarding for me to submit the card as a means of payment on Amazon and PayPal.

The advantages of the card

  • The American Express Payback Card unifies a collecting and payment card. You can collect points and redeem coupons at all Payback-partners with the card as used to.

    Payback-partners are for example Aral, DM, REWE, Galeria Kaufhof, Alnatura and +650 further ones.

    Moreover, you can additionally make points through purchases that do not even take place at Payback-partners. You receive 1 °P per 2 Euros card transaction and on top, the regular points of the Payback-partners.

  • Through the notification service, you can get informed about every transaction, free of charge by SMS or e-mail.

  • You permanently do not pay an annual fee.

  • You can apply for an also free additional card with which one can also collect points. However, note that all payments with the additional card will be debited from the main card account.

  • With the American Express Payback Card, you profit from a extended right of exchange. You can return online and offline purchases for 90 days.

    The insured sum for that is Euros 300 per case of damage, per year up to Euros 1,200. The product value must be at least Euros 30, so that the insurance will take care.

  • Contactless payment: at merchants and service providers, who offer this service, you can pay smaller amounts up to Euros 25 contactless, without PIN and without signature.

American Express Payback card order 1

As you surely know, not every card is equally well-suited for every use.

However, this does not matter, because if you know the strengths and weaknesses of the different cards, then you have a suitable solution for every case.

The disadvantages of the card

  • For withdrawing cash, the card is not ideal. For every withdrawal, a charge in the amount of 4 %, but at least Euros 5 applies.

  • Additionally, at cash withdrawals outside the EU, a foreign transaction fee in the amount of 2 % applies. So, in order to get cash, smart bank customers should prefer to use the cards of the DKB.

For what can you use the collected points?

Do you want to save at your purchases?

Besides the possibility of redeeming ones points in the Reward Shop, it is a good idea to get a shopping voucher.

You can print or submit them for redeeming directly at the terminals at the PAYBACK Service Point in the branch offices.

Amex Payback Points redeem

For the Payback-partner REWE, you can also let your points be converted into a shopping voucher online. The redeemed points will be submitted digitally as balance onto your Payback Card. The balance will then be used automatically at your next REWE-purchase for payment. This works in the branch office as well as at the REWE-delivery service. Eventually, the remaining balance will stay on the card until the next purchase.

… or do you prefer cash?

Already from 200 points, you can get paid cash to your bank account. This feature is a little hidden. For it, go to the following page and log in:

Then you can choose, how many points you want to redeem and to which bank account you want to get the transfer.

Perhaps you want to use this additional income to accelerate your asset building?

Amex Payback Points redeem 2

How you can fly with the Payback-points

If you are a miles-collector, then you won’t be neglected by the Payback Amex.

From 200 collected points, you can convert these into Miles & More bonus miles in the ratio 1:1.

We would love to read from you in the comments area to which destination you could fly with your collected points.

Amex Payback Points redeem 3

Donate points

Many successful persons donate a part of their income to charity organizations. With Payback, you have the possibility to donate you points without having to diminish your bank account balance.

An overview to which organizations you can donate, you can find on this page.

Do you have any questions or are you ready for the next step now?

If you want to know how easy the application for the American Express Payback is, then open the link in order to follow the step-by-step instructions (German).

Ready for the opening?

Goal for the next 12 months

My personal goal for the next 12 months is to earn Euros 300 with the American Express Payback Card.

Euros 300 per year!

Of course I do that in a manner, so that I do not spend more money than necessary. This would not be smart.

However I will use the card very deliberately wherever possible.

If this sounds like a good idea to you, then write me.

Willingly stating a goal of how much money you want to get refunded through Amex or, if you already have the Payback Card, how much you have already received within the past 12 months.

I would also be grateful for tips on how to get more points even faster.

We can gladly forward this information or one will read it publicly through the comments feature.

Many thanks for your support!

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Who writes here?

Stefanie helps platinum members with opening and setting up accounts. Her step by step tutorials can be read and commented.

39 Responses to “AMEX Payback in Germany: Is it smart to take the points?”

  1. Markus says:

    Hi, I applied this card after reading your article. Works great, but I can’t register or log in on Is this normal? I contacted AMEX but there is no reply.

    • Stefanie says:

      Hello Markus,

      to use the collected points you can register your card on this site:

      For the registration you need your payback number, which you find of the backside of your Amex Card.

      • Markus says:

        It doesn’t work. Die eingegebene Kundennummer ist ungültig. Sie darf nur Ziffern enthalten und muss 10-stellig sein.

        I can see ‘Monatlicher Punktestand’ if I check the credit card bill. The PAYBACK Kundennummer is listed there, I just can’t register it. No idea what’s going on.

        • Stefanie says:

          Hello Markus,

          if the payback number is correct, I can´t tell what´s the matter. It should be the best, if you call the Payback Support. Here´s the number: (+49) 089 / 540 20 80 20

          It could be interesting for the next readers, how they solved your request.

  2. Abhi says:

    Thanks for your article Stefanie. Quick question, do we earn miles or payback points for any online transfers?

  3. Adnan says:

    How do you load money to your Amex card? And if you don’t have money in your Amex payback card can you still purchase something, I mean will it automatically take money from your bank account? Or you have to load money in Amex payback card?

    • Stefanie says:

      Hello Adnan,

      you can’t load the Amex Payback Card. You get a monthly invoice and the amount will be withdrawn from your bank account.

  4. Mackle says:

    If someone already has an Amex that collects Amex Reward Points, are there any benefits to PayBack points?

    I’ve moved to Germany with an existing Amex charge card that I pay off each month, so was wondering if a PayBack card was worth looking at.

    • Stefanie says:

      Hello Mackle,

      that depends on, how you want to redeem the points. Maybe it would be a good idea, to compare both reward systems. Then you will know, which card fits better for your shopping behavior.

      If you decide to use both: it’s also possible to transfer the Amex Reward Points to Payback.

  5. Pol says:

    Hi, does anybody know if I need a German bank account to get the American Express from Payback?
    I have been trying to request it since yesterday but I always get an error message (I am trying with the IBAN and BCI codes of my Spanish bank account…).

  6. Jim says:


    I read your instructions on how to apply for this AmEx Payback and looks like either PostIdent/WebID is required? I have done IDNow (similar to WebID I presumed) when I opened my German bank account last year, so I assume I am able to do this with my U.S. passport (and no questions asked?) I do have a German address (and a German-based bank account).

    Vielen Dank!


  7. Mahin says:

    Hi, I already have amex card and (previously existing) payback account. Is it possible to link them together?

  8. Norma says:

    Hello, I already have the card and am now on holidays in Italy. My question is: Can I make purchases and payments with my Payback Amex card without an extra fee? Since it’s in the same currency and all. Thanks in advance, Norma

  9. Vasili says:

    Hi there, I have received my payback card and have already activated it. I haven’t made any transaction yet, however and given that I have never had an AMEX before, could someone tell me how can I connect my personal savings account to my amex card or what is the most common way to pay the credit card bills once they are issued? Thanks!

    • Stefanie says:

      Hello Vasili,

      in the application process, you have confirmed with the “Sepa-Lastschriftmandat” that the payments will be debited from your bank account.

      • Vasili says:

        Hi Stefanie,

        I receiver an e-mail by amex a couple of days after I posted here, verifying exactly what your answer states! Had totally forgotten that I had provided them with bank account details. Thanks a lot!


  10. Valeh says:

    How much is the credit limit?

    • Richard Banks says:

      It depends on your personal credit rating. However, AMEX does not officially provide any information. It is an internal ranking. With a bank report you can have it increased. I once had 20,000 euros granted because I went travelling abroad.

  11. Jim says:

    Hallo Stefanie, I just got this Amex Payback card, and wondering if proper usage of this card would help with my SCHUFA credit rating? I understand there is a direct debit built into this Amex account (so money taken out from my IBAN when I receive an invoice), so not sure if this would constitute a good way to build my SCHUFA rating. This would be my very first ever ‘credit card’ in Germany – have a Debit Mastercard from N26 already etc.

    Vielen Dank!

  12. Masooma says:


    I have a question: How do you connect your old Payback card with your Payback American Express credit card? is it even possible?
    My Payback card Kundennummer is different from my AE credit card Payback number. Does this mean i have to get rid of my old payback and register using the new one?

  13. Abdelhafez says:

    Hi Stephanie,
    I see Payback points on AMEX app but they are not on Payback app. How could it be added automatically from AMEX to Payback?

  14. Mihaela says:

    Hey! Can I use this card as payment online!? For shopping or as mastercard payment!?Thank you 🙂

  15. Anh says:

    Hi Steffi,
    How to set autopayment for the AMEX card so you dont have to pay late fee. Thanks!

    • Stefanie says:

      Hi Anh,

      in the application process, you have confirmed with the “Sepa-Lastschriftmandat” that the payments will automatically be debited from your bank account.

  16. Vasili says:

    Hi there, I have been using the payback AMEX for a while now and I have collected about 5K points. Any suggestion about what to do with the points? Are you aware of any good deal if, for instance, you collect 10K points or so?


  17. Silvia says:

    Hi Steffi,

    Thank you for your article! I have two questions, please.
    1. Can I change the “Sepa-Lastschriftmandat” from a bank account to another bank account online? How?
    2. How to create a bank transfer order online? I don’t see the option “payment” after login?

    Thank you

    • Stefanie says:

      Hello Silvia,

      here are the answers:
      1.) You can change the bank details by clicking on “Contact” in the logged-in area to send an email with a request to change the bank details.
      2.) You can pay your invoice by bank transfer or by direct debit.
      If you have not set up automatic direct debit for your credit card, please use the following bank details for bank transfer:

      Deutsche Bank
      IBAN: DE05500700100095599700

      Please include your card number as a reference when making the transfer.

  18. Joezlle says:


    I recently have this Card and Im curious if the payment would be divided into like months or they deduct it the next month after the purchase?


    • Stefanie says:

      Hello, there are no partial payments with the card. The full amount is collected with the next statement.

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